First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 227


Chapter 227 The Terror of Passing Through the Darkness (Third Update)
This An unusual night.

The Xiao Family expert who came out in full force, together with the dispatched army, knocked on the door of almost all residents overnight.

In the face of the cold soldiers, even the most stabbed people dare not stop them and let them go in and search.

A major event has occurred.

Such thoughts appeared in the hearts of every resident who was brutally searched in their homes.

"One of the fourth young masters of Qing State, Xiao Family Xiao Qingfeng, was killed in his manor last night!"

Before dawn, a shocking news was in spread out across the city.

For a while, the whole city was in an uproar.

With a heavy palm, the desk shattered.

"Who is it?! Who is it?!"

Pacing back and forth, Xiao Changbing was furious, and his murderous intention was rolling.

The servants serving all around and the soldiers who came to report did not dare to speak, keep quiet out of fear.

"I didn't find it, I didn't find it! How can someone so big still be able to run?!"

Xiao Changbing almost vomited blood.

He never dreamed that Xiao Qingfeng would actually die in his own manor, without even a quarter of an hour before and after, you died?
Such a martial arts is also worthy of being an Eldest Young Master?
Not even worthy to lift shoes for Chu Tianyi!

He roared inwardly, but he didn't dare to say it out loud. He could only pace back and forth in a very irritable manner. Every time someone came back, he would rush up to ask.

Unfortunately, he didn't get the slightest bit of news until it was bright.

The murderer who was admitted to the hospital in a grand manner disappeared, like clay ox entering the sea, without a trace.

"How is that possible!"

Xiao Changbing saw sweat on his forehead, and only felt that his hands and feet were a little weak.

He didn't have any friendship with Xiao Qingfeng, and he was not pleasing to the eye, but he died in his own manor, which was a big deal!
Others don't know, why doesn't he know Xiao Qingfeng's specialness?
Not only the Xiao Family and the Four Great Masters, but also the children of the overwhelming majority of the Aristocratic Family in the world will invite people from Qin Tianjian to come here when they are born.

Others are only here to touch his bones, but he knows that there is a very important matter involved!

According to legend, it is related to the legendary Heaven Realm.

For this reason, the family put a lot of effort into him, but at this moment, it's all over...

He couldn't imagine what would happen to Xiao Zhan when he learned the news The anger, let alone those great characters who were far away in Kyoto knew the news.

What kind of Thunder's Fury will erupt.

He only knew that if he couldn't catch the black clothed person, he would die.

It would be extremely ugly to die!
"Xiao Changbing!"

In the sound of armor rubbing, a group of people filed in, and everyone's faces were gloomy, exuding a violent atmosphere.

"Big, big brother..."

Xiao Changbing's face turned pale.

With a heavy slap, Xiao Changbing's eyes turned black, blood was oozing from his nose and mouth, and his spine 'ka ka' sounded.

"Why don't you die?!"

Xiao Changfeng swept his compatriot brother coldly, wishing he could slap him to death.

"The murderer's martial arts is too high, and I don't have time..."

Xiao Changbing gritted his teeth, feeling extremely aggrieved.

That night, he was also there, but that man had too high martial arts. Even if he went up, what else could he do except die?
"Brother Zhan, you should be back in three days at the latest."

Xiao Changfeng looked indifferent, took out his saber and stuck it on the ground:

"If you can't find the murderer, You know what to do."

"I know..."

Xiao Changbing gasped heavily, drew his long sword with red eyes, and led someone out of the gate with a low growl.



In the prison, groups of people came.

After Cheng Shan and Wu Chongyang, the other leaders, the Xiao Family, were the last ones to arrive. The darkness in the cell was not as dark as their faces.

Xiao Family dispatched all the horses at Heavenly Wolf, almost turned Heavenly Wolf upside down in the middle of the night, but still found nothing.

The black robed man seemed to be disappeared from the face of the earth, and without a trace, the people of the Xiao Family gnashed their teeth.

In the end, I found the prison.

At this time, Yang Yu really knew what a good culture in Six Doors was.

This is not only the advantage of martial arts and medicine pill, but also the 'privilege' in all aspects.

Because they both belong to the Imperial Court, but they do not belong to each other. Therefore, even if the people of the Xiao Family are furious, they cannot execute private executions under the circumstance of so many witnesses. .

You can only put down your harsh words and leave in embarrassment.

If it is changed to someone who has no official status, even if there is no evidence, they must be severely tortured, and it is not uncommon for people to be beaten to death.

"Xiao Family, it doesn't seem to be popular..."

Yang Yu thought about it, but it was not surprising.

The higher the position, the more impossible it is to mix with others. In front of huge interests, there are only temporary compromises and alliances.

In fact, it is.

Though the attitudes of the people who came here tonight are subtle, they can also vaguely see that they are not dealing with Xiao Family, and it is precisely because of these people that Xiao Family people will also restrain themselves.

Xiao Zhan has a high position, and there are naturally many people staring at him.

The cell door was slammed hard.

The Xiao Family returned as soon as the old man left, staring at Yang Yu through the cage, his old eyes reddened, as evil as a ghost:
"Don't think you are from Six Doors, I won't be able to move. You! Heavenly Wolf level has been blocked by me, just waiting for the person behind you to be caught, your time of death is here!"

"The lost dog is barking."

Yang Yu Close your eyes and adjust your breath, not even bothering to move your eyelids.

The old man was trembling with anger, but he had nowhere to vent, so he could only roar bitterly and leave.

Yang Yu is not worried about whether the living dead will be found.

With the method of tracking the living, it is impossible to find a dead person, no matter how powerful his tracking technique is.

Any city-wide raids are nothing more than martial law everywhere, door-to-door searches, and bans on the coming and going of drugs and food.

You can live dead and don't need medicine or food.

Even if someone finds out, just disperse and control, a dead body that has been dead for many days, who would think that he killed the famous Xiao Family Young Master?

The Xiao Family was sent away, and the prison returned to dead silence.

It's just that no matter the guards on patrol or the prisoners nearby, the eyes looking towards him have become extremely complicated.


It took an unknown amount of time before Yang Yu opened his eyes.

He was naturally disinclined to pay attention to the movement of the outside world.

Simply take advantage of the situation and start trying to get familiar with the Divine Ability 'Tongyou'.

"Lonely, with a body of a hundred poisons, killing people in the wild, gold silkworm with a hundred poisons... The 'fate entries' seen by the old man with poisonous poisons are mostly the most distinctive characteristics of his life. Or 'nodes'."

"In this way, it's not an exaggeration to say the number of fate. But, what is this color? Is it a number? Gray, white, green, what's on top of it? ”

“If you don’t have a single proof, you still have to try a lot.”


While thinking about it, Yang Yu quietly urged the communication quiet.

What motivates this Divine Ability is not only the inner breath and blood energy, but also makes him mentally exhausted, but at this time he can't do anything, and naturally he doesn't care.

The familiar feeling is back again.

The scene in front of him is abstract and distorted, and the interweaving and distorting of various qi machines, at this time, Yang Yu can't see why.


He muttered a word in his heart and began to observe all around.

The first thing I saw was the cell opposite.

【Old prisoner】

【Poverty (white), qi and blood decay (gray), prisoner (gray) wind and cold (gray)]

At a glance Go, unremarkable.

Most prisoners have only one or two of these items, and most of them are gray, and many, only three or four, and a 'prisoner', which represents their identity.

"Are these articles based on what I know about them? I know they are prisoners, so what I see is a prisoner?"

Thinking inwardly, Yang Yu spoke up:

"What's your name?"

The existence of Yang Yu is an existence that cannot be ignored for all the prisoners around.

The arrival of batches of great characters who are either rich or expensive, and the few words they leaked, made them even more terrified.

So, as soon as Yang Yu opened his mouth, there was a response from the other side.

"Me, me?"

The old prisoner was a little flattered, and hurriedly replied:
"little old man is called Sun Erniu, sir..."

"Sun Erniu..."

Yang Yu muttered to himself, and sure enough, the 'elderly prisoner' he saw immediately became 'Sun Erniu'.

"Divine Ability is rooted in the soul, and what it shows is really related to my cognition..."

Yang Yu chewed and analyzed in his heart.

It is Divine Ability that is beyond the reach of manpower.

Any Divine Ability is a transcendent power and the foundation of cultivation.

This is evident from the legend that the most tyrannical among the gods, demons, gods, and demons are called 'Great Experts'.

It's just...

"Can you only see?"

Yang Yu's heart moved, staring at 'Sun Erniu', to be precise, is his destiny.

The old prisoner was scared and shivered, but he didn't dare to dodge, so he just squatted on the spot.

Just as Yang Yu was concentrating, in the Cauldron of Gluttony, the Purple Gold bottle gourd, who had been very calm since the opening of the Kuixing rank, suddenly trembled for a moment. .

Then, an incredible scene happened.

Sun Erniu's fate entry was suddenly missing one, and it was the one he stared at!
"This is!"

Yang Yu's pupils trembled.

He quickly retracted his gaze, dissipated his Divine Ability, closed his eyes and entered the Cauldron of Gluttony, and saw the Purple Gold bottle gourd glowing with shallow rays of light.

Let's focus on him, there is a small gray shadow in it!
Part of Sun Erniu's 'fate' was sucked away by this bottle gourd. Not only was it sucked away, but it was also preserved!
"Dao fruit and Divine Ability, what is the relationship?!"

Looking at this scene, Yang Yu's heart turned stormy sea, and at the same time, clear comprehension also rose.

This is the true formidable power of 'Tongyou', not only to see the fate, but also to take away the fate!
Is this the Divine Ability?

Is this the Divine Ability? !

Looking at the shimmering Purple Gold bottle gourd, a crazy thought flashed in Yang Yu's heart, making him tremble.

Since he can see the fate, take away the fate.

So, is it possible to change fate?
Give destiny? !
Three shifts are over, good night everyone.

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