First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 228


Chapter 228: The Detective of Divine Ability (First Update)
Darkness Putrid, in a cell with more than ten people.

"If only I could go to that cell..."

Sun Erniu squatted in front of the fence, feeling a little drowsy, looking at the one-room cell opposite, with envy in his heart.

It's already autumn, and the prison is humid and cold, and the fence is not a good place. He has been infected with the cold for a long time, but in this prison, no one cares about an old and frail person. Prisoner?

'Maybe in a few days, I'm going to die in this cell, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until the fall...'

My heart is sad, and Sun Erniu is in pain close your eyes.

Suddenly, he realized that something was wrong, the drowsiness of the past few days seemed to disappear, and the ease that had not been seen in a long time appeared in his heart.

"My wind chill, okay?"

Sun Erniu was surprised and delighted, rubbing his wrist and forehead back and forth, and he was a little puzzled.

What happened?
【Sun Erniu】

【Poverty (white), qi and blood decayed (gray), prisoner (gray)】

In the eyes of Yang Yu, Sun Erniu's changes could not escape his eyes.

"The change of fate will really reflect the reality..."

Strongly pressing the stormy sea in my heart, Yang Yu thoughts move, in Cauldron of Gluttony, Purple Gold swallows the treasure As the bottle gourd trembled reluctantly, his eyes warmed slightly.

Then, the wisp of ash that was sucked by the bottle gourd fell on Sun Erniu again.


Ben's surprised Sun Erniu's eyelids sank, he couldn't help shivering again, and couldn't help shrinking into his prison clothes.

The wind chill is back?
Sun Erniu was stunned, could it be the hallucination caused by his burning confusion before?
Or, are you already dying?

"Is it really possible?!"

In the cell, Yang Yu's eyes lit up, and he could hardly contain his heart throbbing.

His perspective is more intuitive.

As soon as his thoughts moved, the entry 'wind and cold' came back to Sun Erniu, and through his powerful five senses.

He clearly felt that Sun Erniu was really caught in the cold again, just like before the entry was absorbed by him.

However, he also noticed.

This entry and back made his spirit a little sleepy, but under the constant nourishment of powerful blood energy, this feeling was very subtle.

But it also let him know that the absorption and conferment of fate is consuming.

"Is this a consumption of touching other people's lives, or is it a consumption of simply activating Tongyou and Purple Gold bottle gourd?"

"All entries can be shaken , or is there a more subtle difference? It has already happened, such as whether the 'loneliness' of the hundred poisonous old man can be absorbed by himself, and will his fate change?"

"Sun Erniu's Fate, can I really give it to other people? Also, can the fate entry be changed?"


As soon as I thought about it, a thousand thoughts flew.

"I have to try again..."

Yang Yu let out a long sigh of relief, and his eyes fell on Sun Erniu again. The Fate entry disappears again.

Adopted by Purple Gold bottle gourd.


The effect was immediate, and Sun Erniu noticed the difference.

But this time, he didn't have the joy of the previous time, but despair flashed in his heart:
"This, this is the return of the light..."

"It's the 'wind chill again'. Can't be more precise in selecting the fate entry that I want to absorb, or my Divine Ability level is not enough?"

"Or, not all fates can be changed?"

Thinking flashed, Yang Yu's eyes sank:
"Come again!"

Wherever his eyes fell, Sun Erniu's body trembled suddenly, the change of this time, even more for severe.

It was so violent that the other prisoners noticed his trembling.

"Damn, old grandson, is this epilepsy?! Or what..."

"Fuck! You won't die here, will you?"

"Jailer, jailer! Dead, dead!"

The cell exploded, and all the prisoners lost one's head out of fear.

It is not uncommon for prisoners to die in large prisons these days, but his behavior is too scary, and it doesn't look like a normal disease.

Is it the plague?
"What are you arguing about, you damned death row prisoners?! Which one is dead?"

The guards on patrol arrived quickly, and there were no less than ten guards stalking Yang Yu, and soon someone rushed out come over.

The jailer opened the cell door impatiently, and was about to check when the old grandson suddenly stood up straight.


The jailer was taken aback, and the backhand was a whip.


The old grandson screamed and was knocked to the ground.

In the prison, it suddenly became lively.

At the interval of an aisle, Yang Yu stared at the opposite side intently, not letting go of any subtle changes.

【Sun Erniu】

【Poverty (white), weak in qi and blood (gray), dead disciple (gray)】

"His fate, Changed..."

Under the calm exterior, Yang Yu's heart was turbulent.

The fate he took from Sun Erniu for the second time was 'Blood Decay'. However, after this fate was sucked away, a new entry was born.

"Yes, a living person, unless he dies immediately, the blood energy will regenerate... If the blood is weak, it seems to be better than the decay of the blood?"

Yang Yu Guessing in his heart, his eyes fell on the jailer.


【Mediocre (gray), blood energy like ox (white), jailer (white)】

With Yang Yu's eyes Falling down, in the opposite cell, the jailer shivered subconsciously, and threw a few whips at Sun Erniu:
"There are still some days after the autumn, be restless, I will kill you now... "

Sun Erniu cowered in a corner, bared his teeth and grinned, he was also a little dazed, he really didn't know what happened.

The pain of these whips could not suppress the doubts in his heart.

He didn't understand what happened to him, but he felt that his state seemed to be much better than before.

"Your Excellency."

The rest of the jailers were also whipped more or less, gritted their teeth and endured it. Seeing that the jailer was about to leave, they couldn't help but stop him. .

He was asked to change cells for Sun Erniu, saying that he might have been infected with the plague.

"What? You are not afraid of death, but of the plague?"

The jailer snort disdainfully, threw the whip of the prisoner with his backhand, turned and left.

But as soon as he locked the door, he felt a chill all over his body, and an evil wind blew, and he couldn't help shivering.

"Everything in peace!"

The jailer wiped his arm, also feeling a little wicked, turned around and left.


Sitting cross-legged in the cell, Yang Yu whispered in his heart, the corner of his drooping eyes seemed to see the Cauldron of Gluttony.

The Purple Gold bottle gourd glowed faintly, with two wisps of gray gas whirling in it.

"The level of Tongyou is not enough to confuse the fate of others, at least not at this time..."

After verification, Yang Yu was not disappointed.

How long has it been since he got the seclusion, the practice of this Divine Ability is just enough to get started, and it is a pleasant surprise to be able to reach this level.

Never hope to ascend to the skies with a single leap.


As he thought about it, his eyes fell on the opposite side again, huddled in the corner of the wall, on Sun Erniu, who was dazed and cowering.

This time, he didn't take his life.

Instead, he focused on his destiny, and with his actions, there was indeed a change.

[Weak qi and blood: weak like an old man and a child, gasping for breath to walk a few steps. ]

[Can be changed easily]

"Can be changed easily..."

Yang Yu's eyes flickered, and a clear comprehension was born in his heart.

Fate, there are high and low points.

Some people are born rich and noble, and some people are born with four walls, but fate is never set in stone. External efforts can make up for the lack of fate.

Just like Zhang Yuanzhu, the great ancestor of this dynasty, he lost his parents when he was young and became a beggar and a monk, but step by step he has reached the most expensive and extremely high position in the world.

This is the change of fate.

However, the ability to change the fate of others still makes Yang Yu feel amazed and in awe.

The Divine Ability carried by the three dao fruit rank of the Jidao Kui star seems illusory, but it is much more terrifying and terrifying than the immediate Nine Bulls and Two Tigers.

No more tossing Sun Erniu.

As a result, if the distance is too close, if something incomprehensible really happens, you are likely to be suspected.

Secondly, he was too weak to stand the toss.

"Divine Ability..."

Yang Yu slowly closed his eyes and found a more suitable object. Although his thoughts moved, the evil-suppressing seal once again appeared glorious. Come.

Suppressing evil seal, Purple Gold bottle gourd, Qixing Longyuan Killing Ghost Sword, these three dao fruits together form Tongyou.

Then, the role of this Divine Ability must be vividly and thoroughly displayed on it.



The wind is roaring, and the grass and trees are all soldiers.

The Xiao Family, which is fully functioning, is extremely terrifying. Day by day, the entire Heavenly Wolf level fell into a huge panic.

The city gate was closed, and battallion soldiers searched from house to house, not in one batch, but in many batches.

Again and again, as if it were going to turn Heavenly Wolf all the way upside down.

Inns, restaurants, tea shops, and the others where staff move around are subject to strict inspections, and every pedestrian on the street will be questioned back and forth.

This situation has not stopped from last night until the second day when the sun is westward, and even has an intensifying trend.

There was an uproar at Heavenly Wolf, some people panicked, some feared and cringed, and some people applauded.

For a while, the entire Heavenly Wolf level was lively.

South of the city, a Yi Village.

peng peng peng!
The rapid and arrogant knock on the door kept ringing:
"Open the door! Quickly open the door!"

"Come on, come on !"

The old man guarding Yi Village didn't dare to neglect, he walked over to open the door tremblingly, and as soon as the door was opened, a group of soldiers filed in and began to search.

"My lord, I've already done it twice, but I dare not do this, it will disturb the ancestors!"

The old man looked sad, but how could he stop the elite soldiers who were searching?
I could only watch them rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find them. When they got there, they didn't even let go of the coffin. One after another opened it for inspection.

"Sin, sin!"

The old man lit incense and kept accusing himself of the crime.

But I didn't find that in the corner, a coffin that had just been checked was quietly opened again, and the pale corpse sat up straight.

Continue to code words, at least two!

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