First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 248


Chapter 248 Heart? (First Update)

Like a boulder falling into a deep well, little ripples appear in my heart.

The hot flames spread from the chest to the whole body, not only acting on the bones and muscles, but also going deep into the blood vessels. In just an instant, the blood boiled.


Under the scorching flames, Yang Yu could only feel that all his internal organs were on fire. The boiling and viscous qi and blood wrapped his muscles, bones, skin, membranes, and viscera, as if he wanted to melt his flesh and beat him to exercise.

The pain reached its peak in an instant.

His five senses are beyond ordinary people's, and his perception of pain is countless more than ordinary people. This sudden burst of pain, even if he had expected it, was still a momentary loss.


But it was only for a moment, he had already forced himself to sit down, the scarlet upper body, the trace of the sacrifice mark twisted, like a group of Fire Lotus blooming.

At first glance, it seems to be sitting cross-legged in the Blood Lotus, looking eerie and terrifying.

After a long breath, Yang Yu turned to inner breathing again, and the pores all over his body closed instantly, blocking the overflowing blood energy.

This is extremely dangerous.

It was much more dangerous than the last time I broke through the third test in one fell swoop, because under the influence of Qin Si's Divine Ability, the fire of sacrifice was directly burned into the blood.

The fire that was a half-blooded thirteen-times quasi-Grandmaster's life-long blood energy was raging and terrifying.

If you want to turn the harm into the good, where is the nothing serious?

Qin Si wanted to turn it around for him personally, but after Yang Yu thought about it, she still refused, not because she didn't want her to notice the operation of her blood energy.

It is the process of exchange blood, and it is also the process of his own transformation. He can't miss any subtle changes.

The transformation of himself must be controlled by himself. Qin Si may be able to prevent him from such severe pain, but at the same time, it will also make him lose the opportunity to comprehend the profound mystery of the transformation of blood energy.

Burning impurities, tempering vitality and blood.

And the three blood-changing pills he swallowed together were also providing a huge amount of medical power to replenish his qi and blood.

Burning, replenishing, burning, replenishing...

Under such drastic changes, he only felt like he was inflated, and his whole body swelled up.

In the ear, the blood flows like stormy sea, howling wind and torrential rain.

This is no longer like a blood exchange of the current method, but more like a blood exchange of the ancient method. The violent flame drives away the impurities in the blood, and is also tempering the bones in disguise.

"Perhaps, after the thirteenth blood exchange, you will still have to experience a violent shedding body, exchanging bones like the ancient method of blood exchange!"

Under the severe burning pain, Yang Yu A clear comprehension arises in the heart.

Today's exchange blood thirteen, the five levels of foundation building, are improved on the basis of ancient methods, so that the once extremely dangerous exchange blood level has been directly brought close to the Martial Arts level after the five levels of foundation building. early.

According to legend, at the end of Qin Dynasty three thousand years ago, there were six levels of foundation building, and the exchange of blood was the final threshold.

This is undoubtedly a feat, allowing more Martial Artists to enter the higher realm.

Originally, he thought that after turning that extremely dangerous exchange blood level into the current thirteen exchange blood levels, there would be no need for the dangerous exchange blood level.

But at this time, he suddenly had a different understanding in his heart.

Exchange is the essence of Martial Arts.

Like the ceremony of Divine Ability, if you don't experience this, you will not be able to exert its true power.

In other words, a gentle exchange of blood would take an extremely long time to achieve the drastic sublimation of the ancient method.

Martial Arts cultivation is like human evolution.

A gentle evolution requires an extremely long time. If you want to speed up, no matter what the method is, it is absolutely impossible and gentle!
Can a small fire boil water?
Of course you can!

If you want to boil water at the fastest speed, you can only use fire and fire!
"My mother wants to convince me of the Qi method..."

In the violent transformation of blood energy, Yang Yu's heart moved again.

With the improvement of the level of blood exchange, his internal training and qi method can also go further.

In the past few years, Yang Yu has also been exposed to other methods of persuasion, but he did not change it in the end, but still chose this method of persuasion with an undetermined level.

As for other methods of convincing Qi, with the improvement of rank, inner Qi will become more and more condensed, and even become a substantive general existence.

In the dao fruit miscellaneous talk, there was a rumor about the 'Martial Saint Lu Chen' that he had left a wisp of inner breath, and after being properly preserved, he actually kept a full three All the nails are not scattered!

My mother wanted to convince me of Qilu, and her performance above the inner Qi level was really average, but its effect on the five senses was unheard-of in other places!
"The fourth test of building a foundation, for Martial Arts, can condense True Aura, and the casual swordsman is completely meaningless. And the same is true in the old mother's acceptance of the method of Qi..."

Yang Yu's heart is overwhelmed At the same time, after being calcined by blood and fire, it seems that there is also a transformational inner breath, and it has gathered towards the brain since the whole body.

After having eyes, ears, mouth and nose, they converge on the bridge of the nose and between the eyebrows.

After the five senses, comes the Sixth Sense!
It is called 'heart feeling' in the convincing record!

The moment inner Qi stopped between his eyebrows, Yang Yu only felt a shock of thunder in his heart, which shook his spirits away!
chi chi chi ~
In the next moment, he lost his control, and the thick sweat was squeezed out from the pores all over the body. Hole.

The boiling of blood triggered the inner Qi's riot, and over and over again, the stone cave seemed to be dyed red, and the scorching heat wave squeezed out from the gap.

This heat wave was so amazing that it even pushed the boulders!

"Not good!"

Outside the cave, Qin Si, who was always concerned about it, changed, she broke free from Zhao Kun's arm in an instant, slapped the boulder away, and entered again. The cave!

Zhao Kun's expression also changed drastically, and he reached out to grab it, but it was empty.

"Brother Yang!"

The heat wave made Qin Si's whole body turn red, but she didn't have time to pay attention to it. She stepped forward and dropped her hands to activate Divine Ability.

"Dry heat, drive away!"

"Heart Demon, drive away!"

"Pain, drive away!"


The warm rays of light flashed nine times in a row.

Immediate results.

The stone cave that was still crimson a moment ago returned to normal in an instant, and the dry heat and water vapor were also swept away.

Qin Si then let go of her hand and staggered a bit.

Yang Yu reached out and grabbed her waist before opening her eyes.

Qin Si's face was flushed, and she was dripping with sweat.


Yang Yu was startled.

"Brother Yang!"

Qin Si felt as if he had seen through all his thoughts, and her face flushed red, she struggled away.

"I'm sorry."

Yang Yu froze and thanked him:

"Young Lady Qin has troubled me."

At that moment, he was indeed somewhat absent-minded, unable to manipulate blood energy. If Qin Si didn't take action, he was afraid of danger.

"The seal of sacrifice is gone."

Looking at Yang Yu's bare upper body, Qin Si's face was slightly red, and she turned and walked out of the cave.


Yang Yu was also relaxed, but unconsciously touched his eyebrows, thinking to himself:
"This is the mind?"

At that moment, he really saw through Qin Si.

However, it's not the mind, but...



huhuhu ~
The hot autumn wind is rolling Dust, on the barren field, blowing back and forth, blowing dry weeds, and blowing the long faded corners of the treetops.

Lin An stepped lightly, took off the corner of the clothes, and with a twist of his fingers, his face suddenly became ugly:
"This is a flying fish suit..."

"Flying fish suit?!"

The faces of the Bright Gown Guard behind him changed.

Flying fish suit, Embroidered Spring Blade, these two are known as one of the two symbols of Bright Gown Guard, but in fact, not all Bright Gown Guard have this honor.

The flying fish suit was a gift from the emperor.

If you want to wear flying fish clothes, at least you have to have more than 100 households. Kyoto may have a lower threshold, but in Qing State, many of the hundreds of households are not qualified to wear flying fish clothes!
"Zhao Qing, Boss Cao..."

Lin An's hands trembled slightly.

The only ones who came first and wore flying fish suits were Zhao Qing and Cao Jinlie.

The ominous premonition struck him, making him grit his teeth, but he forcibly suppressed the grief in his heart, glanced coldly at a group of indignant men, shouted:

"Send a few people to inform Qi Tou, the rest, follow me!"


All the Bright Gown Guards were on fire.

Bright Gown Guard is a very special institution compared to the East and West Factory and Six Doors, which are also violent institutions.

Bright Gown Guard is one of the few violent institutions that still abides by the original prohibition and follows the rules from father to son at this age.

To become Bright Gown Guard, there are only two conditions.

Good family, and someone from the ancestors is Bright Gown Guard, apart from this, without any requirements.

Special requirements made Bright Gown Guards few in number, but it also made them extremely grouped, and the friendship between them was not as simple as that of colleagues.

Seeing the damaged flying fish suit, all Bright Gown Guards were full of rage and murderous intention.

"Let's go!"

Lin An suppressed his anger and followed the trail all the way. After a while, his footsteps stopped again.


In front of me, there is a bare dry forest, leaning against the jungle, a group of hungry people gathered, some people are fetching water, some people are making fires.

"Where did your clothes come from?!"

Lin An stepped forward, approaching Lin Zi in an instant, and directly lifted one of the refugees up.

This refugee is in ragged clothes, which can be vaguely seen, and the bright red cloud satin base on it, at this time the flying fish suit...

Several Bright Gown Guards directly drew their knives , shouted loudly.

How could these refugees ever see such a battle, they all panicked and knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Where did this dress come from?! Where is the person wearing this dress?!"

Lin An scolded sharply.

"It's none of my business, it's none of my business, this clothes, this clothes are picked up by me, he, others, others..."

The refugee Horrified ashen-faced, begging for mercy again and again.

"Pick it up?"

Lin An's eyes are so sharp, he can see at a glance that this refugee's eyes are always straying.

He turned his head suddenly, and after seeing it clearly, his body was staggered.

It was a fire that was still burning.

On it, there is a scabbard full of black and grease...

It's enough for three today, but both are fine.

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