First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 249


Chapter 249 After Wei Zhengxian, Qing State innate talent first! (Second Update)
As if being hit in the face by a heavy hammer, Lin An only felt his eyes turn black, and he almost fell to the ground.

It has been more than a month since he came to Deyang Mansion. How could he not know what this scene represents?
"Zhao Qing!"

Lin An's body was trembling, and he turned his head again, his expressions all almost congested.

Seeing him like this, the refugee almost had a frightened cardiac arrest, and the rest of the Bright Gown Guards also reacted, and immediately, they were furious.

"You, you ate him? You, you ate him!"

"Beasts! Lao Tzu killed you alive!"

"Let's come Save you, how dare you?! How dare you!!"

'Dang bang' a few times, blades and swords unsheathing, the eyes of all the Bright Gown Guards were all red, and the roar was like a tiger going down the mountain. It's about to kill.

"Stop it all!"

A cold voice squeezed out from between his clenched teeth, and Lin An coldly swept over a group of refugees, unable to contain the grief in his heart. :
"Bring me the torture tool!"

He and Zhao Qing were the same group who entered the Bright Gown Guard station. They practiced martial arts, assigned tasks, and were promoted. They were almost inseparable for 30 years, although they had different surnames. , but is brother.

Seeing this scene, the killing intent in his heart almost devoured his heart, but he still pressed it down.

The whereabouts of Cao Jinlie may have to start with these beasts.


A group of Bright Gown Guards almost clenched their teeth, surrounded all the refugees with a savage face, their swords clenched tightly, ready to attack at any time. Kill it violently.

Seeing that the sword was like a forest, the forest was cold, and all the refugees turned pale with fright, and some even collapsed to the ground, feces and urine flowed together, and some people laughed miserably.

"Ha, hahaha! Kill, kill!"

Lin An looked coldly.

It was an old man with dishevelled hair, with a body like a skeleton, half human and nine ghosts. He was crying, laughing, and looking at the Bright Gown Guards, terrifyingly:
“ What kind of etiquette, righteousness, integrity, and morality, under such starvation, they are all bullshit, bullshit! Hahaha!"

"Where do you know? You won't know..."

The old man was incoherent, swaying his body unconsciously, and only from his tattered clothes, it seemed that the remnants of the Confucian shirt could be seen.

A Bright Gown Guard was about to step forward, and Lin An stopped him and looked towards the old man coldly:
"Go on!"

"You have dry food and horses. , with swords and armor. But we, we have nothing..."

"No way, no way! He saved us, but, we..."

"I don't want to. Die..."


The old man shivered, crying and laughing.

Lin An's complexion was blue and white, and the complexion of Bright Gown Guard also changed.

It was a few months ago, on a scorching summer day, and a group of Bright Gown Guards came here to rescue a group of 'two-legged sheep' kept by horse bandits.

They don't have a mission, only one person is left to take hundreds of them away, but halfway, they encounter a group of murderers.

"...There's no way! The murderers killed him, set the fire, and let us eat him. There's nothing we can do, there's nothing we can do."

"Beast! "

A Bright Gown Guard was furious and kicked it to the ground, looking at the walking corpse all over the ground, trembling with anger;

"He saved you, you , you..."

He couldn't go on, and all the Bright Gown Guards had red eyes and almost gritted their teeth.

"Zhao Qing, Boss Cao."

Lin An whispered to himself, staring at the old man:
"The murderers are keeping you, are they? Would you like to use your mouth to show us the way? Say, where are they?"

"No, I don't know."

The old man froze, looking at the murderous- The looking group of Bright Gown Guards are desperate and dumb:
"Really, really don't know..."

"Don't know?"

Lin An nodded, looking at Behind him is a dull-faced Bright Gown Guard.

The Bright Gown Guard nodded, took out the torture box he was carrying, and walked towards the old man.


The screams cut through the sky, and it was extremely terrifying.

Not long after, the Bright Gown Guard stood up, wiping his hands, nodded towards Lin An, and then a cold light burst out from his waist, pulling out a large blade shadow, and in just a moment, he had killed all the refugees who had gathered. .

The smell of blood rose into the sky and extinguished the bonfire beside it.

"That gang of murderers only left one sentence."

The dull Bright Gown Guard youth looked around at his colleagues. In fact, they all heard the old man's words.

The murderers,

let them die in place.

No one said a word, his heart was full of grief and anger.

The knife head licks blood for a lifetime, death, everyone has thought about it, but when they die, they burn the corpse and eat it. They have never encountered such a thing.

More, unforgivable!

"Brother Zhao, my younger brother is here to pick you up..."

Lin An took off the scabbard that was full of dirt, black and grease, and then took the flying fish that was less than half of the refugee's body. The clothes were torn off and tucked into his arms.

He was extremely sad, but he had no time to be sentimental.

That group of murderers left this group of refugees here for several months, and they have said this again. I am afraid that they have been planning secretly for a long time, and maybe someone is watching them in a secret place at this time.

Once dispersed, I am afraid they will be destroyed one by one.


Suppressing the anger in his heart, Lin An sat on the ground, waiting for the gang of murderers to come, and waiting for Qi Gang to bring someone.

The rest of Bright Gown Guard are also sit cross-legged.

hu hu ~
The breeze blew, and the smell of blood in the room couldn't be blown away. The Bright Gown Guards were like rocks, with swords in front of their knees, eyes closed and breathing.




A goshawk crossed the sky, flew over the cloudless sky, swooped down suddenly, fell on a barren hill.

A diminutive man extended the hand and let the goshawk fall.

"Dead? That group of refugees died? The one who killed them didn't leave, and waited in place, twenty people?"

The man stroked the goshawk's feathers, He seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to understand the call of the goshawk.

He popped out a medicine pill and fed the goshawk, then raised his arm to let it go away.

I turned around and headed down the mountain.

His speed was very fast, he had reached the foot of the mountain in a moment, and after a few turns, he came to a bamboo forest.

This is in the shade, and there are still sporadic green spots, but the bamboos have dried up and the stream has long since stopped.

In the bamboo forest, there is a small courtyard.

"My lord, the people from Bright Gown Guard should be here."

The man bowed slightly.

While speaking, there is a person in the small courtyard, who is eight feet tall, black clothed, strong muscles and bones, like copper cast iron, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

This person is Qi Longsheng, the Branch Lord of the Qifu of Lianshengjiao.

As it appeared, a strong blood-reeking qi also spread, so strong that even the short man felt a strong discomfort.

"These henchman's noses have always been so good!"

Qi Longsheng's face sank.

In the past, he underestimated the tracking ability of Bright Gown Guard so much that it took several months to get rid of Qi Gang, and he paid a huge price for this.

"What a heavy blood-reeking qi!"

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the bamboo forest, faintly measured, sharp and thin:

"Yeah! It's President Qi Branch Lord? With your martial arts, who can hurt you so badly? tsk tsk tsk..."

"Which one is so sneaky, it turns out to be Mrs. Phantom? That Yu Wanghai is a good way, even you 'Phantom Thirteen' are invited..."

Qi Longsheng's eyes turned cold, and then he sneered:

"I listen. Said that thirteen years ago, you were still called the 'Forty Phantoms', how did you become the Thirteen Phantoms after walking through Heavenly Wolf?"

The most active horse bandit in the past, he fled in the three Nine Provinces including Longyuan Road, and made many major cases.

Its members are the tyrannical Martial Artist who has changed blood nine times for the last time, and I don’t know where to learn a Qimen Formation. Forty people are running like one, and the quasi-Grandmaster of the five levels has been killed. once.

It totally caught Six Doors' attention.

However, because they never leave a living room and live in no fixed place, Six Doors has escaped several arrests.

Until thirteen years ago, this group of murderers kicked the iron plate and almost all planted in Heavenly Wolf Pass.


coldly snorted, a seductive woman with only a black skirt came to the courtyard and looked at Qi Longsheng with a bad expression:

"I don't want to teach Qing State's Branch Lord, but he is a sharp-tongued person."

"Each each other."

Qi Long's skin and flesh are not smiling:

"Madam must not have come to quarrel with this Qi. You have heard what you said before, the Bright Gown Guards, are you going to solve it, or am I here?"

"You Qi Gang inside?"

Mrs. Phantom asked.

The man shook his head slightly:
"They are all minor characters, not only Bright Gown Guard experts like Qi Gang, Yu Fengxian, Qiu Zhanyu are not among them."

"Then what are you going to kill?"

Mrs. Phantom looked unhappy:

"My mother has been waiting for months, and a few little shrimps want my mother to close the net? Keep them , wait for Qi Gang to arrive, and it will not be too late to catch up again!"

After saying that, he walked away.

The dozen or so silhouettes hidden in the bamboo forest also quietly receded with her departure.

"Wait for Qi Gang?"

Qi Longsheng sneered:
"I'm really waiting for Qi Gang, can you still laugh?"

"Sir, we?"

The man asked.

"A few days ago, the old fogey didn't send the eagle to deliver the message? Since he wants to start, we might as well wait for a while. By the way, also wait for Zhao Guangsheng."

Having said that, Qi Longsheng said no more, turned and walked into the house.

The man had no choice but to retreat.

In the bamboo house, there is another person sitting cross-legged, dressed in white clothed, his complexion is even more pale, tall and thin as a bamboo pole, and his eye sockets are so deep that he cannot see the eyeballs.

"That Qi Gang, is it really that amazing?"

The white clothed man spoke up.

His name is 'Mu Huan'. He is Qi Longsheng's deputy. He was born in Great Sect and joined Qing State Liansheng Education a few years ago.

"Bright Gown Guard has nine excellent martial arts that can be called Peak. Ordinary people learn one, and it is enough to run wild in a state. Qi Gang alone has learned 'Pengmo True Aura'" Demon Subduing Fist ''Canghai Jiu Dixian' three gates!
In my opinion, after Wei Zhengxian, Qing State innate talent, with his first!"

Speaking of Qi Gang, Qi Longsheng's face is not very good-looking:
"If you want to kill him, I can't. You and I are not enough. In addition, the phantom thirteen murderers are only reluctant. Most of the time he can't stop him..."


The white clothed person knew it in his heart. As soon as he pressed the floor tile, he heard 'ka ka' twice. The wall behind him cracked, revealing an iron cage made of Black Iron Essence steel.

In the gloom, bloodthirsty scarlet eyes flickered, accompanied by a low roar that didn't sound like a human voice:

"Kill, kill, kill me... ..."

The second is even more, I guess, can you also try the third chapter? Excessive plot is actually very difficult to write, but singing has to set up a stage, right?大家先睡,狗子写第三章去了,当然,没有别骂我哈……

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