First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 263


Chapter 263 The Road to Immortal Buddha, the Foundation of Enlightenment (First Update)
The sky is getting brighter, the red sun is rising in the east, and the night is retreating.

In the manor built on the mountain, several Taoists hummed and cleaned up the mess from last night. In the other small courtyard, there was a sweet smell of porridge and rice.

The food of a Taoist priest is vegetarian, but Yang Yu is naturally not a picky eater, gorge oneself, chasing after these days, he really hasn't eaten anything.

"Sir, eat slowly..."

A few old-fashioned people were terrified.

Looking at the empty table like the strong wind scattering the last clouds, the lark held the bowl and took a while to react.

I'm starving again...

I know martial arts, so I'm not necessarily a superior person.

Looking at these shabby Taoist priests, Yang Yu also had some feelings in his heart.

He was scrambled and shy about his face, but he didn't know how to do business. He went to the Imperial Court and was afraid of being pricked in the spine, so he guarded a Taoist temple with several acres of wasteland.

It's fine in normal times, although there is no incense, and there is no shortage of food in the deep mountains, but there is a severe drought year after year, so it is really impossible to escape.

Bigu, in the end, only exists in legends.

The reality is that no matter the peddler, the Royal General, the monk, the Taoist, or the Martial Artist Grandmaster, they all have to eat.

And people who practice martial arts have a huge appetite.

Take Yang Yu himself as an example. He takes medicine pills that nourish blood and qi every day, and the golden iron beans can more or less replenish some physical strength, but his appetite is still ten times larger than that of ordinary people.

They don't have the ability to eat soil, and it's natural to be manipulated in this wild year.

Of course, if they could let go of their face, they would probably be unable to deal with the chaos in Deyang Mansion, looting and stealing the Imperial Court.

"The amount of food your lord eats is amazing."

Miaofa Laodao put down the bowl and chopsticks, and the tension in his heart gradually loosened.

The famous Yang Qianhu doesn't seem to be so difficult to get along with. Of course, this idea just flashed by.

"You may have various difficulties, but if you make a mistake, you have to admit punishment!"

Yang Yu put down the bowls and chopsticks.

"Poor Daoist, etc., accept the punishment."

Old Miaofa sighed, and people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

"You don't need to feel wronged. Although you didn't personally participate in the ambush, you set up an altar in this manor, and you have the intention of breaking up for them."

Picking up the tea bowl and taking a sip, Yang Yu indifferently said.

Just because you have difficulties, does not mean you are excusable.

The mist on the altar made him smell dangerous. If it wasn't him chasing after him, but Qi Gang, who was severely injured, he was afraid that he would be planted here.

This matter, he naturally has a steel scale in his heart.

"Let the adults handle it."

Old Dao Miaofa glanced at the wood and seemed to be sitting. The expressionless two Junior Brothers, and the confused lark, were sighed again.

He knew that since this Yang Qianhu didn't take action directly, there must be something for him and the others to cooperate with.

This kind of man is a knife, I feel bad for the fish, but he has nothing to do.

If he left, wouldn't this group of idiots have no bones left to be eaten?

"How to deal with it is a later story."

Yang Yu waved his hand, looked directly at the old Taoist, and asked:
"I heard that there are two schools of Buddhism and Taoism. The true cultivation, all of them abide by the three refuges and five precepts, is there such a thing?"

He still remembered the old monk Hui'an of Nalanke Temple once said about keeping the precepts, and he has also been secretly and secretly a lot in recent years. Never heard a similar statement.

It's just that people who are purely Buddhist and Taoist are too hard to find.

Rebooting monks are young and don't know much. When I meet these Taoists this time, I naturally have the heart to seek proof.

"Monks, firstly keep the precepts..."

Miaofa Laodao's expression was a little subtle, guessing what Yang Yu wanted to ask, after Faintly muttered to oneself, he replied:

"However, the difficulty of keeping the precepts lies in both behavior and heart. It is good to say that there are many monks and Taoists who abide by the precepts, but the difficulty lies in the heart."

"Heart? "

Yang Yu chewed on the words of the old Taoist, thinking in his heart:
"There is no perfect person in the world. Life is in the world, and there are all kinds of desires. Keep the precepts with your heart." , if all the eight precepts are observed, I am afraid that this is not a human being, but an immortal Buddha."

People with strong self-control, not to mention the eight precepts, no matter how many precepts they can obey, But the heart is not so simple.

Who can control their heart?

"What the lord said is, but what I'm looking for when I'm a monk is peace of mind..."

Miao Fa slightly nodded, agreeing, and then said:
"According to my Ancestor Master's words, keeping the precepts is an inevitable process in order to become an immortal and Buddha. Unfortunately, the old way is dull, and now, I dare not say that you can keep the 'one precept', let alone the 'eight precepts'. ' realm."

"If you want to become an immortal Buddha, you must complete the eight precepts?"

Yang Yu raised his eyebrows.

It's not the first time he's heard of similar words, but, even the legendary immortals and Buddhas, few can achieve such a realm, right?
"With power but without temperament realm, what kind of immortals and Buddhas are you?"

Miaofa Laodao responded calmly:

"According to the old way, the so-called so-called legendary Immortals and Buddhas are just mortals who have traveled farther than me, and they are not the real immortals and Buddhas in the classics."

"Somewhat interesting."

Yang Yu looked down on this old man again.

His martial arts are sparse and his blood and energy are declining, but his insights are not bad.

This is much stronger than his two Junior Brothers.

"Although I have only been in Cloud Sect for more than 700 years, Master Ancestor has left a shadow, and there are also some Taoist Tibetans in the door. The only thing I can enjoy is that I am familiar with Taoist Tibetans."

Miaofa is a little complacent.

Familiar with Taoist Tibetans, for a Taoist priest, it is almost as good as the Confucian scholar's 'learning to be rich in five cars'.

Seeing him like this, Yang Yu lightly clasped the table:


"There are words in Taoist possessions, all kinds of cultivation, and keeping the precepts is the first The Eight Precepts of Buddhism and Taoism are actually pretty much the same. After all, my Taoism is longer, and I may not know if there are many Buddhist schools to learn from."

"Talk about the point!"

Yang Yu glared at him.

"cough cough!"

Old Miaofa was choked. Seeing Yang Yu's unpleasant expression, he restrained himself and said:
"According to the words of my Ancestor Master, dao fruit is the essence of Heaven and Earth, the foundation of enlightenment, and keeping the precepts is the road to immortals and Buddhas. The two are indispensable and complement each other.

Of course, this is only the word of a family, and the old way has lived for seven years. For more than ten years, I have never seen a person with dao fruit..."

The two answered questions and said late in the morning.

Miaoyun, Yunque and the others were really unable to sit still, but they did not dare to leave without authorization. The two veterans were fine, but Yunque was more and more unable to sit still.

Seeing that the sun was rising three poles, he hurriedly called the housekeepers who were tidying up and told them to sit down for more meals. He was really hungry and couldn't stand it.

From early morning to dusk, the conversation between the two lasted for a full day. After arriving, not to mention the lark, even the other two old men couldn't sit still.

Looking at the fiery clouds on the horizon, Miao Old Yun, who had been silent for a whole day, spoke up:

"Master Yang, it's getting late, if you have anything to say, I'll talk about it tomorrow, How are you?"

"Junior Brother, it's yours. It's like seeing each other as brother and Lord Yang, so what if it's a candle-lit night talk?"

Old Master Miaofa seemed to be displeased.

"It's getting late, you guys have an early rest, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Yang Yu was dumbfounded.

I didn't care about Miaoyun's cold and hard words.

Lark such as the amnesty.

The imposing manner of the thousand households is really heavy, and this day is simply tormented.

"Senior Brother, you are too spineless!"

Reluctant to leave the courtyard, Miao Old Yun said that she couldn't bear it anymore and held her breath. .


Old Miaofa shook his head, not wanting to say anything.

Another old Taoist seemed to have understood it, and bowed for a long time, his sleeve robe hanging down:

"Xin Senior Brother Ku..."

"Between us, what do you mean by hard work or not?"

Miaofa Laodao helped Junior Brother, looked at Miaoyun, and said solemnly:
"After thinking about it for my brother, I still want you to go back to the mountain, Ancestral The tablet in the hall should also be wiped..."

"Senior Brother wants to drive me away?"

Miaoyun's heart 'tickled', and her tone softened suddenly :

"Junior Brother is just a passing moment, Senior Brother..."

"We're going down the mountain to survive, not to die."

Seeing his mistake, Miao Fa Fang sighed:
"There are rules for entering the WTO, just as we have no money or food, we are controlled by the ocean of forgetfulness, we are not as strong as others and are held in pain, so what if we bow our heads? "

"Junior Brother understands."

Miao Yun took a deep breath, ashamed and ashamed:
"Poor Senior Brother, he still suffers from this at his age." Such a humiliation..."

"How much humiliation?"

The magic method shook his head:

"If he can stop, we have to thank him. You and After thinking about it, what would happen if the three of us were lost in the door?"

Miaoyun was startled.

There are no more than twenty people in the Cloud Sect, including Yu Wanghai father and son, without them...

"Senior Brother, this Yang The adults left me to wait, I'm afraid it's because of Yu Wanghai."

Another old man spoke again.

"takes part or not, you can only take one step at a time..."

Miaofa sighed and left.

The rest of the people followed silently, thoughts surging in their hearts, only to feel that the mountain was too tormented, and although they could survive, they were far from the leisure and comfort in the mountains.

If there was no drought...



Keep the precepts!

Immersed in the scalding medicinal liquid, Yang Yu was still digesting the intelligence information he obtained from Miaofa Laodao, the most important of which was keeping the precepts.

Mount Cloud Sect will never be more comprehensive than Six Doors' archives, but the latter is large and complex, while the former is small and pure.

There are secrets about Taoism, of course, the former is more detailed.

“Keeping the precepts, what kind of Dharma should I hold? Surrender one’s own heart?”

Yang Yu’s thoughts surged.

As a law student, he believes that he still abides by the law, but this precept is lust, killing, anger...

In his impression , this is human nature, how to maintain this?
"Keeping the precepts, the Buddhist and Taoist families are afraid that there is an esoteric method. The next time you see rebooting, you will have to take a side shot or two. After all, his name is rebooting..."

After a long time, Yang Yu shook his head, suppressed his thoughts temporarily, swallowed a few golden beans, closed his eyes and meditated before entering the Cauldron of Gluttony.

Start taking stock of your gains.

Well, continue to code words, this time for three.

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