First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 264


Chapter 264 Pharaoh Longyuan, undefeated Heavenly Gang! (Second Update)

In the dark Cauldron of Gluttony, faint rays of light flicker.

Many ingredients, seemingly cluttered, are actually completely different from each other, some revolve around the Nine Bulls and Two Tigers recipes, and some are grouped with each other.

Zhenxie Seal and Purple Gold bottle gourd slowly rotate against the Kuixing rank map, Abyss Dragon Sword is inserted upside down in a corner, cold and arrogant, and the only thing a little closer to it is the Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade.

The newly acquired 'Moyun Ling' is shrunk in a corner, the rays of light are dim, and it is very close to the financial body refinement that has no rays of light after refining.

The rest of the lower-level ingredients are almost all pressed into the corners, as if there is a strict hierarchy between the ingredients.

"Energy storage."

Looking at the dazzling array of ingredients, Yang Yu thought to himself.

Although the 'artificial space' in the right palm is not large, it can carry a lot of things with you. During the ten-day chase, Cauldron of Gluttony's pace of accumulating energy did not stop.

With the digestion of the golden beans he swallowed, he is nearly full, and at the end of the night, he can refining an ingredient again.

"I just broke through the four stages, and I haven't consolidated yet. The refinement of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers can be slowed down, and the same is true for financial body refinement and Moyunling..."

Muttering to himself, Yang Yu grabbed the Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade.

After the four stages, he has been able to condense True Aura. A complete and tyrannical way of practicing True Aura is what he needs most now.

In these days of running around, there are really many ingredients in his hands that contain the True Aura practice method.

The snake stick of the hundred poisonous old man, Xiao Qingfeng's long sword, Qi Longsheng's big sword... and so on, but he naturally prefers this Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade.

The value of this knife can be described as extremely high, not only has the superior Blade Technique Azure Dragon nine kills, the superior hammer forging armour method, the superior exhalation 'Azure Dragon Sutra', but also has the ability to realize 'no Defeating Heaven Gang''s superior internal refining method 'Azure Dragon True Aura'.

It's just...

"Old Zhang's house is cheap, it's not easy to take advantage of it..."

With thoughts in his heart, Yang Yu opened his eyes, no Any delay, take out the golden bean from the artificial space in your palm and start swallowing.

Not long after, Yang Yu got up from the medicine tub, wiped clean, put on his clothes, sat cross-legged on the bed, and had a moment to call the living dead to guard him.

A heart, sinking again into the Cauldron of Gluttony.

“refining, Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade!”

[Are you refining ingredients, Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade? ]


During the question and answer, the Cauldron of Gluttony was full of brilliance, and the Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade, which was as silent as a dead thing, showed a sharp edge and swept away large pieces of ingredients.

It turned into a peerless edge and slashed towards Yang Yu.


Yang Yu was quiet in his heart, letting his edge and body be his own.

The light and shadow of all around changed again, and the sharp edge completely drowned him like water.

The big sun and the sky.

Mountains, jungle.

Plains, wheat fields.

In an instant, the lights and shadows turned, and before the wheat field, it was a small village with houses like roosters and dogs barking, and young children playing.

Stepping out one step is like changing time and space.

Even though it was not the first time to refining ingredients, Yang Yu was still a little surprised when he stood in front of the village.

The refining of ingredients is not a time-travel, of course. Everything in front of you is an illusion that remains on the ingredients, the most intense spiritual residue of the former master.

The more realistic the fantasy, the stronger the spirit of the former owner of the ingredients.

"It's so real."

Leaning down, grasping a handful of soil, feeling the texture and taste of the soil and grass, Yang Yu felt a little shake in his heart.

It is not any illusion that can achieve the same effect as the outside world.

The reality and delicacy of this wheat field and village in front of him are enough to rank the top three among the fantasy worlds he has experienced over the years, including Nine Bulls and Two Tigers.

It's much more real than Jilongshan's stay.

Walking slowly into the village, everything in front of me is real.

Chickens, ducks and birds, pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep, farmers working in and out, women washing in front of the door, playful urchins, everything seems to exist.

And he, like a ghost, Rogue, watched.

Not long after, Yang Yu stopped. Here, he had almost passed through the village. In front of him, there was a large Martial Training Stage with several hundred zhangs covered in yellow mud!
In the field, there is a room with blade, spear, sword, halberd on the weapon rack outside the door, all eighteen weapons.

Watching this scene, Yang Yu felt a sense of familiarity.

"Yu Fengxian's Martial Practice Stage!"

Yang Yu's heart moved.

Isn't the scene in front of you similar to the residence of Yu Fengxian in Qingzhou City?
Thinking in his heart, his eyes have fallen on the side of the Martial Practice Stage, not far from the house.

There, there is a little girl in a red-clothed suit punching, she is very serious, she has every punch and every kick, she looks like only three or four years old, but under the punch, she actually There was a crisp sound.

She snorted and practiced in a straight-forward manner, her ponytails waving up and down.

"Tsk, the commander was quite cute when he was a child."

Yang Yu laughed in his heart when he looked at his young boss like a porcelain doll.

As I approached slowly, I saw a sick old man lying on a rocking chair basking in the sun behind the house.

This old man has a huge skeleton, but there is not much flesh all over his body. He coughs from time to time. This is a serious injury.

On the old man's body, he felt old and twilight. Under the huge pain, it was difficult for him to cheer up. This is not an ordinary injury.

Unfortunately, in the illusion, Tongyou couldn't use it, otherwise, he could see what kind of injury the Old Master suffered.

"Ai, why did you run out again?"

The Old Lady, who was busy with meals, ran out wiping her hands and complaining.

"Take advantage of the time I have awake now, point to Xiao Fengxian."

The old man said with a smile.

"She's so small, how can you be willing?"

Looking at the little granddaughter who was brow beaded with sweat, Old Lady's eyes were full of distress, and she complained:
"Boss I'm afraid it won't be long, pity their brothers and sisters, who are so young..."

"It's a pity boss, what are you doing to save my old bones?"

The old man's Looking a little gloomy.

"I've asked you many times, but you still don't answer. Who is the one who hurt you and the boss? Who is the mantra of the Jade Dragon Temple, who is so capable?"

asked the Old Lady.

"It doesn't really matter who it is. Left and right, it won't be any better than the old man."

The old man coughed and his face became worse:

"It's just that my sleepiness is getting bigger and bigger. I'm afraid that I will have less and less time to wake up in the future..."

"The imperial doctor is on his way again, old fogey, you can Hold on."

Old Lady hearing this weeping, holding the old man's dry palm tightly, feeling distressed.

"The imperial doctor is also useless. This is not an ordinary injury, but a Divine Ability injury..."

The old man waved his hand, not wanting to continue the topic, hoarse Confession:

"I am here, everything can be stable, if I don't wake up, I'm afraid that Long Yuandao will have a lot of troubles. Unfortunately, the boss has time is limited, the third is not interested in political affairs, and the second is not dead. There will be trouble..."

Hearing this, Yang Yu's heart trembled, and his guess was finally confirmed:

"This old man is the King of Longyuan!"

Ever since he knew that Yu Fengxian's Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade had the Invincible Heavenly Gang, he had guessed about the identity of this commander. Now that he heard this, he was finally confirmed.

"You, are you so cruel?"

Hearing this, Old Lady's face turned pale:
"The eldest is not healthy, the third is a monk, the old Second, if it's gone, how can you let me live..."

"I am the king, and all the people of Longyuan are my sons!"

The old man's eyes were sharp for a moment, but In a blink of an eye, the brilliance was gone again, but he still grabbed Old Lady's wrist and said sternly:

"Yes, kill him!"

"I, I should You are, and I should be you!"

Old Lady covered her face and wept, turned and ran back into the house, and after a while, the suppressed cry came out.

"My son..."

The old man's hand fell weakly, and he was so weak that he couldn't even get up.

Yang Yu stood quietly, listening.

According to the identity of the person in front of him, the conversation, and some information he knows in reality, he can naturally infer a lot of things.

In the battle of cutting down mountains and temples, the king of Longyuan was also severely injured, and it affected his elder son. After that, his son died, and he himself was half asleep. Like a vegetative state.

"I want a mother and kill my own son..."

Yang Yu shook his head inwardly.

Judging from the current situation of Long Yuandao, the Old Lady obviously did not obey the Old Prince's orders, but chose to imprison him, but unfortunately...

"Bullying grandma, grandfather Bad! grandfather is bad!"

At this moment, the red-clothed little girl ran over, pouting and looking unhappy.

"It's the grandfather's fault, don't be angry."

The old man touched the little face of his granddaughter, his eyes full of love:

"Your grandma, she is a crybaby. Ghost. My little Fengxian must be strong, but she can't cry casually..."

"I won't cry!"

The little girl put her hands on her hips.

"That's fine, that's fine."

The old man fondled his granddaughter's face.

"grandfather, when will your illness get better?"

The little girl was worried and ignorant, and she knew that grandfather was in a very bad state at this time.

"As long as Xiao Fengxian works hard, grandfather will get better."

Wiping the little girl's nose lightly, the old man's body trembled, standing up like a flash of light.

"Come on the knife!"

He lightly shouted, and then he heard a roar, and the Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade, which was stuck on the ground ten several feet away, flew like an Azure Dragon all day. Come and be held in the palm of his hand.

Yang Yu felt the wind blowing.

His feelings were extremely strong. The moment the old man held the knife, he no longer had any old age and twilight, but exuded a terrifying imposing manner like a big sun.

It's hard to see.

"Old Partner, I will take care of my granddaughter in the future..."

The old man stroked the knife and put the little girl's hand on the handle:

"Our family's Blade Technique, obtained from the great grandfather, its essence, only in eight words, you must write down, never forget..."

"What is grandfather?"


The little girl stroked the handle of the knife back and forth and couldn't put it down.

"I would rather be broken than broken tiles!"

Continue to code and write Chapter 3.

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