First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 265


Chapter 265 wyvern in the sky (third update yesterday)

Ning For jade broken, not for tile whole!
The light and shadow in front of him receded, and the essence of martial arts surged in his heart, but in Yang Yu's heart, he still seemed to be able to see the old man standing with a knife and speaking like thunder.

It is clear that he is thin and almost out of phase, but the moment he holds the knife, he has an arrogant and imposing manner that is contemptuous of the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

Only from its imposing manner, you can see the tyrannical aura of its heyday, that is, a fierce general who cuts like a lawn.

It's a pity...

"Longyuan King..."

Yang Yu muttered to himself in his heart, and immediately withdrew his sword, all his spirit sank into dantian, feeling It is the essence of all kinds of martial arts that you feel when you refining the ingredients.

The Azure Dragon Nine Kills, the Azure Dragon Sutra, and the Azure Dragon True Aura that he needs most at this time.

Azure Dragon True Aura is the real unspread secret of the lineage of King Longyuan. The Azure Dragon Nine Kills and Azure Dragon Sutra are still circulating, and some generals with great achievements can still be learned.

But this True Aura practice method, which contains the secret of invincibility, is the true inheritance!


After withdrawing from the Cauldron of Gluttony, in the room, Yang Yu's breathing instantly became heavy and long, his breathing was so forceful , the airflow rolled between his nose and mouth, causing all the facilities in the entire room to shake.

Refining ingredients again and again, following the most quintessential Martial Arts experience of countless powerhouses, Yang Yu's own heritage far exceeds his previous level of exchange.

At one point, the exchange blood level was his shortest board.

Even if he has a blood exchange efficiency, and the absorption efficiency of swallowing medicine pills is much higher than that of ordinary people, he still cannot go through the water mill quickly.

And Qin Si, complemented his shortcomings.

With the fire of Xiao Zhan's blood essence, in a short period of time, most of the impurities in his blood were burnt away, allowing him to turn the blood-changing elixir into a fire, breaking through in one fell swoop. fourth test.

Let his blood exchange level jump from nine times to twelve times in one fell swoop!

This is a huge leap. Even with Yang Yu's martial arts attainments, it took more than ten days before it was initially stabilized.

To the point where True Aura is accessible.

Astral qi once, originated from Taoism, refers to the energy of vigor, Grand Virtue Qi, later transformed into the martial arts, refers to the interaction between the inner Qi of the body and the external air .

Inner breath comes from blood energy, while Gangfeng is the combination of inner and outer, which is the high-speed friction of airflow.

When used on the whole body, it can defend against swords, when used on fists and feet, it can smash steel, and when used on swords, it can cut gold break jade.

Therefore, looking at all the prefectures and counties in the world, and even outside the customs, Heavenly Wolf, Dali Er Dynasty, and fourth test are all called expert.

And True Aura, goes further than astral qi.

It is from internal and external interaction, which is converted into Nagang into the body.

Although True Aura is also different due to the different inheritance of various families and sects, the meaning of there is no stronghold one cannot overcome is a consensus among people.

Azure Dragon True Aura, born out of Zhang Family's unparalleled Absolute Art 'Invincible Heavenly Gang', is also the greatest and most rigid in itself, there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, invincible and invincible.

Taking into account both protecting the body and killing the enemy, it can not only protect itself, but also play the effect of breaking the empty palm, injuring the enemy from a hundred steps away.

Cooperate with Azure Dragon Nine Kills, the superior Blade Technique of armor piercing, breaking the gang, and breaking horizontally, and it is like a tiger that has grown wings.

By virtue of this Blade Technique and the undefeated Heavenly Gang, Yu Fengxian is able to compete with Jilong Mountain, which has already entered the fifth level, and has a financial body refinement!

You must know that great experts such as Yu Xuan and Tang Bailie, who are both in the four stages, were dispatched by Ji Longshan at will when the four of them joined forces to attack, with almost no backhand.

“Azure Dragon True Aura.”

The verses recited silently, chewing on the essence of it, Yang Yu condensed his mind and slowly fell into a state of ignorance.

Outside the courtyard, the moon is as cool as water, and the breeze is rising.

The night is getting darker and the moon is bright.

In the small courtyard, Miaofa Laodao is not sleepy. He writes on the oil lamp, writes at his desk, and annotates the Taoist collection. For decades, whenever he has time, he will do this.

The Tao is obscure, and there are many rare words, terms, and even the author's own dialect. Therefore, the same scriptures may be understood by different people, the difference between Heaven and Earth.

For this reason, he needs to comment on the Taoist Tibetans. One of them is to review the old and know the new. The other is to reduce the difficulty of the disciples to study the Taoist Tibetans.

"Miao Junior Brother Yun is ten years younger than me. He has always been full of vigor and acted recklessly. Miaozheng Junior Brother is slightly better, but he learned a little about Confucianism when he was young. A pedantic stomach..."

"The lark has a good character, and after some things, it may be useful, but..."

"My disciple Wanchuan, although innate talent is better than lark, But there are waves in Wang Hai's heart, once handed over to him, all the dísciples in the door will be reduced to sharp weapons and lackeys..."


Putting down the pen, the old Dao Heart was sad , I was bored, and I couldn't let go after sitting for a long time, so I put on a daoist robe, blew the light, and went out.

In the moonlight, Taoist Miaoyun stood against the wall, bathed in the moonlight, with a dazed expression, wondering what he was thinking.

“Senior Brother.”

Seeing the magic trick, Miaoyun bowed.

“Junior Brother can’t sleep either?”


"With the tiger on the side, who can sleep soundly?"

Miaoyun smiled bitterly.

It's not just him, the few people in the door are afraid that all but the lark can't sleep, and they don't dare to sleep.

Even if the one doesn't show his fangs in the daytime, the Bright Gown Guard's name can hardly stop a child from crying at night. Who dares to be careless?
even more how The name of Yang Qianhu is really scary.

Great characters like Xiao Zhan and Ji Longshan are all planted in his hands, let alone them?

"Actually, it doesn't matter. With that person's martial arts, it's really going to be bad for me. Unless I cast another altar, it doesn't matter whether I sleep or not."

The trick is walking slowly.

But it's just a casual remark, not to mention that it is not easy to build an altar, so what if there is?

This Yang Qianhu has nothing but an Embroidered Spring Blade, and that fierce and scary archer is still staring at them secretly.

"Before going down the mountain, I was still pretentious, thinking that with the practice of these decades, the whole land can be vertical and horizontal. Who would have expected to encounter such a great expert in the first battle..."


Daoist Miaoyun sighed and asked:
"Junior Brother can't sleep because of fear, Senior Brother can't sleep because of Yu Wanghai?"

Yu Wanghai , The relationship with them can only be said to be average. After this time they went down the mountain and were restrained by them, the disgust in the hearts of several people was deeper, but they had the same sect in the end.

I really want to do something about it, and I'm a little bit overwhelmed in my heart after all.

"Yes, and no."

Glancing all around, the Daoist Miaofa looked a little dignified:

"Junior Brother, what do I wait for? "


Miao Yun started, and replied:
"Buy some food, and then go back to the mountains."

"After the catastrophe, There is a big mess, and if you want to clean up in the mountains again, I'm afraid it will be difficult..."

Miaofa shook his head and confided his thoughts:
"Junior Brother really thought that Yu Wanghai was able to restrain his behavior with only some food. Brother? No, really, Qing State will be in chaos, and it will be difficult for us to go back to the mountains to repair..."

Miaoyun's body trembled, wanting to refute, but recalling what she saw and heard when she went down the mountain, He couldn't help but feel sad:
"Such a catastrophe, rare in the world, may not be a warning sign..."

"What warning sign?"

"Nature is the general of the country... Who?!" Hearing the question, Miaoyun subconsciously replied half a sentence, suddenly startled, the dust swept up, and looked back.

But there was a black armored swordsman standing above the eaves.

No, not one!
Before he finished speaking, in the night, there were black clothed swordsmen jumping up the eaves, wearing armor and carrying their swords, full of energy, and their brows were full of shrewdness and sharpness.

So many experts!
Miaoyun sucked in a breath of cold air, and Miaofa also frowned in shock, but he responded faster and asked aloud:

"Dare to ask you?"

His voice was high, drifting far into the night, as if he wanted to pass it on to someone.

Unfortunately, his question was not answered.

From all over the manor, there were reports:

"The ruins here are suspected to have been shot by the archer's heavy arrows, which were supposed to be black iron arrows, and no arrows were found. ..."

"Someone died here, distinguished by the smell of blood, this person should be an expert above the four levels, no other fighting sounds, no corpses..."

"No other discovery..."

"There are no other injured people, and the body of the dead Siguan expert is unknown. It is unknown whether this person is from the White Stone Mountain Village."


The sound of the report was summed up before the small courtyard, causing a commotion all over the manor and a frenzy in the two old Dao Hearts in the small courtyard .

This is clearly a powerful organization.

Between the ups and downs of the air, I slowly descended on Thursday, looking around the manor on the fence, and finally landed on the two old-fashioned upper bodies in the courtyard:

“ The captain of a certain Longyuanwei left on Thursday, what did the Taoist say just now? I listened to this, why does it seem like the country is about to die, and there must be chaos?"

Long Yuanwei !
Hearing this name, whether it is the two veterans in the hospital, or the other one who heard the news, all complexion greatly changed.

I don't know the name of the most elite army under King Longyuan.

"My lord is joking, what my Junior Brother clearly said is that if the auspiciousness of the country is about to emerge, there will be disaster trials..."

Miaofa Laodao almost broke out in a cold sweat.

In my heart, there is a lot of slander, first Bright Gown Guard, then Long Yuanwei, this is too much...


Faint smile on Thursday.

"Your Excellency's Insight." Miaofa replied, Brace Oneself, and quickly changed the subject: "I don't know if you are visiting late at night, what's the important thing?"

"You don't know?"

Li Yi raised his eyebrows on Thursday.

Miaofa Lao Dao Heart shook his head, thinking of the person in the side room, but doubts flashed on his face, and he shook his head:

"Don't say it, Lord, Poor Daoist How do you know?"


Thursday Li Dan laughed and was about to question when he heard a long whistle not far away.

Like a sword fluttering, like dragon's cry tiger's roar, the moment when this long whistle sounded, it seemed to cover the entire manor, and the air was spreading.

"It's really here?"

Long Yuanwei everyone heart shivered with cold, recalling the traces they have seen these days, they are all like facing a great enemy.

Thursday is close to the knife.

Not far away, blood energy rays of light seemed to flash away, and immediately, an azure light burst forth, the color of which was like water, and it was shimmering, like a cloudless sky.

Below, it seems that someone is roaring up, like a tiger entering a forest, a trapped dragon ascending to the sky, and the roaring sound can be heard ten miles away.

The sky is as blue as water, and the wyvern is in the sky!
Yesterday's third update, today I have three more!

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