First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 270


Chapter 270 I am the Lord of Divine Ability! (Second Update)
Qiu Zhanyu left the Chunfeng Building, and in the crowded streets one after another, there were people who squeezed through the crowd like loaches, turned around a few times, and went to the mansion in the south of the city.

The courtyard that used to be endless, now has a lot of people, and no one has come to the door for half a month.

The short man hurried in, went straight to the backyard, glanced at the garden, and after a slight hesitation, turned around and came to a quiet small courtyard.


The low man knelt on the ground, in the courtyard, Yu Wanghai poured the medicine ingredient slowly, hearing this, and asked:
" Are they in the Spring Breeze Pavilion?"

"Go back to your lord. These people came from outside the city. Besides a few Taoist priests, they also held a hungry man and settled in the Spring Breeze Pavilion. No one went out. Qiu Chopping fish, I have been there."

"Qiu Chopping fish?"

Yu Wanghai put down the kettle, waved his hand, and let him go out.

On the other side, Yu Wanchuan seemed to have also heard the news, and came in a hurry, with a rare look of joy on his face: "father, when it's Master, Martial Uncle and the others, I'll pick them up and come to Fuzhong!" puzzled.


Yu Wanghai's tone was full of hate iron for not becoming steel:
"What are you going to do? Send death? Or give out an old man?"

"What, what?"

Yu Wanchuan was puzzled.

"Since you know your Master has entered the city, why don't you know that there is another person coming with you?"

Yu Wanghai sighed, only to feel his temple 'tú tú' jumping.

Yu Wanchuan came back to his senses, bowed his head, a little ashamed and uncomfortable, he was really pleasantly surprised by the presence of the teacher: "Yes, there is another person, it seems, seems to be a Bright Gown Guard ?"

"That's not an ordinary Bright Gown Guard, he's Yang Yu!"

Yu Wanghai was expressionless.

"Yang, Yang Yu? He, isn't he from Six Doors?"

Yu Wanchuan was a little startled.

"It's hateful, it's hateful for him to be a Six Doors man!"

Yu Wanghai gritted his teeth.

It's not that he didn't think about killing this person, it can even be said that he thought about it a long time ago, but Fang Qidao said he would do it, and he stopped.

But who knows...


Yu Wanchuan finally reacted:
"He caught Master and them? father, You must save the!"

A crisp and powerful slap.

"Father, father."

Yu Wanchuan coughed up blood and was almost stunned. In thirty years, this was the first time he was beaten.

"The old facetious have looked at you in the past all these years?!"

Yu Wanghai was completely disappointed, and coldly ordered him to ground his feet, leave with a swirl of his sleeves, and go to look for him. In the center of the artificial lake, there is Nie Wendong where you can enjoy fishing leisurely.



The Imperial court has good people.

Looking at this thin scroll, Yang Yu felt a lot in his heart.

There is information about dao fruit and Divine Ability, no matter in Bright Gown Guard or Six Doors, it needs extremely high authority to read, and the real secret is only available in Kyoto headquarters.

Because it's hard to come by.

For ordinary people, it is difficult to remember the history of decades ago, let alone three thousand years?
The intelligence about dao fruit and Divine Ability, the overwhelming majority has been buried by history, and the manpower and energy needed to dig it out is extremely terrifying.

This short sentence may be sorted out by thousands of people after many years of hard work.

Therefore, the value of this thin scroll is immeasurable.

“Dao (Dao)' character is ethereal and vast, beyond human ability to penetrate deeply. I have studied for many years and read absolutely volumes of the Danai Collection of Books. It is hard to say what I have gained.”

The first sentence of the opening book, the ink is still dry, was written by Xu Wenjixin.

"I liken Heaven and Earth to the Great Imperial Court. I liken the Imperial Court to Small World."

This is the second sentence.

Yang Yu is interested, continue to read:

"innumerable living beings, shepherds for the Imperial Court, all living beings, ruled by Heaven and Earth. dao fruit, for The quintessence of Heaven and Earth, I liken it to 'jurisprudence', only by understanding the jurisprudence can one be promoted to an official body, an official body, or can be compared to a rank!"

"and so on, those who occupy an official position. , can master the authority of the Imperial Court, the power of life and death, and those who have ranks can also master the authority of Heaven and Earth, endless power."

"This power may be Divine Ability!"

"This power may be Divine Ability!"


"Only those who have the blessings of the Dharma and occupy an official position can grasp the yin and yang and rule the world. Therefore, only by obtaining the fruit, advancing to the rank, and in charge of the Divine Ability, can the Trinity be able to fully display the wonders of the Divine Ability... ..."

"This metaphor..."

Yang Yu's heart was shocked. This metaphor may seem superficial, but when you think about it, it seems to make sense.


His mind turned and continued to read.

“In the Imperial Court, officials restrain each other, therefore, if the rank is the same, Divine Ability should have the principle of restraint.”

“I read Daozang thoroughly, An interesting point can be seen from it. Taoism and Buddhism seem to have a saying of keeping the precepts. In mythology, Heavenly God also has the bounds of heaven.

This is very similar to the laws of the Human World. , morality?”

“Officials who ignore the virtues of Art and Dao will be subject to backlash. Therefore, gods and Buddhas who do not obey the precepts will also fall into the state of signed to eternal damnation...”


Yang Yu read it carefully, chewing and thinking.

Xu Wenji's writing is simple, and seems to be taking care of himself. The writing is very simple and easy to understand, but it is extremely detailed. After a little thought, he will read more things.

This concludes the preface.

Afterwards, Xu Wenji took some of the Divine Ability he had heard of as an example to explain the way of life and restraint of Divine Ability. However, he didn't seem to know much about Divine Ability, and there were few metaphors.

More are some of his annotations, which can be verified by legends.

But there was one story that caught his eye.


Yang Yu murmured in his heart.

The book says that in the Tang Dynasty, 1,500 years ago, there was a great Taoist priest named 'Jingqingshanren', who possessed Divine Ability, impervious to sword and spear, Neither water nor fire can approach, it has a great reputation among the people, so it was invited to the Imperial Palace by the Tang Emperor at that time.

After trying it out, I was amazed.

At the banquet, he invited hundreds of officials to observe. At the banquet, many officials tried, but they were all convinced by this man. Only one young man refused to accept it.

It's not an impervious to sword and spear, it's a ghost block, and it should be killed.

Being reprimanded by Emperor Tang, the young general went home unhappy. When he was deep in sleep, he suddenly heard someone call his name. He couldn't help but look, and he saw five evil Ghost Gods walking through the hall. pass.

The teenager was startled and immediately got up. He was fierce and fought with Ghost God. He was so fierce that Ghost God couldn't hurt him.

Not long after, Ghost God said 'Small Punishment and Great Commandment' and went back. At this time, the teenager just woke up and saw that he was in the Spirit Hall, and his home was full of elements.

Only when I asked, did I realize that I had slept for fifteen days and had no breath.

The teenager was shocked.

Afterwards, he changed his previous style and became friendly with this Taoist. This matter spread widely, and the Taoist's name was even resounding in the capital, and he became a guest of dignitaries.

The young general made good friends with the Taoist and gradually got his new post. Until one day, the Emperor Tang invited the Taoist again, accompanied by the young general.

When the taste of alcohol was getting deeper, the young general suddenly said, the Taoist priest was impervious to sword and spear, why are you afraid of women's sex?
The old man is also drunk. Seeing this, he speaks bluntly and is not afraid.

Suddenly, the young general burst into flames and cut off his head with just one knife.

The whole room was shocked by this sudden change. Emperor Tang turned pale in fright and questioned the young general. The young general just said bluntly that he saw the danger of the world being overturned in this way, so he killed him.

However, at this moment, the head of the Taoist spit out a sound, only to say that the person who came here would definitely destroy the Tang Dynasty, with the shame of today.

"Although this story is quite strange, it has been mentioned in "The Biography of Formidable Person Gao Jia", "The Biography of General Zheng Changgong", and "The Biography of the Late Tang Dynasty", or it is credible...


"Gao Jia, Zheng Changgong..."

Seeing this, Yang Yu couldn't help but breathe.

This story, in Xu Wenji's opinion, may be absurd, but in his eyes, it is somewhat believable.

Because of the seclusion, he really has the ability to see life...

Moreover, he remembered what he saw when he was refining the Kuixing rank map that day. At that time, he only thought that Zheng Changgong was incapable of saving the country and was angry. Desire.

Thinking about it at this time, if this story is true, then Zheng Changgong's suffering will far exceed his imagination.

Because, he would think that it was because he killed this Dao that he would lead to the rebellion of Gao Jia in his old age...


took a deep breath to suppress the boiling in his heart, Yang Yu continued to look down.

The subsequent stories are also interspersed with small stories, telling about Shengke, about Divine Ability, and more about the Divine Ability who perished due to wanton behavior.

Because of the deeds of Gao Jia and Zheng Changgong lingering in his heart, he looked more seriously, and later, there were several records about the current Divine Ability.

When the origami of the Minister of Rites 'Qin Feibai' became a soldier, the 'divine talisman book' of the master Yunni Taoist of Fushuiguan, and his dísciple, myriad forms 'scattered beans turns of the mountain man Wang Muzhi into soldiers'.

"Origami becomes a soldier, the book of divide talisman, scattered beans turns into soldiers..."

Yang Yu's eyes flickered.

In fact, he has been in contact with the latter two. The armor piercing talisman that breaks down Jilongshan's body refinement Divine Ability comes from the book Divine Talisman, and the golden bean that defeats Fang Qidao should be scattered beans turned into soldiers.

Perhaps because of taboos, Xu Wenji only listed a few of the current Divine Ability people, but if you can see the whole picture, there are probably not a few Divine Ability people in the current world.

After all, according to the saying of Sanxiao Sanren, when the tide rises, all things are born. The closer to this node, the more dao fruit will be born, and the easier the cultivation will be.

You must know that in the past three thousand years, few two Martial Saints have seen each other, and in the world, there are twelve Martial Saints just on the surface!
Thinking about it in my heart, the Divine Ability chatter has come to an end.

"The metaphor I listed is not appropriate, it is just easy to understand. But it is not unreasonable, so, here, the old man warns all those who are complacent with Divine Ability."

"As an official, you must know how to advance and retreat, and understand the proportions. In cultivation, you should also guard your heart, so as not to get lost in the ocean of power..."

"Remember, remember."


"The autumn night in the tenth year of Qianyuan, Xu Wenji stayed."


At this point, the book has been finished.

Yang Yu closed the scroll, feeling a little complicated.

The last three sentences, no matter what, Xu Wenji is reserved for himself, this old man, he has guessed something long ago, and will be special to himself.

"The boss is thoughtful, but he underestimates Yang Yu..."

Carefully put the scroll in the corner of the artificial space where the item is placed, Yang Yu grows a mouthful of impure air:
"I am the master of Divine Ability, not a slave of Divine Ability!"

I tried to do some more, but I don't know if the cultivation will not work, everyone go to sleep first, good night.

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