First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 271


Chapter 271 Study the Fa in the Past Life, Be Careful in This Life (Third Update)
Divine Ability and Precepts.

Chewing on the cold wine and vegetables, Yang Yu chewed the message in the scroll in his heart.

He listened to the precepts more than once.

Old monk Hui'an of Lanke Temple, some comments from Sanxiao Sanren, Miaofa's old-fashioned remarks, and detailed examples in Xu Wenji's Divine Ability miscellaneous talk.

A lot of information was collected, summarized and sorted out in his mind.

A family's words are irrelevant whether they are credible or not, but they are always one-sided. Yang Yu has always been accustomed to analyzing and summarizing in the heart.

"Miaofa said that all gods and Buddhas keep the precepts, so what if they don't?"

"The old man said that gods and Buddhas keep the precepts just like officials abiding by the law. This metaphor is not very good. Appropriate, because there are far fewer law-abiding officials than law-abiding people in this world."

"Suppose I am a god and Buddha, with formidable power, traveling to the Northern Sea and twilight, and eating morning dew and clouds. If you are controlled by anyone, why do you still need to keep the precepts?"

"What's so unhappy about being an immortal Buddha?"

"According to the words of these schools, don't keep the precepts. , it will be signed to eternal damnation, which can't stand scrutiny. Instead, I prefer strong power and long time, which will kill temperament and humanity."

"Buddhism eight precepts, but all are Human nature! Could it be that the so-called keeping the precepts is to restrain one's heart, or do not want to lose it, or is it simply to keep the anchor of one's humanity?"

"Beginners, Hold one precept, and the more deities and demons with profound deeds, the more precepts they need to hold?"

"So in the Taoist treasures of the Cloud Sect, there is the 'eight precepts are gods' Buddha's teachings?"


Thinking about all kinds of tumbling in my heart, it seems that there is something to gain, it seems that there is something to gain, until the table full of wine and food is eaten, and Yang Yu has no a clear answer.

However, there is an idea in mind.

After a long time, he digested the gains, put down the money, got up and left the Spring Breeze Pavilion.



Continuing the half-a-month iron and blood purge, the entire Deyang City is a little panicked, but this does not include the already high level The price of food forced the people who almost sold their sons and daughters to become slaves.

On the street, you can hear the clap of hands everywhere, which local ruffian has been beheaded, which bully has his home raided, which thief has been hung up on the city gate.

"Keeping the precepts..."

Yang Yu stood in the long street, wearing a flying fish suit, so that the people all over the street avoided, and they were so frightened that they didn't even dare to speak.

He slightly closed his eye, and everything in the entire long street is in his senses, discussion, panic, envy, desire...

If he is unscrupulous, he can do it To what extent?
This requires no deduction.

The courage added to himself, with his martial arts today, inside and outside the long street, inside and outside the city, millions of people, if he wants to, it is almost unstoppable.

What about three wives and four concubines? If he wanted to, thousands of beauties were at his fingertips, and even Xu Wenji couldn't pick out any mistakes or omissions.

What delicacy is delicious, even if the Deyang mansion at this time is like a purgatory on earth, he can still be so extravagant that he can slaughter thousands of pigs and hundreds of sheep and dump them all in one bite.

Gold and silver jewelry, too.

With his martial arts today, he can dominate a prefecture and a county.

But why didn't he?
Scared of Xu Wenji?
Scared of Imperial Court?

Yes, but not all.

"I'm not perfect in morality, but I studied the Fa in my past life, and I'm also cautious in this life. Maybe I'm not worthy of everyone, but I'm only worthy of my heart..."

"So , whether I keep the precepts or not, it is not for others, but for me.”

The clear comprehension rose in his heart, Yang Yu only felt that the troubles were gone, a heart seemed to have a sense of harmony and liveliness, and the spirit of the whole person All have the pleasure of washing.

"I have never kept the precepts, but in my heart, I have my own measure!"

Under the gazes of all the people, Yang Yu stepped away, walking more steadily.

Thinking about a doubt, it doesn't seem to matter, but he is in a good mood after a long absence, and vaguely feels that it is of great benefit to himself.

But he didn't think about it. He felt the noise on the street and walked.

Walking through a few streets, it is still densely populated, and all the houses I see are full. Although there are many officers and soldiers maintaining order, it still looks messy.

Yang Yu stopped in front of a large house.


The guard was a little drowsy, and when he heard footsteps, he subconsciously wanted to speak, but was immediately covered by his companion.

"Jin, Bright Gown Guard, Qian, Qianhu?"

The guard came back to his senses, looking at the scarlet flying fish suit, he was suddenly shivered, standing Straight.

"I don't know your lord?"

Another guard also tightened his heartstrings, trembling with fear.

"Who is sitting here at the moment?"

Yang Yu asked.

The two guards looked at each other, didn't dare to neglect, and responded quickly:

"It's Bu Lingxu, Mr. Bu. The day before yesterday, he arrived quickly..."

"It's him?"

Yang Yu is not surprised.

In the battle to encircle and suppress Jilongshan, Yu Xuan died in battle, Tang Bailie and Zhao Qingchuan were all seriously injured. Even with the medicine pill of Six Doors, it could not be cured in a short time.

He was about to enter, but the two guards wanted to stop him, but how dare he?
I had to watch Yang Yu walk into the Six Doors stronghold, saw his back disappear, just took a shortcut and reported to the backyard.

"Received the summoning order from the chief arrester, and the Constables in all the state capitals responded, but there are still some distances that are too far away, maybe next year..."

"Sir Tang , Lord Zhao injury has not recovered, although he has the heart to come, but he can't come for the time being..."

"Ten days ago, Long Yuanwei left and did not know where to go..."

"There is no news from Master Chief Catcher, I can't contact you..."

"Qi Gang has nowhere to go, but Qiu Zhanyu went to Spring Breeze Pavilion earlier to meet a Bright Gown Guard Qian. The household, the thousand households, doesn't seem to be known to us..."


In the empty backyard, several Six Doors Constable bowed and reported.

Under the bare tree trunk, Bu Ling sat on the ground, holding a brocade cloth and wiping the long spear in his palm, the long spear as thick as an arm rolled from time to time, making the sound of rolling stones.

"Always pay attention to the movements of Bright Gown Guard and Long Yuanwei. If there is any information about the general arrest of adults, please get back to me as soon as possible."

Bu Lingxu waved his hand and let a few people retreat .

Medidly wiped the long spear in his palm, with doubts and worries on his stern face:
"Where did the chief arrester go..."

"Sir Bu!"

The sound of footsteps came in a hurry, and the guards hurriedly bowed and said what happened before.

"Bright Gown Guard thousand households? Who is his name, what is he doing at Six Doors?"

Bu Lingxu frowned.

Seeing that the guard was obliging, he didn't bother to ask, and he didn't know how to exert his strength. He had already mentioned the long spear and got out of the courtyard without hesitation, and several ups and downs had come to the front yard.

"Sir, the person here is, yes..."

There are quite a few people in the front yard, including Constable and Yukuai. When he answered, he was reprimanded.


Looking at the reaction of these people, Bu Lingxu didn't know what was going on, and was angry in his heart, but he couldn't attack at this time.

Step down and fall into the front yard:

"Which adult is coming to my Six Doors? Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

No response.

Bu Lingxu's face sank, and strode into the main hall, but there was no silhouette. Looking around with eagle eyes, he found that the door of the study where the desks were placed was actually opened.

who is so bold?


Bu Ling's heart is not angry but alarmed. Bright Gown Guard's status is above Six Doors. If they do not belong to each other, how can thousands of households dare to break in by broad daylight and read the dossier information?
Unless it's...

He took a step forward, and already saw the Bright Gown Guard Qianhu who was sitting in the study, calmly flipping through the files.

long spear quivering, showing the panic of its owner.

Bu Lingxu's eyes shrank, like seeing a ghost:
"Yang, Yang Yu?!"

The moment I saw the face under the scarlet flying fish suit , Bu Lingxu only felt a buzzing sound in his mind, almost suspecting that he had hallucinations.

How could he not recognize the Six Doors rising star whose name almost overshadowed them, even though they had never dealt with each other?

In fact, if it weren't for the pressure, this one should have been promoted to silver-badge Constable.

However, at this time, the rising star of Six Doors, who is expected to be promoted to silver-badge Constable, is wearing a red flying fish suit!

No wonder those bronze medals Constable did not stop, because this Bright Gown Guard thousand households are, to some extent, their own...



But Surprised and angry was just a moment, he quickly reacted, but his face was really hard to see the extreme, steel teeth clenched:

"Okay, okay! You are actually Bright Gown Guard inserted into Six Doors' secret child?!"

No wonder he could not have imagined, no one would have imagined that such a young genius with great innate talent like Yang Yu would be sent to be a secret child.

"Also under the Imperial Court, what secrets are you talking about?"

Yang Yu slowly flipped through the intelligence file, not paying any attention to the silver-badge Constable, who was higher in rank than him. The expression on his face, indifferently said:
"Unexpectedly, Mr. Bu is still a capable official! After only two or three days in Deyang Mansion, he has rebuilt the Six Doors intelligence system that was rumored to have been removed long ago..."

His tone was calm, with unabashed mockery.

The dark child of Bright Gown Guard in Deyang Mansion is naturally pulled out cleanly, but the intelligence system of Six Doors is unsurprisingly intact and detailed.

Of course, on the surface, this stronghold has only been established for two days...

"What do you mean?"

Bu Lingxu was stunned for a moment, then immediately The anger rose, and the five fingers turned lightly, and the tip of the gun rubbed the ground with sparks:

"Doubt me about Six Doors?!"

"Deyang mansion has been in drought for two years, and the Six Doors The eyes and ears of Doors, but there is no news, does Master Bu feel strange?"

The sharp breath came, but Yang Yu didn't realize it, but asked again.

"You want to interrogate me? I'm afraid I'm not qualified enough!"

Without the wind, Bu Ling's eyes and tone became cold:

"You have only two choices, go out by yourself, or I'll 'please' you out."

The gun head trembled and buzzed.

Bu Lingxu is ready to go, how could he not know Yang Yu's record?
Although he killed Ji Longshan by chance, and there were people who helped Xiao Zhan, his martial arts would not be inferior to himself at this time.

In fact, if he hadn't sensed his strong aura, even if he was wearing a flying fish suit, he would have already fought.

Breaking into the Six Doors stronghold and flipping through the files, no one can blame him even if he does!
"Actually, there is a third option."

Yang Yu raised his palm lightly, and a token had landed on the table.


Bu Ling was humbly shocked, the token was made of special gold and iron, and there was only one word on it, 'fang'!
"This is, the general arrest order?! How could it be..."

The gun sounded like a dragon roar, Bu Lingxu raised his hand to grab the token, swallowed his breath, and saw it as expected The font of the red light appeared, and he was stunned for a while.

"You, you..."

The hand holding the token trembled a little, and the eyes flashed with surprise and horror.

Under what circumstances can the person in front of you get a general arrest warrant?
The breeze rolled, Yang Yu stood up, hands down, said solemnly:

“Bu Lingxu, obey orders!”

Tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, got up and wrote a chapter. Good night guys.

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