The noise in the banquet hall continued. No one knew that the object of their discussion and the slanderous object had seen their every move in their eyes, and they had already thought about it.

The gatekeeper watched the time approaching a little bit, and a few people walked not far away, and took a closer look at the protagonist and the two elders and two guests in the banquet hall at this time.

The two gatekeepers were all over and glanced at the people in the hall who were still begging for favor. Their faces changed, and they immediately shouted loudly: "Here is the prince, the second elder is here!"

Because the two gatekeepers only knew that Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao were the guests brought by their eldest prince Enfu, but they didn’t know their identities. In order not to make mistakes and offend others, they directly omitted their names. .

In the originally very noisy environment in the hall, the gatekeeper yelled like this, as if pressing a button, all fell silent, and they all looked at the door of the hall one after another.

After a while, Enfu and the two elders appeared at the entrance of the hall, and everyone's expressions changed one after another. Thinking of what they said just now, they all began to feel a little bit frightened, afraid that Eunfu and the two elders would listen. To their condemnation.

However, seeing Enfu's face didn't show any unpleasant expression, he was all relieved.

The prince has just arrived, so is it possible to hear them?

Moreover, the hall was so noisy that even if I heard it, I didn't know what they were talking about. Their worries seemed unnecessary.

Except for the few people who are really on the side of Enfu, the faces of others are not very good, and everyone is more or less gloomy.

Only the few people who were quietly drinking in the banquet hall, saw Enfu coming, but they felt very relieved, as if they had a backing, no longer because of other people's non-stop. Sighed in the heart of the crusade.

Of course, the most ugly faces are Fei Encheng and Mrs. Huarui. They still hope that the good show will continue, and even hope that Eunfu will not appear in the banquet hall, so that they have an excuse to continue to smear Eunfu, but they did not expect it. At the last second, he arrived.

Moreover, at such a critical moment, the climax of the banquet was reduced to a minimum, interrupting the plan they had just formed.

Enfu showed up in the hall with a few people, deliberately pretending not to see the people in the hall for a while and white faces for a while, leading a few people to take the lead to sit down in their respective positions.

Enfu can be said to be the highest status in this blood bat clan. First is the status of his aunt, and then he is the most suitable candidate for the throne. His position is naturally arranged in the direction of the top, and then the next one is the big one. The elders and the second elders, and then the positions of Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao.

Opposite the first elder and the second elder are the positions of Encheng and Mrs. Huarui, and the opposite of Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao is the third and fourth elders. This way, it is easy to form a confrontational situation, which is also very interesting. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

This time the real protagonist has already arrived. Everyone in the other halls will naturally stand up to meet the generals, offering their hands, bending over, and saluting.

"Welcome the prince home!" At this time, even if someone doesn't recognize Eunfu's identity, and someone takes Eunfu's eyes and thorns, they must be respectful, because it's just the etiquette within their clan.

The courtesy are not to be expensed, not to mention, the convenience of management is the second elder who is on the side of Enfu. The third elder has already come this morning, so other people naturally dare not make any trouble.

Perhaps because of the guilty conscience just now, everyone respected the courtesy, even the three elders who had a waist injury also got up and, with the help of the young man, bowed to grace.

Enfu sat in a high position, looking at the Wu Yangyang people in this hall, thinking of what he had just seen, heard and heard, there was a slight fluctuation in his expression, and he did not immediately let them get up, with a hint of deliberateness. The meaning of embarrassment, especially for those who have bad intentions.

Enfu also knew that he was embarrassing them, and it should not be too obvious. It would be easy for people to hold the conversation. He waved his hand gently, and said with a kind of kingly air: "Get up! It's all his own banquet. , There is not so much etiquette."

Sitting at the bottom, Mu Fengzhao looked at Enfu's momentum and nodded in satisfaction. Who is Enfu without the aura to be king, isn't it, isn't it full of momentum?

"Thank you, the prince!" Everyone arched their hands, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and returned to their positions.

This time, everyone can really be sure that the prince did not hear what they just said, otherwise it would not be so easy to let them go.

A few traitors calmly wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads, and the disdain on their faces became more obvious. The prince really didn't work, he was so good-tempered.

The grace of sitting on the top is naturally looking at the expressions on the faces of those people. He sits on the top, and he can see every move of everyone underneath clearly, and there are some people’s faces. All his disdain is in his heart, preparing to settle accounts after the fall.

"Just now, what are the people talking about? I can hear the excitement of our hall from a long distance. Why not just listen to it, can it also help?"

Enfu knows that what they are most evasive now is that they don't want to advance the topic they just discussed, but he just can't get used to their triumphant look, and deliberately mentions things that everyone is afraid to mention.

Sure enough, when Eunfu mentioned what they were about to discuss, the expressions on everyone's face changed. Some of them were timid after doing bad things, and their faces were straightforward. It can be said that there is no silver three hundred taels here!

"What's the matter with Patriarch Lin? Why is his face pale like this? Is this sick?" Patriarch Lin is one of those people who stand on the side of Enfu, who is the least courageous.

Enfu deliberately mentioned Patriarch Lin's name to see if he wanted to defend his ugly behavior. Enfu still prefers to watch theaters.

"Back...back to the prince...nothing...nothing..." Patriarch Lin stammered a fist towards Enfu, arched his waist, wishing to bury his head under the ground.

If it weren't for the people around him who seemed to remind him to pull his clothes, he would be almost ready to recruit.

"Oh? Nothing? But why does this king look at you with a bad face? Could it be that you have done something wrong for fear of being discovered, haha." Enfu looked at Patriarch Lin's trembling look, and a chill flashed in his eyes. On the other hand, he is approachable, and seems to be deliberately making a joke of the Lin Patriarch.

"Haha... the prince joked, I... how dare I..." Patriarch Lin didn't expect Enfu to tell him directly, shaking his whole body, if it weren't for a hand behind him that was invisible, he I'm afraid I will be ashamed at this banquet.

Patriarch Lin tried hard to keep himself calm, but the vibrato in the words still revealed his state of mind at this time, and he was extremely restless.

Did the prince know what he did?


The third elder clearly said that what he did was very secretive, and no one would discover it.

Here, Patriarch Lin bent over, arched his hands and began to entangle the heavens and humans. Quietly, Mimi raised his eyes and glanced in the direction of Enfu, saw that he was retracting his hand, and smiled at herself.

This time, when Patriarch Lin saw this, his heart felt even colder. He had a bad feeling that the prince might have discovered something.

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