"Haha, Patriarch Lin is fine, and you should pay attention to your own body when you are old. No, if I didn't help you just now, wouldn't it be embarrassing to everyone?"

Enfu directly took care of himself and used his inner aspiration to help Patriarch Lin and said it out. It was also for those who despised him. He was a little weighed in his heart. He is no longer the one he used to be. The big prince can be deceived.

When Patriarch Lin heard this, he thought that someone had helped him invisibly just now, and he was shocked when he saw the movement of the prince withdrawing his hand, and he was also very worried.

Unexpectedly, the prince went out to experience, and now his strength has improved so much, it is really not to be underestimated.

Now this is the voice of Patriarch Lin, and it is naturally the voice of many people in the hall. Those who had a contemptuous attitude towards Enfu just now began to see Enfu again, no matter how lightly they were taking it lightly.

Eunfu was very satisfied with the effect of his words. He cast a grateful look at Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan. This is still Mu Fengzhao's idea. When necessary, it will be helpful to show everyone in front of you. To win the hearts of the people.

"Yes, the prince reminded it!" Before sitting down, Patriarch Lin glanced at the third elder who had a very bad face, and shook his head helplessly, wondering if his choice was wrong?

This time, because of the small episode of Patriarch Lin, some people who wanted to engage in small actions had to stop their careful thoughts, and they were all at ease.

If you want to say who hates grace at this moment, it is of course Mrs. Huarui. What she didn't expect is, but within a few months, the little beast who went out for experience had such a big breakthrough, which was simply too much for her. Imagined.

She thought that because the people who would die to outsiders, not only came back, but also the strength of death is now strengthened, which makes her not angry, not annoyed, and hateful.

Her precious son, who has been cultivating for so long, is far less than a little beast going out to practice, how can she bear that her son is not as good as that slut's son.

Not only did Mrs. Huarui's face of daring and unspoken anger, but also the face of the third elders.

He originally suffered from a waist injury and should be well-trained in bed, but for the sake of watching a good show and doing a good show, he shouldn't come to the banquet now, it is really painful.

And when he was just being supported by the young man to bow to Eunfu, he accidentally moved to the place of the waist injury, and the third elder was now in pain and anger.

It's not that he couldn't see it. Enfu was deliberately that Patriarch Lin came to test him. Fortunately, he held it and didn't show up. Otherwise, he just told everyone that Patriarch Lin is his own.

The third elders could not vent except endure at this time. After all, the main purpose of his coming today is to let everyone see that he is actually very good to the prince, otherwise he would not be hurt to come to the dinner, just for Create a good image.

Therefore, no matter how much anger he is now, he can't show it, and can only swallow silently in his stomach.

And this is what Enfu wants to see most at this time. Seeing that the three elders and Mrs. Huarui want to get angry but have to hold back in their hearts, wanting to vent can only be expressed in the indomitable suffocation on their faces. Looks like, there is already a big heart in my heart.

But when he got here, it didn't mean that he just let it go, just let go of the people who were pregnant with ghosts, he cleared his throat, and once again mentioned the topic to all the people just now. Dare to breathe from above, pretending to know nothing, and said: "Right, where did you just say it?"

The second elder, who has always maintained a good tacit understanding with Eunfu, naturally knew Eunfu’s purpose at this time. He immediately took over the suspicion and bowed his hand respectfully: "Back to the prince, you just said that you haven’t come yet. Before the hall, everyone is talking about what is so lively, let everyone talk about it and have a good time together."

The second elder and Eunfu deserved to be the most tacit pair. This one just opened his mouth, and the other knew what to say and what to express. It was a perfect match.

Mu Fengzhao, who has been doing it all the time, is very quiet. Watching Enfu and the second elder say one sentence, the tacit cooperation I have followed has already laughed in her heart, she really did not expect that Enfu is still such a one. A talent for acting.

Unexpectedly, Enfu is still a black-bellied guy, and I don't know if I have been with Ye Yan for too long, have also been infected, and have begun to play with people calmly.

As soon as Eunfu came up, he said such a thing, scared the traitors who had done a guilty conscience again, and then deliberately dealt with the Lin Patriarch, making the words meaningful and letting People have to wonder if he knows something, so as to kill the opponent's line of defense.

At the same time, showing such a hand, the people who originally despised him began to look straight, and had to reassess Eunfu's current strength, and also dispelled some of their small actions in the dark.

Even more so, the three elders, Mrs. Huarui, were very angry. There was nowhere to be angry, and the enduring was too cruel.

When everyone thought that Enfu had forgotten the problem that made them feel guilty, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and brought it up again, coupled with the deliberate tacit cooperation of the second elders, undoubtedly let those People with a guilty conscience lift their hearts high.

This Enfu's black belly was not inferior to Ye Yan at all, and it really tortured those people.

You must know that sometimes mental torture is far more painful than physical torture. The mentality of intentionally venting but unable to vent is really cruel.

Sure enough, Eunfu is still very powerful as a king, and this throne really belongs to him.

"You seem to be very happy?" Ye Yan knows Mu Fengzhao. With a small expression or a gesture, she knows how her mood changes. Now he looks so happy that he doesn't even want to see it.

When Mu Fengzhao saw Ye Yan use thousands of miles to transmit sound to himself, he didn't seem to say anything, but only the two of them could hear each other.

Mu Fengzhao looked at the reactions of the crowd, frowning, and holding up the very delicate glass on the low table in front of him, said: "That's not it, I see the expressions of those people who are deflated and have nowhere to vent. The actors are naturally very happy."

She and Ye Yan’s position is very good, but you can see the expressions of everyone present clearly, and see their expressions changing from youth to white. This is more fun than acrobatics. Naturally, she is Happy to see it happen.

"Are you sure it's not because of Enfu's breath, but also because of happiness." Ye Yan said that he also wanted to see why Mu Fengzhao was really happy, which would make him feel a little unhappy.

He is not the woman he loves. His thoughts are all on the other man. Although she didn't see him as a man, he still didn't expect to see this man.

It is not his style to be jealous of the little sister of a beloved woman, so Ye Yan is still a little bit yin and yang at this moment.

Not behaved, Mu Fengzhao, who was always watching the show, didn't notice any changes in the mood of the man next to him, otherwise he would roll his eyes and mutter the vinegar jar again.

"Hehe, it's a little bit related, but more importantly, there is a good show to watch." Mu Fengzhao also uses Thousand Miles of Voice Transmission so that no one will hear them when they speak.

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