"Huh! I hope so." Ye Yan raised his chin proudly, without too much care.

It's not that he didn't see that Mu Fengzhao's thoughts and words were all on those people at this time. Even if he has more dissatisfaction, it is not time to care about it. He can only settle accounts with Mu Fengzhao after the banquet is over. .

Enfu naturally didn’t know about Mu Fengzhao’s and Ye Yan’s affairs. He just wanted to teach some things to eat inside and out, and to cooperate with the second elder, when he saw the faces of those people together. His dignified look made him feel stunned.

But this does not mean that he will be satisfied with what he looks like at this time. He glanced at the direction of Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan, and saw that Mu Fengzhao quietly gave him a cheering gesture without letting anything found out. , And let him know that it is impossible to let these people go.

He knows who Mu Fengzhao is, he must be waiting for a good show now!

Seeing that she and Ye Yan have helped him so much, he doesn't mind that this excerpt is performed in a wonderful way, and it can be regarded as a cheer for the two guests, isn't it?

After Eunfu's plan was ready, he straightened his face, pretending to be loud, and looked at the second elder: "Yes, this is it. Come on, the big guy tells me, what is the reason for such a human brain? I can let everyone contribute to the excitement."

Eunfu said, looking at the few people who were the first to accuse him, but also the most fierce ones. Seeing that their faces changed a lot because of their own words, they looked as embarrassed as if they had eaten a fly. In a good mood.

They thought they had escaped, and they hadn't breathed a sigh of relief yet, and they had to tighten their nerves again because of Eun Fu's words.

They thought that there was such a stubble. Isn't this torturing them deliberately? They are all over half a hundred years old, and they can stand the tension for a while, and they are simply in the greatest torment.

The few people who made the most noise looked at each other and saw that everyone had an expression that didn’t know what to do. They all looked up at Mrs. Huarui in a very tacit understanding, hoping she could show it to everyone. Relief.

After all, now except for Mrs. Huarui, there seems to be no other person who can be qualified to speak to Enfu. The third elders have become like that because of the elder prince. Seeing the painful expression, you know that you can't count on it at this moment. On it.

And the four elders are soft-tempered, and they don't usually say a few words. If they weren't just the name of the four elders, they would have already withdrawn from the political arena of their blood bat family.

So now they have to put all their hopes on Mrs. Huarui, hoping that she can deal with it. After all, they think they want to cater to Mrs. Huarui, and in order to get the taste of Mrs. Huarui, they have the big disrespect behind.

Now they think about it, the eldest prince is now the most noble place in the family, where they can blame and talk, but they have committed a taboo.

In the past few months when the prince was not in the clan, almost everyone had forgotten the noble status of the prince, and there were some things that could not be blocked. Now it is too late to regret, and it is at this moment that they know what is called misfortune. .

Mrs. Huarui, who sits at the head of Enfu, naturally knows the meaning of those people who frequently look at him, but now Enfu is here, and she still has the posture she just came here, and her face is flushed. Know what to say for those who support their son.

Just when Mrs. Huarui was about to go out and do something for her precious son, suddenly a middle-aged male voice rang in the extremely quiet hall.

This voice was originally very loud. In addition, the banquet hall was very quiet at this time because of Enfu’s questioning. His voice suddenly reached the corners of the hall and spread to everyone. In the ears.

Those who hoped that Mrs. Huarui would say something for them, all sat in their positions with black faces, their hands holding the wine glasses were shaking, closed their eyes, and wanted to escape the current situation.

And Mrs. Huarui was gradually getting up, because the middle-aged man’s voice was like a leaking balloon, and she sat back. The cup that she had been squeezing in her hand was also caught by her long nails. Scratched.

Hearing only that voice said: "Back to the prince, they are all condemning you for being late to the banquet, saying that they look down on them and didn't put them in their eyes anyway..."

This is a big man who looks very rough. He looks very tall and mighty. It is not comparable to ordinary people. He is more than half a hundred years old. He looks very energetic and very powerful. It seems that he is very energetic and powerful. A person who is easy to deal with.

However, looking at this face is also a person who doesn't like those twists and turns, he is a more straightforward person, he will say what he has, no, Eunfu asked that, he took the lead without thinking, and said directly. After I came out, I didn't look at the expressions of those people who wished to eat him.

"Oh? There are people who are so rebellious. Are you seeing this king not pleasing to your eyes?" Of course Eunfu recognized who the brave person to tell the truth is, isn't it Li Dali who has always been neutral?

The Li family was once a veritable neutral, standing on neither side. The Li family can also be regarded as one of the typical representatives of the blood bat family standing upright. Each generation of the Patriarch is like Li Dali, a man of infinite power. Even with Li Dali, the generation is still like this, still a neutral person, who doesn't like the twists and turns of the intestines.

It’s just because of their Li family’s temperament that no matter who became the king, they respected their Li family very much. No one took the initiative to win over the Li family, because after a lesson in the early years, there is no one who is not afraid of death to win over. Li family.

Therefore, among the people who came to the banquet this time, except for those who were truly loyal and blessed, they didn't say a word, that is, those who remained neutral and did not waver, did not say a word about grace and blessing.

They are just like in another world, just come to participate in banquets, drink and eat food, chat, no other superfluous behaviors.

Enfu naturally knew the behavior of these people, but he didn't expect that someone would tell the truth so bluntly. Some of Enfu seemed to know why the Li family had been standing for a hundred years and hadn't arrived.

Isn't it because of a positive temperament.

"That's not it, the prince, there are too many people at this banquet that are rebellious, I'm afraid you will suffer!" Li Dali picked up the wine glass and drank it, which is very bold, continuing to clarify his point of view, it seems that it is at the root. He didn't look at those people's eyes as if they were handing a knife to him.

Li Dali was not talking. It seemed that the people who had just pierced the true face of those people were not like him, and it was not at all polite to drink and eat.

Eunfu looked at such a rude man who disturbed all the mood in the hall, not only felt funny, but also really a funny person.

"Oh? That's the case. Is it my eldest prince who is so hated by everyone?" Eunfu was not going to prove anything to Li Dali, looking at the few people who were stunned and staring at Li Dali. Asked profoundly.

Those people were anxious immediately, and one of them who was more anxious stood up immediately. If it hadn't been for someone to just pull him, he would have begun to refute.

"The prince, don't listen to Li Patriarch's slander, we did not slander the prince, this is still disrespectful, how dare we?"

He said that he walked quickly to the middle of the hall, not knowing whether it was annoyed, or was frightened, trembling, and knelt under Eunfu, as if he was dead.

Looking at this person's funny behavior, Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan not only felt a burst of laughter, but it seemed that another big drama was about to be staged, and they were really looking forward to it.

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