Mu Fengzhao's face was flushed for a while, and the black line was full for a while. In his heart, he had already scolded the three elders and the eighteenth generation of Mrs. Huarui's ancestor, not only silently vomiting these two people, it was really absurd to the extreme.

After that, Mu Fengzhao listened to all the next things with a black line, and quickly entered the secret road with a black line, until now he still has a black line staring at the flower core in a very good mood. Madam's back.

Along the way, for a while, there was no sound except Mrs. Huarui humming in a good mood.

Although Mrs. Huarui just felt that someone was looking at herself, she gave up every time she turned her head to no avail.

Mu Fengzhao was very depressed now, naturally he didn't speak, and he didn't notice the unnaturalness of Ye Yan beside him, and walked behind Mrs. Huarui with vigour.

At first glance, this secret road was built deliberately for the third elder and Mrs. Huarui. The residences of the two people are far away, but this secret road uses a special technique to greatly shorten the distance between the two people’s residences. A lot.

Moreover, there were no bends and turns, and I kept walking in a straight line. At that time, it was supposed to be built in a straight line according to the two residences, which shortened the distance so much.

Although it is a secret road, this secret road is not simple. Not only is it very clean inside, but it can be seen for some years, and it is not dark inside, it is as bright as daylight.

Two people can walk side by side in the secret road, and there are oil lamps on both sides, so that the secret road remains bright all year round.

As soon as he entered this secret path, Mu Fengzhao had some depression in his mind that he hadn't noticed yet. As Mrs. Huarui walked away, he discovered another blushing heartbeat of this secret path.

That is, she discovered that there were a lot of patterns carved on the walls on both sides of this secret road. Mu Fengzhao took a closer look and saw that there were no other, but some very obvious **** pictures on it.

The engraving technique is very superb at first glance, and every detail is carved clearly, and the various movements between men and women are like living people right in front of them.

Mu Fengzhao took a closer look at the heroes and heroines above, and at one time was convinced that the three elders and Mrs. Huarui were perverted, and that it was none other than the three elders and Mrs. Huarui himself.

However, it can be seen that they should have existed when they were young, and the walls on the walls are what they looked like when they were young, and there are still some differences from what they are now.

Because of these murals, this secret road really became the best place for the three elders and Mrs. Huarui to have an affair, which exudes the taste of adultery everywhere.

It's all right now. If someone finds it here, there is no need for the three elders and Mrs. Huarui to quibble, just seeing the mural on the secret road has confirmed the relationship between the two people.

Regarding this point, Mu Fengzhao said that this evidence is still worthy of reference.

After following Madam Huarui for about a cup of tea, I found that Madam Huarui’s walking speed slowly dropped. Then I saw her stop and knocked twice on the wall. After a while, I heard a creak. With a sound, the exit of the secret path was opened.

Mrs. Huarui bent down and walked out. Seeing this, Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan also immediately followed. At the second when the secret road was closed, the two also walked out of the secret road.

It seems that, in order to ensure the confidentiality of their relationship, Mrs. Huarui and the third elders can only open the secret path from the outside to enter and exit.

As soon as Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan came out, they saw that someone was guarding the secret path for Mrs. Huarui. Once a voice came out from the secret path, someone would open the entrance and exit of the secret path.

Mu Fengzhao looked at the maid standing next to Madam Huarui, and had recognized the maid. At the banquet, it seemed that the maid was with Madam Huarui.

Thinking of the conversation between the three elders and Mrs. Huarui, this maid should be the leaf in their mouths. It seems that this maid is very trusted by Mrs. Huarui, otherwise she would not be allowed to know about such secret things, and let her guard the secret path. Entrances and exits.

It is estimated that the matter between the three elders and Mrs. Huarui, the maid knew all about it, otherwise she would not have waited so calmly when she saw Mrs. Huarui walking out with such a disheveled dress.

Sure enough, the three elders and the people around Mrs. Huarui are not simple things. Just looking at the temperament of this whole body, you know that you have been used to seeing Mrs. Huarui like this.

Mu Fengzhao touched his chin, and felt that this maid was a very good witness. At this moment, all the witnesses were gathered, and it was not a waste of her hard work. Seeing so many scorching eyes, it defiled her ears. .

"Madam, the water is ready, you can go and wash first and take a rest." The leaf supported Madam Huarui, and his face turned red when he saw the traces of blue and purple on Madam Huarui's body.

Even if Ye Zi was used to Mrs. Huarui's appearance after returning from the Third Elder, she was still a little embarrassed that she was still an unmarried girl.

"Hehe, Ye Zi is still considerate. When the second son takes that position, I will marry you to him and let you be my daughter-in-law, so that we will become real mothers and daughters."

Mrs. Huarui naturally saw the unnaturalness on Ye Zi's face, and smiled happily, patted Ye Zi's hand with relief, and said with a joke.

This maid has always been her favorite, and she is happy to see it as her own daughter-in-law. Although Ye Zi’s identity is somewhat unworthy of her son, she should be given an identity and be a concubine. It is possible.

She picked the leaf herself, and of course she was satisfied with her.

"Madam, you know to make fun of Ye Zi, and the slave girl wants to wait on you all the time." Mrs. Huarui seemed to say that Ye Zi was embarrassed. She twisted her body, blushing, and helped Mrs. Huarui to walk to the bottom of the bathroom.

"It's possible that the big girl has been serving me, the most important thing is to get married." Madam Huarui sat in the water, closed her eyes, and let Ye Zi wait on her.

Seeing Mrs. Huarui's enjoyment, she knew that Ye Zi's words had penetrated into her heart and had already pleased her greatly.

There is a sensible maid waiting by her side, which is a kind of enjoyment regardless of body and mind.

Mu Fengzhao naturally listened to the words of Huarui and Yezi, feeling that there should be nothing important next, and left Mrs. Huarui's yard with Ye Yan.

Mu Fengzhao thought of the conversation between Mrs. Huarui and Ye Zi, and felt that it would not be so easy to want this Ye Zi to be on his side.

After all, that person who was promised by Mrs. Huarui to marry his own son could gain the trust of Mrs. Huarui. This Ye Yan is not so easy to be instigated.

After Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan arrived at the Bamboo Garden, the sky was already bright, and Enfu was waiting for two people in the courtyard at this time.

Seeing Enfu's look anxious, Mu Fengzhao naturally knew that he was worried about them, and some of them yawned tiredly and gave Enfu a victory sign.

This gesture Mu Fengzhao and Eunfu said, Eunfu naturally knew it, and the heart that had been holding it was relieved.

Since Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan left, he immediately went to Zhuyuan to wait for the two people after he finished handling the matter at hand. He also sent a more trustworthy subordinate to inquire outside the courtyard of the third elders, once what happened. Things can also save people even if they enter.

Now that the two people came back safe and sound, Enfu was relieved.

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