"You two are back here. If you don't come back, I will go to the third elder to find you." Eunfu saw that both of them seemed to be a little tired, and they were very diligent when they arrived at two glasses of water, one for each.

Mu Fengzhao was indeed a little thirsty, and without politeness and tweaking, he took the water and drank it.

"Oh, we don't want to, but the harvest today is really not small!" Mu Fengzhao poured a glass of water down, and immediately felt that the dry feeling in his throat improved a lot.

It was very proud that Yuntian wiped the water stains on the corners of his mouth, and once again took the water that Ye Yan handed over to her, and pointed to Enfu's expression with a big discovery.

"Oh? It seems that where you are going to the Three Elders this time is really not in vain." Enfu raised his brows, leaned forward and lay on the table, and asked with extremely serious curiosity: "Tell me, What did you find?"

Seeing Enfu's anxious look, Mu Fengzhao rolled his eyes, and pushed Enfu's face away, put down the cup in his hand, lay on his arm, and slammed his other arm against him. Ye Yan of Ye Yan said weakly: "Come on, I'm tired, you can talk to this one."

She wanted to sleep now, and she returned to her own territory. She immediately felt uncomfortable all over her body and exhausted, and she needed a good rest to replenish her energy.

Ye Yan would naturally not refuse Mu Fengzhao’s request. He glanced distressedly at Mu Fengzhao with a tired face, nodded, put down the cup in his hand, and began to talk to Enfu about him and Mu Fengzhao in the third elder. Wherever I heard all the things, by the way, I also brought a conversation between Mrs. Huarui and Ye Zi.

Ye Yan was very careful when he said it, and didn't leave anything behind, and explained all the secrets he had heard with Mu Fengzhao word by word.

Originally seeing Mu Fengzhao so tired, I didn’t intend to rush to talk to Eunfu, but thinking that what they heard was a very important thing to Bat Valley, so I told Eunfu earlier that he could do it too. Talk to the great elder and the second elder as soon as possible, and get ready earlier.

In this way, Enfu settled his affairs as soon as possible, and they could also leave, and there was no need to watch Mu Fengzhao dig into Enfu every day, adding to himself every day.

So Ye Yan said everything carefully and carefully with the fastest speed.

Ye Yan looked at Eunfu after listening to his words with an incredible expression, and lost his thoughtful eyes. Thinking about this incident should be a very big shock to anyone in Bat Valley.

Give Enfu two minutes to react for a while, and pat Enfu's shoulder with sympathy, which is also comforting.

After all, as long as an individual has known that someone has worn a green hat on his father's back for decades, he should not feel calm in his heart.

Moreover, as far as Ye Yan knew, when Eunfu was still young and ignorant, although Mrs. Huarui treated him badly and could even be said to be abuse, Eunfu respected his father's concubine very much.

Therefore, now that Enfu knows the truth, no matter what, his mood will not be clear with a few words.

"Now think about how you can use this biggest secret for them and weakly deal with them! Taking the throne into your own hands as soon as possible is the most important thing right now."

Ye Yan looked at Mu Fengzhao, who seemed to have fallen asleep on the table. She couldn't bear to continue sleeping in such pain. He bent down and hugged Mu Fengzhao before heading towards the bedroom. Before entering, Wei Wei Turned around and said to Enfu.

Enfu nodded mechanically, and glanced at Mu Fengzhao who was sleeping in Ye Yan's arms, with a frustrated expression on his face: "Well, I know, I know what to do. By the way, I have one more thing to do when I come here. Let me inform you that it is announced this afternoon that the affairs of the king are scheduled for tomorrow, so you can take a good day off."

Enfu said, thanked Ye Yan and left.

Looking at Enfu, Ye Yan seemed to have some low backs, and said to Mu Fengzhao in his arms: "He has already gone, this incident should be a big blow to him!"

The person who had already fallen asleep had already opened his eyes without knowing when, glanced at the direction in which Enfu had disappeared, and laughed helplessly, the fatigue on his face could no longer be concealed.

Mu Fengzhao listened to Ye Yan's words, put his arms directly on Ye Yan's neck, placed his head lightly on his shoulders, and said quietly, "Maybe it is a necessary process for Enfu to grow up! What we should do It’s done, and it’s up to him next. Okay, the next whole day will be our time to rest. I'm really exhausted. I want to sleep. Hurry up, let's go."

Mu Fengzhao, who was very serious a second, patted Ye Yan on the shoulder, urging Ye Yan to hug her to rest, and she couldn't hold on without going to bed.

"Yes, yes, my lord queen. But are you sure you don't want to eat something before resting?" Ye Yan naturally embraced Mu Fengzhao and walked toward the bedroom, but thinking that they hadn't eaten like this for almost all night. No longer, worried that Mu Fengzhao was hungry when he fell asleep, and asked jokingly.

"No, I'm not hungry at all. Don't forget, I ate a lot of food at the banquet!" Mu Fengzhao didn't lift his head, his eyes didn't move, and he was about to fall asleep. Ye Yan's posture crooked in Ye Yan's arms.

"Well, whatever you want, if you are hungry, tell me that I will let people prepare." Ye Yan did not delay the steps under his feet and soon came to me, put Mu Fengzhao on the bed and covered it. Putting on the cup, ordered.

In fact, he really wanted to just hug Mu Fengzhao like this. Mu Fengzhao's body was soft and he liked it very much, but sleeping in his arms didn't make it more comfortable to sleep on the bed, so what's the matter with Ye Yan? Like it, no matter how unwilling it is, there is no way.

Mu Fengzhao rolled onto the bed, nodded indiscriminately, and fell asleep without being able to hold on anymore.

Ye Yan smiled helplessly and spoiled, stood by the bed for a while before leaving.

Here, Enfu came to the residence of the great elder, and saw that the great elder should have just woke up. Thinking of the things Ye Yan had said to him, he walked in without any hesitation.

"Big elder." Enfu greeted the big elder respectfully and with gratitude. If it hadn't been for the interaction between the big elder and the second elder since he was a child, he might not survive this time.

"Why did the prince come? I didn’t have dinner. Let’s have breakfast together." When the elder saw Enfu, he was still a little surprised. After they finished the banquet, they went to deal with government affairs for a few hours. how long.

The elder thought, Enfu should be still resting at this time, but looking at this look, where is the rest, still that set of clothes, neat and tidy, not like he was still resting in bed for a while. .

Therefore, the great elder is still somewhat surprised by the blessings of appearing to him suddenly, and there seems to be some thoughts.

"Yeah, good." Enfu nodded and agreed to let the elder know that as soon as possible, and it would be convenient to say after breakfast.

It suddenly occurred to me that this matter was not trivial. The second elders still needed to know, and what they should do afterwards, they still need to discuss together.

Enfu pointed to a servant who was guarding the door and said, "You go to the second elder's residence and invite the second elder here. That is, we will have a meal together."

Naturally, Enfu didn't tell the real thing about finding the second elder, and gave a general order to let the subordinate go.

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