The elder was so shrewd. When he saw Enfu suddenly come to him, thinking that someone would invite the second elder, he knew that there was something to discuss with them, and he didn’t say anything, and ordered the other servants to go. Prepare breakfast.

After all the people were released, two more trustworthy people were arranged to guard in the yard, sitting beside Enfu, and asking with a serious face: "What's the matter, is there something to be with me? What did the second elder say?"

This kind of grace is rarely seen by the great elder, and it can be said that the great elder and the second elder watched and grew up together, and they knew him very well.

The elders of Enfu’s words and deeds all know what it means. Now looking at Enfu’s frustrated look, the elders have guessed that Enfu has something to say, and I’m afraid this is not the case. simple.

Eunfu naturally knew that his behavior could not be hidden from the elder and the eyes, and nodded with a helpless but wry smile: "There is something, but let's talk about it after dinner! Otherwise, I will say it now, I am afraid that the elder will do it. Can't eat breakfast anymore."

Just like the great elder understands Enfu, Enfu also knows the great elder very well, knowing how loyal the great elder is to his father in this life, if I say that thing now, I am afraid that with the temper of the great elder, this A breakfast can’t be eaten anyway.

That's why Eunfu has such a proposal. Even if he hears such things, he is very angry. What's more, the elder is a person of good order throughout his life?

If he knew about the three elders and Mrs. Huarui, he would probably be so angry that he could eat breakfast.

"Well, since you said that, let's talk about breakfast for dinner! The second elder should come in a while." The elder looked at Enfu, who seemed to really not want to say it, and did not force him to say it. It is a considerate decision to make other plans after breakfast.

After a while, those who were going to prepare breakfast came with a very rich breakfast, and soon a table was filled.

The great elder looked at this rich breakfast and nodded in satisfaction, the middle-aged man's serious expression also had a hint of kindness.

Pointing to the early on the table with a gratified and happy expression: "These are all prepared deliberately by me. They are all your favorites since childhood. I don’t know if your tastes have changed when you are older. You can wait a minute. Taste it well."

In the past, in order to prevent people from making hands and feet in Enfu’s meals, all of Enfu’s meals were supervised by the elders. Over time, the elders naturally knew Enfu’s appetite.

However, it is precisely for the safety of Eunfu to prevent others from knowing what Eunfu likes to eat. Even if they encounter something that Eunfu likes to eat, the elder does not let Eunfu stutter too much, and always cares about some changes. All kinds of tricks, dispel the abacus of those who are interested.

At the same time, it was precisely because of the great elder's series of cautiousness that at one time the ignorant grace at that time complained.

At that time, Enfu didn't know that he was living among wolves, tigers and leopards, and was always dissatisfied with the elder's restriction of him to eat what he liked.

However, the great elder has always remembered Enfu’s taste from beginning to end. No, I just didn’t know when to order to prepare some early meals that Enfu loves.

Eunfu looked at the breakfast on the table, almost all of which he liked to eat, and looked at the look of kindness and relief of the great elder, and he was moved.

It seems that I thought of the past bit by bit, thinking of my own ignorance, a little annoyance, looked at the great elder apologetically, holding some old hands of the great elder and said: "Always always, to the elder Xie I have been taking care of me and protecting me so hard, and I have become the one I am now. All this is due to the great elder, but I..."

Enfu said, there was a hint of choking in his voice, touched the water stain at the corner of his eye, and some smiled helplessly.

Once he didn't know the great elder's good intentions for him, and always thought that the great elder was not good to him and would not let him eat what he liked, and he kept complaining about the great elder in his heart.

Even because of this, after a long time, he slowly left the great elder, and slowly got close to Mrs. Huarui, who always gave him delicious food.

At that time, he was ignorant. He always thought that only Mrs. Huarui was really good to him. Being strict and harsh to him was just high expectations for him, so he always respected Mrs. Huarui and even regarded her as himself. Mother's mother.

For the sake of his safety, the elder has been strictly forbidding him to get close to Mrs. Huarui, which further arouses his dislike of the elder, thinking that the elder just doesn't look good on himself, and has always been cold to the elder. See, it also led to a freezing point in the relationship with the Great Elder.

Knowing that once, Mrs. Huarui sent him cakes and was eaten by a dog. He immediately fell to the ground after seeing that dog ate it. After struggling for a while, he lost his breath.

He was so frightened that he didn’t know what was going on, so he ran into Mrs. Huarui’s yard and asked Mrs. Huarui to explain the matter, but he did not expect that he had just walked to the door and heard it from the closed room. The conversation between Mrs. Huarui and Encheng.

At that time, he knew that Mrs. Huarui had never been really nice to him. She was always acting in a hysterical manner. Of course, the things that hit him were just venting Huarui's anger towards her own mother.

He also knows that Mrs. Huarui is deliberately separating himself from the relationship with the elder, wanting the protection of her former elder and letting the elder disappoint him, so that once the time is right, he will be ignorant of the ghost. Jude died in the hands of Mrs. Huarui.

And the pastry that was eaten by the dog by mistake was just the beginning of his death unconsciously, and that one took his life back for him.

After listening to the conversation between Mrs. Huarui and Encheng, he also knew Mrs. Huarui's plan. No one knew that he had been to Mrs. Huarui's yard, and no one knew that he knew.

After returning, he personally planted the unknown dog, and began to slowly grow up from Mrs. Huarui, until later he learned that the elder had always treated himself with good intentions, but he never ate those things he had done. What you like to eat but is restricted by the elders.

Thinking of Eunfu and seeing this, those memories of the past were all pulled back into my mind, feeling that I was simply unattainable at the time, betraying the great elder's intentions for him.

For so long, he has always felt sorry for the elder, and slightly made up for it with his own actions, but half a year ago, in order to avoid the pressure of the throne competition, he once again left the elder and the second elder alone and left. Bat Valley, fled to the outside world to go happy.

Let the great elder fight alone with the second elder again. I don’t know if the heir they expect will come back. They have been insisting hard, and they have been dealing with the treacherous villains like the third elder and Mrs. Huarui, just In order to hold him where he originally belonged.

Eunfu thought, in the first half of his life, no one was sorry, only the elder and the second elder owed him, so he was destined to be unable to repay all this.

The only thing he has to do now is to get back the position that belongs to him, so that the senior elder and the second elder can be at ease and not let their half-life effort be wasted.

Today may be the beginning of his determination, and this breakfast is their starting point.

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