"Hey, what silly thing to say! You are the heir to the throne. No matter what you do, it is the most correct thing, and what we pay should be the same."

The Great Elder also covered the back of Enfu's hand with another pair, and patted it, implying comfort.

He believes that he has a clear conscience in his entire life, and the only thing he has a little regret is that he has been strict with Enfu since then, which made him centrifugal himself for so long.

"Hey, I said, I just came here for a while, why are you still affectionate." When the two elders and Eunfu each had some uncomfortable hearts, they saw that the second elders had already come to them. In front of them, the clothes blowing beard stared at them.

With the sudden destruction of the atmosphere by the second elder, the elder and Eunfu glanced at each other and smiled helplessly. These two elders seemed to be born to destroy the atmosphere. Every time the feelings of others were brewing to the best time, the second As long as the elders appear, the atmosphere will definitely run away.

The second elder was also not polite. He sat down in the position reserved for him and looked at the rich breakfast at this table. Not only did he utterly stupefied: "I tell you, and you guys called it early, a little bit Sometime later, the elder will have dinner. But fortunately, this is still here, otherwise, wouldn't it be that I missed so many delicious foods that the prince likes to eat?"

The second elder is a self-acquainted person. He looks careless every day and doesn't think of himself as a latecomer at all. He unceremoniously picked up his chopsticks and started to eat. Forgot to comment.

Enfu and the Great Elder shook their heads helplessly when they saw the second elder look like a starving ghost reborn. They have been there for so many years, and it is precisely because the second elder is there that their lives will not feel boring.

To say that these two elders had a sufficient sense of existence during the period when Enfu was ignorant and deviated from the great elder.

He almost exists as an old person, like a mother, the great elder controls what Eunfu eats, and the second elder will secretly give Eunfu privately, so Enfu loves to eat those things, and the second elder knows everything well.

The most important thing is that during the period when Enfu and the Great Elder were the most distracted, the second elder's role as a peacemaker came in handy.

Almost all of them are him, running tirelessly every day, talking good things about that in front of this, and it is not easy to talk about this in front of that, it can be said that they have broken two legs.

It is also because of the role of the second elder in it between the great elder and Enfu that they are too far apart. This is all attributed to the second elder and the elder.

Therefore, Enfu was a little closer to the second elders than to the big elders since childhood, more because the second elders were easier to get along with.

As soon as the second elder came, he had an active atmosphere, and coupled with his posture of eating especially fragrant, the breakfast of the three of them was settled in a very active atmosphere.

It may be because of the knots between Enfu and the Great Elder for so long, because today's sudden breakfast has been solved, and the Great Elder and Enfu both ate more breakfast than before.

After a sumptuous breakfast is finished, let the subordinates clean up, the elder elders, as before, let his own henchmen patrol around, let the subordinates guard in the yard, and the three of Enfu will go together. The study of the great elder.

Generally speaking, when they deal with things or discuss some things, they go directly to the elder's study, because since they learned about the methods and abilities of the three elders, the great elder deliberately isolates the sound in his study. Come, they don’t have to be afraid of being heard again when they talk about things.

Several people arrived in the study, and the elder ordered people to guard it outside. This time the yard of the elder was guarded to the death. Even a fly could not get in. Naturally, they didn't know what they were talking about in the study.

"The prince, let's talk about anything! The elder and I are here to listen!" Seeing that everything is ready, the second elder asked Enfu.

Although he usually looks careless and indifferent to get along well with each other, he is not a fool. Not long after they were separated, they were invited to have breakfast. It was impossible to think so.

The second elder didn't need to guess but knew that Enfu had something to tell them, so he was so anxious and couldn't take care of the breakfast time. Now it's all ready, and it's time to talk about it.

Eunfu naturally knew that it was impossible for him to hide from the second elder who was also a human being, not to mention that he did not intend to hide it.

He knew that the second elder and the great elder didn't need to say what they knew about him. They could guess what they were thinking through their words and deeds.

Enfu didn't hesitate, and after deliberating on his words, he told Ye Ye Yan and all the things he had said, repeating the so-called secret path specially.

Enfu knew that he had said this. The first elder and the second elder should not be able to accept it at once, but there was no way. In order to prevent the trickery of those people from succeeding, the key is that they must find a way as soon as possible.

Moreover, the first elder and the second elder have experienced so much, even if it is unacceptable at once, it is only a temporary thing, and it will be fine after a period of time.


"It is unreasonable, this corrupt woman, who has a leg with the old man of the third elder, is simply deceiving people too much, too much."

"That old man, old man..."

As soon as the second elder finished speaking in Enfu, he immediately slapped it on the table with a slap. A table couldn't hold on to the second elder's slap, and it was immediately shattered to pieces, everywhere.

The second elder was so angry that he kept panting, and he kept screaming outside, wishing that the third elder and Mrs. Huarui would be killed.

What was unexpected to Enfu was that the great elder was unexpectedly quiet, not as anxious as he had imagined, sitting there quietly, holding a tea cup, looking unclear, as if thinking about something.

"I'm so angry, I'm so angry, I can't think of Er Gong... Encheng turned out to be the result of the two of them. It's really a corrupt blood."

The second elder couldn't relieve the anger in his heart, and walked with his waist incessantly, looking at Eunfu's eyes for a while.

"You can rest for a while, a lot of age, and still like a young man." The elder looked solemn, put down the tea cup in his hand, and watched the second elder walking around tirelessly, and said aloud. .

"Huh, are you angry? Those two **** have been secretly hooking up with us for decades. Now the children can already compete with the prince for my place. If it weren't for the two guests who discovered the secret , We continue to be in the dark!"

When the second elder thought that they had been kept in the dark, if it hadn't been discovered by others, the consequences would be disastrous.

He finally knew now why the three elders supported Encheng with all their heart and did so many invisible things for this.

"How can I be angry? It has happened. What we should do now is how to deal with the following things, instead of just being angry here. I'm not as old as the prince."

The great elder ignored the complaints of the two elders, and spoke very sensibly in terms of facts.

The great elder seemed to have thought of something, and then he paused and said, "Moreover, this matter seems to have already had signs, but I haven't thought about it."

"What! You already knew it?" The second elder looked incredible, glanced at Enfu, and was surprised when he saw Enfu.

"Yeah, have you already known the great elder? Why did you never listen to you?" Enfu also asked.

"It's not that I know, but that there is already an omen." The elder repeated his words again, specially emphasizing the word omen, adding to his tone.

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