Enfu thought of the prudent temperament of Mrs. Huarui and the Third Elder. If someone knew their secrets, they would definitely try to seal it up and not let people say it. After all, that could kill them.

But I also knew that as the future Patriarch of Gu'an Yaowanggu, I couldn't do it lightly. There was no way to kill her. Naturally, I had to find another way and find other methods.

As long as Gu An is sent away and she is not given a chance to speak out, everything will be resolved.

Therefore, the reason why Gu An is so sick is probably because the three elders and Mrs. Huarui deliberately tried to seal their mouths, which explains why Mrs. Huarui was so anxious to send people away.

"It is estimated that this is the only way to make sense." The grand elder looked solemn, and he couldn't think of any other reasons besides this conjecture.

"Then what should we do now, do we want to watch those two adulterers and adulterers behave like a tiger!" The second elder asked the question to the key point in a sentence. As long as he thought of the disgusting things the two people did, he couldn't wait for it. Picked up a knife and stabbed them both.

"Naturally, they are not allowed to continue to be so absurd. Since they are paying attention to the throne, we will let their intentions be completely shattered." A trace of cruelty flashed across the face of the great elder. He was never a kind person. , Killing decisively is the real him.

After so many years, his actions have become much gentler for the people and things he is loyal to, which has caused many people to gradually forget what kind of existence he is.

Now the affairs of the three elders and Mrs. Huarui are completely intolerable, and the grievances between them are also time to make a break, and if it is dragged on like this, it is not conducive to the long-term development of their blood bat clan.

"Then what should we do? By the way, the prince, did the two guests give some advice." Seeing the look of the elder after a long time, the second elder knew that the elder had made up his mind this time and asked him about it. opinion.

It seemed that something suddenly came to mind, he glanced at the unpredictable Eunfu and asked.

He thought, since they can know about this, it is really thanks to Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan, they still don't know how long they will be kept in the dark anyway!

Now that they have discovered such a ugly family ugly, seeing the two people's amazingness, they must have a little bit in their hearts, but there is no suggestion to Enfu.

"What they mean is, it's better to deal with it as soon as possible." Enfu thought about Ye Yan's reminder before he left the Bamboo Garden, which was actually not to let them drag on.

"Well, what I mean is that it is better to solve it as soon as possible. We have to catch them by surprise. How to make them aware of it will definitely be defensive. At that time, I am afraid that our favorable conditions are not so useful."

The Grand Elder agrees with Enfu's words very much. Before the third elders and Mrs. Huarui know that they have mastered their secrets, they will be given a fatal blow, so that they will not have any strength to fight back. Catch it all in one swoop.

"Well, I think we'd better find someone to investigate the secret path first. With this evidence, it's hard to argue with them." No matter how much we plan to do, there is no evidence to put it in front of everyone. The secret path that can link the bedroom of the three elders and Mrs. Huarui is difficult for anyone to doubt.

The second elder thought about this with Mu Fengzhao. Where is the living evidence, are you afraid that they won't admit it?

"By the way, the personal maid next to Mrs. Huarui was also taken care of, looking for an excuse not to be horrified. Is it the most favorable witness in the mouth of the maid."

The elder thought of Enfu told their maid beside Mrs. Huarui, and at a glance, he knew that if the maid made good use of it, it would save a lot of trouble.

Other witnesses may not be enough to make people believe, but the maid is the one who has been with Mrs. Huarui since she was a child, and she is very trusted by Mrs. Huarui.

No one in Bat Valley knows that Mrs. Huarui is very fond of her maid, and wants her to cling to her son. If she can subdue the maid, it would be the best thing for them.

"Yeah, I got it." A hint of cruelty flashed across Enfu's always grinning face. He once gave them a chance, but they didn't know how to cherish it. In that case, I can't blame him.

"By the way, when should we announce this matter, it is best to advertise it in the public." The second elder thought that this handle is so important, and they must let everyone know, even though it is a family ugly. Yang, but now they have no other way.

"Then at the successor announcement meeting, all the people from all over the valley will be there to watch. What is the time when there are the most people than at that time." The elder proposed, and he naturally thought of going with the second elder. This If in normal times they can still deal with it low-key, but now they can't do it low-key, they only have high-key.

Now that you have decided to be high-profile, let this matter be completely high-profile to the end, what is there to be more high-profile at the successor conference?

No, there is absolutely nothing more high-profile than that.

"Well, just at that time, let them see how shameful these corrupting things are." Although they said that their ugliness should not be publicized, at that time, if a rule came down, the lady Huarui could be removed directly. Come, it has nothing to do with them anymore.

After that, the three people discussed the details in the study again, and ensured that they would be foolproof.

Now that it has been decided to kill the Three Elders, Madam Huarui and others, all the relevant evidence must be collected, and they can also be beaten to the water dog at that time, so that they have no room to fight back.

Enfu walked out of the elder's yard and found that the sky had changed without knowing when it was supposed to be sunny, but it suddenly began to drizzle.

The sky is unpredictable, and people have misfortunes and blessings. Sure enough, the sky is about to change.

Enfu did not hesitate, plunged into the drizzle, and went to his yard.

Now that the sky has changed, he has no room to stay out of the matter. Since he can't avoid it, he will rise to the challenge and plunge himself into it.

"The matter of the third elder and Mrs. Huarui is exposed, the elder prince is the one who suffers the most!" The figure of the elder and the second elder in Enfu completely disappeared from sight, and slowly walked out of the shadows. The individual looked at the direction of Eunfu's disappearance with his hands behind his back.

The elder looked unclear, touched his beard, and said faintly: "This is something he will find out sooner or later, so it's okay for him to recognize it earlier."

"Yes, the road to growth is always accompanied by pain." The second elder suddenly realized that once he saw a sentence in a book, he felt that it fits the current prince, and said it directly.

"Tomorrow's affairs must be guaranteed to be foolproof, and whether the Grand Prince can successfully sit in that position depends on tomorrow." The Grand Elder also glanced at the sky. This day is the most uncontrollable existence, and changes are often at any time.

The things they plan are the same. The plan will never keep up with changes, so they have to be one hundred and twenty to be careful, no matter how careful people are to stare at.

"Don't worry, everything is arranged, just wait for tomorrow's early arrival." The second elder knew what the elder was worried about, so he patted the elder on the shoulder with relief, not letting him worry.

"hope so!"

The great elder left this sentence and didn't say anything else, and stood at the gate of the yard with the second elder quietly watching the drizzle and pattering, and it was extremely quiet for a while.

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