The next day, the beginning of the summer is a good day for marriage, marriage, and land development. This day is also a day destined to change the historical turning point of the blood bat clan.

Everyone in Bat Valley knows the importance of today. The people inside are like Chinese New Year. They happily got up early, changed their clothes, and after breakfast, they started to organize for their past generations. Go up to the square where the successor assembly is announced.

On the square at this time, Caiyi was full of smiles. Everyone stood in a comfortable mood under the high platform that had already been built, talking and laughing at the very gorgeous high platform that was dressed up.

Today is a good day. Yesterday was still rainy and rainy. Today is like a blessing. The sky cleared all of a sudden, as if to indicate something.

Although the announcement that the conference was suddenly postponed for a day made it very suggestive to the old and stubborn people, but seeing this kind of good weather didn't care about it anymore.

It was announced that the conference had already been set up, and everything was in place, and I only owed the wind of today.

This is destined to be a day that everyone will look forward to.

The high platform symbolizing the throne was built very high. In the Bat Valley, which is full of low houses, this high platform of several meters can already witness all the scenes in the Bat Valley.

The most central location of the high platform is the throne. After all the dust settles today, there will be its owner on it, and that person is the king who rules their Bat Valley clan.

Except for the most noble throne, under the throne, it's like setting up a banquet. The seats are ten meters on each side. It is for some people with status and status in Bat Valley.

And behind the high platform, there is a very wide square, and many people have been standing underneath one after another. Those are some other subjects in Bat Valley.

The square is large enough to accommodate all the people in Bat Valley and those who rushed back from outside in order to catch up with such a rare heirs meeting in a century.

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan were mixed in the crowd. After coming here, seeing the scene at this moment can already be described by a crowd of people. It can be seen how eye-catching this conference is, and it makes people utterly astounding. .

Because Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan are not internal personnel in Bat Valley, no matter how good the relationship with Eun Fu, the rules of installing Bat Valley cannot participate in their internal government affairs, so they did not go there in order not to invite people to gossip. The high platform, but like other civilians, stood under the platform.

The only difference is that because of Enfu and the care of the two elders, their position is more pre-test and more comfortable.

Even common people can be divided into poor people and rich people. The poor people can only watch from the last side, while the rich people can get closer to the higher-ranking people and get in touch with people of higher status.

Therefore, tables, chairs, tea and snacks have been arranged in Fumin District, but the sun is a bit big today, and an umbrella is added to each seat to provide shade.

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan are in the best position in the Fumin District, but the situation on the high platform can be seen clearly, and even the movements and expressions of everyone sitting there can be seen.

This is also carefully arranged by Enfu and the two elders to ensure that Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan have the best place to watch.

At this time, the time has not arrived, and there is no one on the high platform. Only these people and civilians underneath came earlier. I hope to find a better location as much as possible, which can be more beneficial for them to watch.

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan were sitting leisurely under the parasol. Because someone had already greeted them, their food and drink expenses were naturally the best. Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan chatted without a word.

After a day and night of rest, the current Mu Fengzhao's spirit can be said to be very full and refreshed, just want to watch the drama and kill time.

So while talking with Ye Yandong, while listening to the surrounding civilians discussing today's announcement meeting.

"I heard that today's heir is very fierce, and there is still no suitable candidate." A middle-aged man wearing ordinary blue cloth said to several people around him.

It’s better for a few people to shut down or sit together with acquaintances, so it’s more convenient to talk to the sky, so this middle-aged man in blue is just starting with a few people of the same age who seem to have similar family backgrounds, taking advantage of the present Announce that the conference has not yet started, and bring some inside stories you know to share with your colleagues at the table.

"Don't tell me, this is the case, there is no clear heir yet!" Another man in gray clothes, a little younger, took the words of the man in blue clothes, peeled a peanut and ate a bite, leaned forward and said .

"How do you know? Didn't it mean that our great prince has returned from experience? With the great prince, who still has a chance to compete with him." A man who seems to have some unknown truths said these two things a day, with a face With curiosity, he directly asked the doubts in his heart.

"Oh, don't you know it! Doing business outside every day has nothing to do with our family's affairs!" A small man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek who was very savvy at first glance cast a blank glance at him and knew nothing. At a glance, he looked like he hated iron for not making steel, drank a sip of water, and waved his hand very coolly: "Forget it, it looks like you spent so much money on finding such a good position for our brothers. , We will give you a popularization for free."

"Yes, yes, what Brother Rat said, I have been out for the most business all year round. If it weren’t for my wife to write me a letter and say such a thing casually, I don’t know! Hurry, hurry, how many Don’t confuse my appetite with my brother, and explain to my brother!"

He also just returned from outside Bat Valley yesterday. This is not about the heir to the throne as soon as he received a letter from his wife. Because he was curious about this rare event in a century, he immediately returned in a hurry and didn’t understand the inside story. .

I just met these few buddies who were worried about no money and couldn’t find the doorway and sat in front of them, who used to drink often. In total, he made a lot of money today, and also to have a better look at this heirs’ meeting. , He paid out of his own pocket and bribed the guards of this arrangement, and they had such a good position.

Otherwise, with their identities, there would be no chance at all to sit in such a good position and get in touch with some big people in Bat Valley.

Therefore, at this time, the ignorant man, upon hearing the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, immediately gave a glass of water to the few people present, with a flattering expression on his face.

A few people think that this person is pretty good, and they are also short-mouthed and soft-handed. If it weren't for him, people under their status would not have had the opportunity to sit in such a good position and could not enjoy such a good treatment. What's more, this is not an unspeakable secret. In order to repay this favor, several people said that they would know everything without saying anything.

"Let me tell you, I heard my wife's brother and aunt's in-laws say that the possibility of our prince sitting in that position is very low." The rat with a monkey's cheeks, although knowing that this is not uncommon The secret, but out of nature or subconsciously lowed his voice, whispering what he knew.

"Ah? It's so serious?" The ignorant man looked surprised, but he became more curious when he heard the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks say so, and asked in a low voice: "How do you say this?"

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