"Yeah, how do you say this?" The middle-aged man who has never spoken like this among the few people also asked such a sentence.

The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek seems to have said something secretive. Several people are not particularly clear. The non-talking man seems to ask the voice of several people. They all look at the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek with curiosity, hoping that he can do it. Tell a few of them what is the matter?

The few men with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, as soon as they saw their brothers who often drank, they would usually be disdainful of themselves. If he hadn't followed him with scornful expressions today, maybe he hadn't had the chance to sit here.

Now that several people are looking thirsty for knowledge, the man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks immediately feels a sense of pride in his heart.

"As far as I know, our elder prince did not go out to practice six months ago at all, but went out of the valley privately. It seems to be to escape this succession meeting. Therefore, the second son supported by the third elder and the fourth elder has become This time the heir is the biggest opponent in the competition, so the chance of the prince sitting in that position is very slim."

The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey-gills said all he knew in one breath. If he didn't know the content of this, he only knew it from his old ladies.

However, it was a very good feeling that I got my brother's attention with this opportunity.

"Oh? There is such a thing?" The middle-aged man in blue clothes who was the first to speak was surprised when he heard the words of the pointed-mouthed monkey-gill man. He had never heard of this.

"Then today's announcement meeting, isn't it that the second elder is in that position unilaterally?" The man in grey clothes saw the scene of many people who had been coming one after another. Not only was he disappointed, but he was also disappointed. I wanted to see if there was any good show, but didn't expect it to be so unsatisfactory, then he would come here to join in the fun.

But he rushed to these two most competitive heirs to fight on the high platform for a wonderful scene of life and death. Now that it is like this, is it not meaningless.

"It's not necessarily. You have to know that our first elder and second elder are not at the mercy of others. I have a hunch that there will be a very exciting turn today."

The man who didn't speak much seemed to think of something suddenly, and said with a look of surprise.

"You have a hunch, what's the use of your hunch? Does the throne use your hunch to test who is sitting on it?" The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek couldn't help but hit him when he couldn't tell how to say the mysterious and unpredictable face of the man. Fan.

However, he was stopped by the ignorant man sitting next to him. When he came, he looked at the man who didn't speak very curiously and said, "Do you know anything? I know that you are not a nonsense person. "

After speaking, he glanced at several other people, and seemed to be confirming something.

Several other people seemed to think about the character of a man who didn't speak much, and immediately nodded, thinking that when their buddies said this, did they know something they didn't know?

The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey blush naturally thought of this. Compared with the non-speaking man who strengthened his limelight, he is now more curious about the inside story, and immediately urged the non-speaking man to talk to them with a few other people. Say so.

The man who didn’t speak much hesitated when he saw that his buddies were curious and hesitated, and said unsure: "I also heard that, and I am not very sure. You all know that my wife’s brother is a guard under the elder. A little guard of the leader!"

Several people nodded their heads immediately after hearing the question from the dumb man.

How could they not know that a few people drink a lot, and when they are drunk, they talk about everything. Naturally they know what his brother-in-law does.

When several people were asked by a man who didn't speak much, they immediately thought of something, and their faces became more curious.

Yeah, why did they forget that his brother-in-law is working under the head of the elder guard, what news can be accurate from his brother-in-law?

"The brother-in-law of mine came to me for a drink suddenly, and accidentally said that he revealed his mouth. I just thought about it before I said that. Of course, I guessed it wrong. After all, the elder is not an ordinary person. ."

"Quickly, what did your brother-in-law said?" The hearts of several people were completely raised by the words of the man who didn't speak much, and they were itchy and urged immediately.

"My brother-in-law said that yesterday the elder suddenly asked his people to pay attention to everything, and they were heavily guarded. They seemed to be investigating something?"

Those who don’t speak very much just said something like this intermittently from his brother-in-law. When he listened carefully, the brother-in-law had already fallen asleep. He didn’t care about it at the time, and it was only when he just remembered such a thing. Said that.

His intuition has always been very accurate, although this time it is still as accurate as before, but he also knows that this is not for him to decide.

"Oh, these, I thought it was something important. The great elder is so careful and cautious, naturally he is always careful. After all, the great prince has just returned. At this critical moment, it is natural to be careful. ."

The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey-gill thought he could hear some exclusive secrets, but he didn't expect it to be these insignificant things. No one knew it, the elder was known for being careful.

"That is, our great elder shoulders this and that kind of heavy responsibility. We must be careful in everything and investigate all potential safety hazards to ensure the smooth progress of today's announcement conference. As for the outcome, let's watch it!"

The middle-aged man in blue was also disappointed and choked on the man who didn't speak much.

"Hey, I have said it. I also listened to my drunk brother-in-law. I don't know, it's not because you insisted on telling me." The man who said nothing when he heard the sharp-mouthed monkey gills and the blue-clothed man accused himself The discomfort immediately refuted.

At the same time, he ignored the doubts in his heart and didn't say it, otherwise he would not know how to be ridiculed by his brother.

It's just that the man who doesn't speak much doesn't know, and even because he was scrupulous about this point, he didn't let the three elders hiding in the crowd discover that something was wrong, and the delivery of the goods really changed as he thought.

"Okay, okay, our brothers are just chatting, what are you doing seriously? Come and drink tea." The ignorant man saw that the three people were arguing a little bit fiercely, and immediately acted and persuaded the matter.

"Yes, what do you do to be serious? How about talking about your own maidens?" The man in the gray clothes was also very amiable, and began to persuade him with a squinted expression.

"Hehe, you're not afraid of your wife anymore. I'm not afraid that she knows that you have to kneel in the yard?" The man in blue doesn't have to do it. He knows that the relationship between several people is good. Since someone has already given the stairs, it is natural Come down.

As usual, he casually made a joke about the man in the gray clothes.

"That's right, that girl in your family is a great one." The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks also began to say a man in gray clothes.

"Go go, go to you, are you not afraid of your ladies?" The man in gray clothes seemed to be embarrassed by a few people, waving his hands, his face was a little red.

"Haha, your wife is the hottest!"

"Doesn't your wife not show off?"

"Fuck you, it's mine anymore!"

"That is, is it someone else's!"

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