"piss off……"


A few people were talking bad words, and they had already thrown out the topic they had discussed at the beginning, and they became a group.

Mu Fengzhao glanced at them speechlessly, but took another look at the few people who didn't speak much.

"That person is very sensitive. You can guess this just by relying on a drunk word. He is a usable person." Mu Fengzhao was holding the tea cup and looking at the high platform, there seemed to be some noisy figures, using Qianli Mi. Yin said to Ye Yan.

"Well, it's a keen one. It's a good tool. You don't want to recommend him to Enfu, do you?" Ye Yan thought that Mu Fengzhao would not say anything for no reason, nor would he be innocent. Since Mu Fengzhao has mentioned it, there must be a reason.

Ye Yan thought of Mu Fengzhao who wanted to introduce Enfu to the available people, but he couldn't think of anything else.

"Can't it work? Talents do not distinguish status and status, as long as they have the ability." Enfu sits in that position and can use people. The man who doesn't speak much is a very keen person. If he can be kind Use of blessings, but a great thing.

Moreover, after Enfu took the throne, some people in the clan were destined to be cleaned up. Those three elders and fourth elders were definitely not allowed to use it, so Enfu was just one more person when it was time to employ people. The use of talent is a big point for Enfu's help.

"Yes, it depends on how Eunfu uses it." Although Ye Yan doesn't doubt Eunfu's ability, it is this kind of civilian talent that is the most difficult to use, because such a person can easily not withstand the temptation. .

"Then it depends on Enfu himself." Mu Fengzhao glanced at the person who had talked about other topics with his buddies.

She is only responsible for collecting available talents for Enfu, but she is not responsible for telling him how to use them. How to use the talents depends on Enfu's own means of employing people.

With the passing of time, the spacious square has been gradually occupied by people. The crowds are not exaggerated at all.

The time for announcing the conference is approaching a little bit, and there are more and more figures on the high platform. The high platform, which was originally very quiet, is no longer quiet because of the presence of people.

"The prince, are you ready?" The elder and the second elder standing next to Enfu said when they saw the third elder and Mrs. Huarui who were walking here not far away.

"Well, it's ready. Today will be their memorial day." Enfu's face naturally saw a group of people approaching here a little bit not far away, and a trace of cruelty flashed across his face.

The three elders and Mrs. Huarui were aggressive, and from a distance you could feel that they were not good at coming, like a triumphant aura, it seemed that the throne had become theirs.

In the past, Enfu didn’t know the secrets of Mrs. Huarui and the third elders. He hadn’t discovered it before, but since knowing it yesterday, he can feel that the relationship between Mrs. Huarui and the third elders seems too close. .

The first elder and the second elder seemed to have thought of this too, and looked at the group of people walking slowly, with a dark face.

"Hehe, today's great prince came early!" Madam Huarui looked at Eunfu's gorgeous clothes. He was already very handsome and his face was even more handsome. It suddenly reminded her that there was such a The man is so imposing.

But that man never fixed his gaze on her once, always haunting that bitch.

When Mrs. Huarui thought about her embarrassment and treatment, she couldn't help but die of jealousy, and directly and unceremoniously vented the jealousy in her heart on Enfu who was in front of her, mocking Enfu in one mouth.

Mrs. Huarui is talking about the late arrival of the banquet Enfu. The implication is to mock Enfu’s late arrival to the meeting because it deliberately disrespects the family heads of the clan, but now it’s here so early. Isn't it just for that position?

"Yes, it will be over after today. It's always better to be earlier than later?" Enfu gave a gloomy look at Madam Huarui, as if implying something.

"You..." Mrs. Huarui was inexplicably guilty when she saw Enfu's glance, she snorted in her heart, and suddenly took a step back. If Encheng hadn't convinced her, she would be embarrassed in front of everyone.

"The prince, Mrs. Huarui, it's getting late." The third elder saw that Mrs. Huarui had some abnormalities. Although he didn't know what was going on, he always had a kind of anxiety in his heart. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, they still don't cause it at this time. Conflict as well.

Mrs. Huarui gestured by the hand held by the third elder secretly, knowing what he meant to express, knowing that it was difficult to care about at this time, and nodded in accordance with the middle, coldly snorted, stood still, and did not even speak.

Enfu noticed the small movements of the third elder and Mrs. Huarui in private, and his face sank. Although they knew the secret between them, there were such small movements under the public in this hall. If they were in private, I still don’t know. What is it like.

The more Eunfu thought about it, the more he felt the humiliation all the time. He glanced at Encheng, who didn't know anything about it, and saw him looking at himself hostilely, not only sneered in his heart.

I don't know what kind of expression Encheng knows about his true identity. Every day, he acts as if he is his father's blood and does whatever he wants. He looks arrogant and arrogant without putting anyone in his eyes.

He is really looking forward to what will happen next!

The group of Elder Enfu and Mrs. Huarui and the group of three elders made it clear just now, each occupying one side, waiting for the final hour to arrive.

After a cup of tea, I only heard the bells that could spread throughout the Bat Valley. I remembered the heavy humming bells ringing for eight times, but the lingering sound of the bells continued. It was spread all around and spread far away.

The ceremonial officer is already ready, once the bell stops, the ceremonial officer can shout a ceremony.

"It's time!" The courtesy officer in red robe stopped as soon as the bell stopped, and began to shout loudly.

Because Enfu is currently the most noble status for all people, he needs him to lead all people to the high stage.

Enfu put on a serious expression, tidyed up his clothes, looked at each other with the first elder and the second elder, and walked ahead first, and the others followed in turn.

"Participate in the prince, give an elder." Enfu led the elders and Mrs. Huarui Encheng and others to stand on the high platform. The other Patriarchs who were already in place and all the commoners waiting under the high platform all walked in succession. With a big gift.

"Get up!" Enfu raised his hand and used his internal strength to signal everyone to get up. His voice spread to everyone's ears.

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan below looked at the majestic grace on the stage and smiled at each other. They could understand the meaning in their eyes.

Looking at this kind of blessing, Mu Fengzhao smiled knowingly, with a sense of sight that my family had grown into at first.

"Get up!" The courtesy officer repeated Enfu's words again in accordance with the rules.

Everyone got up one after another and stood back to their respective positions. Everyone's face was solemn, announcing that the meeting was a solemn event, and no one could laugh and laugh.

After that, in accordance with the procedure of announcing the conference, the ceremonial officer read it again in accordance with the rules and regulations of the ritual book, and everyone listened carefully.

It was only half an hour for the ceremonial officer to think of this. Mu Fengzhao listened to the ceremonial officer's remarks, some of them were drowsy, except for her, all the people in Bat Valley had serious expressions.

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