The ceremonial officer was not too tired to recite for half an hour, if it weren't for Mu Fengzhao's amazing willpower, he would have fallen asleep.

In the end, it was finally over. Mu Fengzhao turned out to be better after taking a sip of the tea cup that Ye Yan handed him.

"The great show you want to see is here." Ye Yan reminded Mu Fengzhao, looking at the high platform.

Mu Fengzhao yawned, looked up to the high platform, saw the situation on the high platform, his eyes lit up, isn't it just the show is about to begin?

I saw that as soon as the ceremonial officer on the high platform finished reading all the rules and regulations, the Patriarchs sat in their own positions, and the elders were also given to you, and Eun Fu sat in the position closest to the throne.

Everyone present had their own thoughts and wondered if today's announcement meeting would be different.

The great elder stood up and walked to the center of the high platform. On behalf of the elders, he gave a speech. He said a lot of the various achievements of the previous kings and the requirements of the new kings. end.

Even if the three elders couldn't think that the big elder represented all people, but who made his status less than that of the big elder, when there was no way, he could only look at wherever he could.

After the chief elder went down, the ceremonial officer stepped onto the high platform again and officially announced the start of the successor selection meeting.

"Now the second elder announces the selection of the successor." The courtesy officer bends to the second elder, and his respect is very obvious.

The second elder put aside his usual hippie smile, put on a serious expression, let Mu Fengzhao look at it, and he was really uncomfortable.

Not to mention, Mu Fengzhao only spent a short time with the second elder, but because of the second elder’s personality, she had a good impression of him, but because the impression was good, now I see The second elder looked terribly serious, no matter how uncomfortable it looked, it felt like a person wearing a mask was standing, or the usual joking second elder looked more comfortable.

"The elder announced that this time the heir declared that there are two favorable competitors for the convention, the first prince and the second son."

Seeing that the second elder was unbiased, the third elder also introduced Encheng, and felt that the second elder was still acquainted, so he didn't think about it carefully.

But the next sentence from the second elder threw him into hell, not only the third elder, but also Mrs. Huarui and Encheng, and even those who once supported Encheng's series.

"But the second son is not the blood of the first king, so this new king is the eldest son of the first king."

Before the second elder said this last sentence, he glanced at the third elder, Mrs. Huarui and Encheng, and finally used his internal force to pass every word to everyone’s ears, so that everyone You can hear it clearly.

"Wow..." Everyone boiled because of the words of the second elder. The originally very solemn meeting immediately fell into the water like a boiling piece, and the different boiling and stirring, all People are all wondering, they are all boiling early.

The people on the high platform were as shocked as the civilians under the high platform, but their willpower was relatively better. They didn't get confused all at once and looked at each one, and they all saw the conspiracy from the other side's face.

They also began to discuss slowly, and they talked a lot. For a while, they looked at the first elder, the second elder, and Enfu and others, and the third elder, Mrs. Huarui, and Encheng and others, looking at each other. Which drama is it?

"What's going on? Why is the second son suddenly not the blood of the first king?"

"Yes, which one is this singing again?"

"Is there a conspiracy?"

"Looking at the seriousness of these two elders, do you know something inside?"

"This is more exciting than watching a play!"

"Who said no, there is such a wonderful turn!"

"I don't know what the **** are the first elder and the second elder doing?"

"We can just watch it!"

Everyone began to speculate and guess what was going on. Everyone’s attitude was different. Some didn’t believe it. Some thought it was a conspiracy. Some didn’t have to do with their high-hanging watching theaters, and some were full of doubts. , There are also various speculations, anyway, everyone has a different attitude, and the same thing is not knowing what is going on, suddenly it becomes like this.

And because the second elder suddenly said a sentence that was completely shocked, Encheng stood up from his position suddenly, with a look of anger, and accused the second elder: "You are spitting blood, you framed me at such a critical moment. It’s not father’s blood, do you think he can sit on the throne safely? Impossible!"

Encheng didn't know what the truth of the matter was like, he just relied on his own instinct to refute the words of the second elder.

Encheng's words of annoyance didn't even think through his brain. He took it for granted that he showed his usual violent appearance to the fullest, and there was no demeanor of the future king.

And Encheng’s accusing voice immediately sent the shocked three elders and Mrs. Huarui back and forth, their first reaction was to look at each other, and immediately stood up in unison, accusing the two together. Elders.

"How can you frame us so much, even if you want the prince to sit in that position, you can't slander the second son as not the blood of the king!" Mrs. Huarui retorted the second elder with a distressed look, pointing to the second elder's hand They were trembling all the time because they were too excited.

I don't know whether it was because of the guilty conscience that was discovered by the secret guilty conscience and continued to deny it or because of what, anyway, in the eyes of those who don't know the inside story, Mrs. Huarui was framed and wronged.

I was accused that my son was not from the blood of the ancestor. How could I think that Mrs. Huarui was not observing the way of women. With Mrs. Huarui's temperament, how could he be framed so much.

When everyone saw Mrs. Huarui's performance, they all thought about it in their hearts.

"It's all about catching thieves and stolen goods, and getting doubles by taking traitors. The second elder's words are so unclear, whether the suspicion of framing people is too hot and obvious.

After all, the third elders are people who have experienced strong winds and waves. After the initial shock and guilty conscience, they immediately reacted, not allowing themselves to show a guilty conscience.

He calmed himself down as much as possible, knowing that the second elder said this, there must be a reason, not only began to doubt whether the second elder knew something.

But the third elders also knew that all the things that Mrs. Huarui did were very secretive, and they would not be easily obtained by others for evidence, so the second elders were asked to show evidence, otherwise it would show that the second elders were just for Enfu to sit. They were deliberately planted in that position.

With the hat that was planted and framed, Enfu was unstable even if he sat in that position, and the third elders reacted quickly.

He didn't hear the wind at all, knowing that even if the second elder knew something, he knew it recently. Time is so tight that there must be no time to really find out what it is. It's just empty words and can't be a convincing reason.

But where did the third elders think that the first elder and the second elder did not know how long they did, but what they didn’t expect was that Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan would suddenly go to his yard on a whim and saw things like him and Mrs. Huarui. At the same time I have also clarified all the things that should be worse.

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