It was not until a long time later, until Wang Luo and others thought that Ye Yan would not be speaking anymore and they were about to report to leave. Ye Yan said quietly, "After everything has been investigated, the truth will come together. It's white."

Even now, he is still in a mess. He doesn't know what to do, so now he only needs to wait until the person who is investigating the matter comes back.

Although Wang Luo and others didn’t know what Ye Yan’s words meant when they suddenly came up, they had been with Ye Yan since they were young, and naturally they guessed it. It is estimated that this incident had gone into the palace with them. They were all very acquainted about the trip, did not say anything, and calmed down.

After a while, Ye Yan suddenly threw something to Wang Luo and asked him to dispose of it casually.

Out of curiosity, Wang Luo took it out and took a look. He almost didn't freak out, Yu Yuxi, is this Yuxi?

Wang Luo looked at Ye Yan in disbelief. When he saw him with his hands behind his back, looking out the window, he didn't know what to look at and was so ecstatic, and knew that he was not good to bother, so he did not ask.

Do you want to be so bold, holding a jade seal is like playing, just handle it casually, it's easy to say, this is something that everyone wants to wait for, and his master is different from ordinary people, so this thing is not rare. child.

Wang Luo knew the importance of this thing, but he didn't really deal with it when he just said it casually. It was so simple.

If Luo got into the hands of someone with a heart, it would not bring earth-shaking disasters to this country. Wang Luo felt that in order not to be a sinner in that country, he would better guard him.

Xia Yu and Xia Yang naturally saw the jade seal that Ye Yan threw to Wang Luo. Although they were as surprised as Wang Luo, they were also glad that this task was not handed over to them, otherwise they would be the one who would be entangled.

After that, the three of them seemed to have nothing to do with Ye Yan, and they threw their fists together and prepared to retreat. They were sleepy now!

I was having a good dream, and it was not a very good experience to pull people out of the warmth of the bed all at once.

Ye Yan didn't embarrass them either. He nodded and let them go down. He stood in front of the window for a while, sighed, turned around and walked out of the room and headed for his yard.

First came to Mu Fengzhao's room and stood there for a while, wondering whether to go in and take a look. After thinking of Mu Fengzhao's warning before going to bed, Ye Yan finally gave up and returned to his room.

When the door closed, Mu Fengzhao, who should have been asleep, flashed a sly look in his eyes, smiled, snorted, and closed his eyes to fall asleep completely.

"It's pretty obedient!"

This faint voice slowly dissipated in the dim room.

Immediately after being sent back by Ye Yan, Mu Fengzhao was waited on by Lufu and lay on the bed. It seemed that he was asleep, but in fact he didn't sleep well at all.

She has been asleep for a whole day, no matter where she is so sleepy, she can't sleep at all.

And how well she knew Ye Yan, how could she not know that after Ye Yan knew something like that, how could there be no heart wavering at all, but Ye Yan always did this and never showed his thoughts on his face. , Don't let people discover it.

Therefore, after Ye Yan left, Mu Fengzhao immediately opened his eyes, looked at the top, and waited for Ye Yan to come back, only to be completely relieved.

Since he didn't want to let people peep into his heart, she had better be a competent lover, pretending that she didn't know anything, as long as she kept thinking about him in her heart.

Mu Fengzhao only woke up in the afternoon of the second day of this sleep. She did not know that the sky had changed outside when she slept. The news that the empress had cuckold the emperor had already spread throughout the world.

I don't know whether the emperor was trying to avoid the scandal or what happened. After being awakened by the imperial doctor, he has been sick and never saw anyone, even if he had never been absent in the early dynasty, he was sick and never came.

The civil and military officials didn't know what was going on, but they didn't know what was going on. They all looked very worried about the emperor's health. After saying a few words of concern, they went back to their homes and looked to their mothers.

It's impossible to know how much of it is really caring, and only the courtiers know it in their hearts.

After waking up, Mu Fengzhao took care of him and cleaned himself up, and then came to the table, ready to eat the prepared meals.

He ate and listened to the news from Lvfu again and again, pretending that he didn't know anything, he was curious and asked little by little.

Lu Fu seemed very interested in seeing Mu Fengzhao, and told Mu Fengzhao everything he knew this morning.

Hearing this, Mu Fengzhao felt really comfortable like never before, but in his heart it was a pity that he didn't even catch the man, otherwise it would be another very beautiful drama to watch.

Because he was in a good mood, Mu Fengzhao ate a bowl of rice more than usual, but he was full, so he felt like going to visit the Grand Prince's Mansion, taking a look at the rooms here, and eating and drinking by the way.

As the maid serving Mu Fengzhao, Lufu was naturally accompanied, leading Mu Fengzhao to the places with better scenery.

And along the way, there is no shortage of people who hear the gossip in their spare time, and the object of the gossip is naturally the protagonist of the biggest thing now.

Mu Fengzhao touched his chubby belly. The more he walked around, the happier he was. The more he heard the things in the population, the better he felt. He didn't know how to describe his feelings at this time.

Mu Fengzhao felt that this effect was far beyond his imagination. At the beginning, he was able to rectify the fake queen and Zhang Moushi, thinking that they were found to be the best, but he did not expect to achieve such a good effect.

I really want to thank those guards, it's so awesome.

Mu Fengzhao heard many versions along the way, all about how the fake queen was with others and was discovered by others.

The vivid and vivid descriptions were as if they had seen them with their own eyes, making Mu Fengzhao feel like watching a playbook, but it was wonderful.

But in any case, the adultery between the fake queen and Zhang Moushi was discovered, and it also caused such a big influence, Mu Fengzhao still felt that those guards were all human beings!

Fortunately, they knew to save themselves, otherwise it was like such a big royal secret, how could it be possible that these guards would have been secretly put to death.

But isn't there a saying, right? The Fa doesn't blame the public. Once more and more people know this, even the emperor who has the power of life and death will have nothing to do with it.

Does he still want to kill the entire palace? Or kill all the people, or kill all the civil and military ministers?

Therefore, the more this knows, the more people who want to kill their mouths will have no choice. As for the guards who discovered the scandal, at most, they will be counted as a negligence guilty. The crime does not lead to death, and it is considered to have saved a life , This is a dumb loss for people who want them to die, after all, there are thousands of people watching it!

How can you not lose your face after having such a thing as a fake queen, this royal family attaches great importance to face.

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