So this is why Mu Fengzhao feels that the guards have some cleverness, knowing what to do at critical moments to save his life.

However, it was because of the cleverness of these guards that the situation like this was created, and the fake queen could never turn back.

Mu Fengzhao smiled in a good mood, suddenly thought of something, and asked the green help next to him: "By the way, what happened to the prince?"

The false queen’s matter is very unfavorable for the prince to sit in that position. In addition, he has no ability. Apart from the ministers who have always supported the false queen in the DPRK, they hope that Ye Su will sit in that position. Dissatisfied, the person they like has always been Ye Yan.

Thinking of such a scandal coming out again, this is worse for Ye Su, who was not so popular, and even more unfavorable.

But Mu Fengzhao also knew that the emperor did not yet know that the prince he had set up himself, and that the child held in his palm was not his real child.

And what is obvious to all is that everyone knows that the emperor loves his incompetent prince very much. Although it happened that the fake queen gave the emperor a green hat, he couldn't bear the emperor's love for Ye Sui.

Therefore, the emperor who does not know the truth does not know how to treat his son Ye Su. If the emperor knows that the child he has always loved is the product of his queen and others, he does not know how he feels about it. That face must be even better than that of Sichuan Changing Face.

"It is said that in order to prove the innocence of his queen, the prince personally went to the emperor's palace to intercede, but was driven out by the emperor and is now imprisoned in his own east palace."

As Mu Fengzhao said, this matter is still relatively secret. If it weren't for the spies they arranged in the palace to report back, they might not know it!

After all, if the prince of a country is imprisoned by the emperor, and spread out, it is not a good thing.

That was the future prince of a country, and it could shake the foundation of the country at any time, so the emperor had only used people close to him to imprison Ye Suiye, and other people really didn't understand.

"Oh? It doesn't seem to work if you have been imprisoned all the time. The prince always needs to see people, otherwise, wouldn't it make people suspicious?"

She knew that she was the prince of a country, but she had to go to court with the emperor every morning and deal with the affairs of the country together.

Although Ye Su, who was useless in the past, had never been to court before, he didn't know what was going on when he returned from the outside, but changed his temper, and Tian Tian and the emperor went to court together.

Although his ability is still mediocre, it is much better than before, and some ministers' views on him have gradually changed.

If this is just a few days of imprisonment, it is still the past, as long as the prince is ill, you can get through. But this time the reason for the emperor's imprisonment of Ye Su is because the fake queen gave the emperor a green hat. With the emperor’s temperament, it should be It wasn't just a few days for the prince to come out, and the emperor's anger would disappear if he didn't shut it down for ten and a half days.

But if this makes it impossible for people to see the prince appearing, it seems impossible. There must be some people guessing. The emperor must not just let it go in order to stabilize the hearts of important officials, and let people find that something is wrong.

Therefore, Mu Fengzhao guessed that even if the emperor was not controlled so much, he was still a good monarch. He must have used some university methods to prevent everyone from doubting about the prince, and how did the emperor get rid of the gate. Doubt is what Mu Fengzhao wants to be interested in.

She thought that Lu Fu must have known it. Lu Fu had even known the secret of the prince being imprisoned, so she must also know what means the emperor used to convince everyone, without the slightest suspicion.

Lvfu bowed his head respectfully, and answered Mu Fengzhao's doubts: "The emperor ordered the prince to inspect the army on his behalf."

Hearing this, Mu Fengzhao nodded, but with just such a sentence, he guessed the purpose of the Yellow Emperor.

This order not only prevents people from noticing any problems with the prince’s whereabouts, and no one knows about the prince’s imprisonment, but it also contributes to the prince’s status.

You know that the army can be a very important place. Except for the general, only the emperor can enter the barracks at any time. This prince represents that although the emperor’s inspection of the army is not a good job, it can be seen by those people. The position of the prince was as stable as before, not at all affected by the queen's affairs.

The second reason is that the emperor's actions made those people who have their own minds lost their minds, because they didn't know the emperor's true intentions, so naturally they didn't dare to act rashly, and they could only watch the changes.

Therefore, the imperial skills of this emperor's family are very inaccurate, otherwise, they would not sit in that position for decades and no one can shake it!

For this, Mu Fengzhao did not add any other factors, and gave the emperor a thumbs up heartily.

This is still the emperor under control. If this is good, where there is a fake queen and Zhang Moushi, I don't know where he died.

It is estimated that the fake queen and Zhang Moushi knew how many catties they were, so they were afraid that they would not be able to deal with the emperor, so they treated him with medicine, and the situation is like this.

From this, Mu Fengzhao really felt that Ye Yan had completely inherited the emperor’s fine traditions in handling things. No one would doubt their previous blood relationship. They were all the same, which made people incomprehensible. thought.

And the prince Ye Ju was destined not to be Ye Yan's opponent, and he was different in the most primitive bloodline, so how could he have the ability to compare.

Thinking of Mu Fengzhao, he was very curious about what Ye Yan asked to investigate. He just didn’t know what kind of story was the fall between the fake queen and the real queen, how much Zhang Moushi participated in and what role he played. And what kind of blood feud between the emperor and them.

Now Mu Fengzhao is looking forward to the things in between. The days are too boring. It's just that there are some more interesting things to polish the time, isn't it?

"Lvfu, go, let's find your master." Mu Fengzhao thought about the abilities of Ye Yan's men. At this moment, the investigation items should have been sent to Ye Yan's hands!

Otherwise, given the level of importance Ye Yan attaches to herself, as soon as she woke up, someone should have already informed Ye Yan, but now that Ye Yan didn't mean to come, then he must be dealing with things.

And at this time, the thing that made Ye Yan so concerned was probably the thing between his parents. Although he never showed it, he naturally knew who Mu Fengzhao was.

Naturally, Lu Fu had no objections, and he responded, leading Ye Yan and headed towards Ye Yan's study.

And here, it was exactly what Mu Fengzhao thought. Ye Yan's was indeed dealing with things at this time, and the things that were really being investigated have already had results. At this moment, it was someone who was reporting this matter.

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