After Xia Yang made up his mind secretly, he waited for a while, but he didn't see Ye Yan's reply. Not only was there some creeps.

Could it be that I really annoyed the master this time, thinking about how to punish myself, and forgot to reply?

Xia Yang quietly raised his eyes and glanced at Ye Yan's face. Not only did he breathe a sigh of relief, but fortunately, he was not angry, but seemed to be thinking about something.

After waiting for a while, Xia Yang still didn't see Ye Yan making any movements. Not only was he anxious, he cast a look at Mu Fengzhao as if for help.

Mu Fengzhao looked at Xia Yang's aggrieved look, not only felt funny, but also felt that as the master of others, it would be better to help or to help a little.

Mu Fengzhao continued to pour Ye Yan's tea and poked Ye Yan's arm to make him recover, and asked with a serious face, "What do you mean..."

Ye Yan glanced at the complacent Xia Yang with dissatisfaction. He was dissatisfied that he even knew that he had found a backer. It was too much to compare.

"Keep on guarding, don't rush and startle the snake, the prey will definitely get the bait." Mr. Zhang thought that he was clever in saving Ye Ju, but he didn't know that it was just a smoke bomb released by Ye Yan.

Regardless of what kind of role Ye Yan is, how could it be possible that a living person was rescued by Jin Chan in this way, but it was just a means to lure Mage Zhang to the bait.

"Yes!" Xia Yang felt that it was not easy to hear Ye Yan's command. He relaxed for a moment as if he was facing an enemy, and immediately arched his hands, deeply losing a big gift.

After that, Xia Yang didn't dare to delay one more second here, and immediately walked out.

After seeing the person who was in the way leaving, Ye Yan looked at Mu Fengzhao and said, "You are so indulgent to them. If things go on like this, it will only become more lawless."

He didn't want it, Mu Fengzhao's mind was on the rest.

"It's okay, once in a while, and you see them all like rabbits in front of you, it makes you feel uncomfortable." Mu Fengzhao didn't know that Ye Yan was just jealous, holding him comfortingly. Hands, gentle face.

Those people under Ye Yan's men are really pitiful. They have to look at Ye Yan's face and act every day. There is no trembling spirit every day, and Mu Fengzhao is nothing more than a favor.

"Forget it, you are the most softhearted." Ye Yan shook Mu Fengzhao's hand and nodded Mu Fengzhao's forehead in a pampering way. It seemed that he had thought of something. After a pause, he spoke again: "By the way, have you heard of frequent homicides near Beijing suburbs recently?"

He also heard from the market merchants during his return from the palace today, and heard them discussing in groups.

Originally, I didn't take it to heart at first. After all, the matter of the dead man's investigation was the matter of the people in the Yamen, but when Xia Yang just reported back to Zhang Moushi, he always felt whether this was related to it.

He has been thinking about the connection just now, but there has been no result.

His intuition has always been very accurate, so he grew up because he was accurate and escaped directly from those stimuli again and again.

Therefore, in order to verify the conjecture in his heart, Ye Yan had this question.

Mu Fengzhao was puzzled by Ye Yan's question, and then he seemed to think of something, and raised his hand to call the Lu Fu at the door: "Lu Fu, come in."

She remembered that Lu Fu seemed to have said something similar to her yesterday, but she didn't know if it was such a thing.

"Wang Concubine!" Lu Fu bowed a respectful salute, wondering what happened to Mu Fengzhao suddenly letting her in.

Mu Fengzhao waved his hand, let Lu help him up, and asked directly about his purpose of finding her.

Mr. Lvfu was taken aback, and then he reacted: "Yes, princess, sweet-mouthed, when I went to the street to buy your favorite pastries, I seemed to hear those merchants discussing this matter. Those people seemed very scared, but Yamen There has been no result."

When Mu Fengzhao heard what Lu Fu said, he also felt that these other problems were no longer simple, and looked at Lu Fu: "Tell me what happened yesterday carefully."

Perhaps only in this way can we learn from others.

"Yes!" After that, Lvfu told Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan what they had seen and heard on the street yesterday.

It turned out that yesterday Lvfu knew that Mu Fengzhao loved to eat Yuji Pastry, a famous pastry shop in the capital, so he went to Yuji to buy it.

What I didn't expect was that I heard some news.

When all the cakes to be bought were packaged and Lufu paid the money and was about to leave, I heard a few specially packaged small two in the shop discussing things.

For a moment of interest, and also out of the guard's vigilance, Lu Fu stopped and listened.

The little two she heard said again that in the nearest villages on the outskirts, only fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls were missing, almost all of them were young girls who were virgins who came out of the cabinet.

The families of the missing girls all came out to look for them, but for two days there was no news. In desperation, they all went to the yamen to expose their secrets.

Because they were all peasant girls in some villages, and the officials in the Yamen of the capital looked down on these peasants with no status, and did not take it seriously. After sending the families of those girls away, they just dealt with them casually. In the end, it reported to the family members, and the search failed.

Although the peasants who lost their children didn't really find their children for them until the Yamen, the people were not officials and they had nowhere to go. They were all disappointed in the Yamen, and no longer expected the Yamen to ask them to find their own children.

Just a few days later, when one of the few farmers who lost their children was fishing in the river, it suddenly salvaged a corpse.

Because the farmers who lost their children were all in the same village and knew each other, the fish farmer immediately recognized the swollen corpse in front of him, the missing girls. One of the girls.

After informing the family of the deceased girl, other people also came one after another. I don’t know who mentioned it. They all wondered if their child, like the girl who had been discovered, had already encountered something unexpected. Said to continue to salvage.

Sure enough, with the cooperation of several companies, four or five bodies were recovered one after another. After some identification, they were indeed shameful children.

Because of this incident, the villagers in several nearby villages suddenly became frightened. The girl who was afraid of their own family had disappeared for no reason, and in the end they could only see the bodies of their children.

But what is strange is that even though they were protecting their children, after a day or two, they discovered that they had disappeared one after another.

Like the first few farmers, they went to the Yamen and got the same perfunctory response, and then they recovered the bodies of the missing fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls from the river.

For a week, the loss of girls from nearly ten households spread to the capital without knowing it. Almost the unmarried girls were afraid that they would be the next missing girl.

Suddenly, this matter became a matter of discussion for everyone, and everyone was not only frightened.

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