But even so, the incident of the lost girl is still happening. The difference is that the family of the lost girl has moved from a village outside the capital to an ordinary household in the capital.

The same is that, in the end, the corpse was fished out in that river.

This time, the yamen could no longer sit back and watch, and began to pay attention to it. After an inspection, it was found that these 15- or 6-year-old girls who were originally coastal virgins were no longer virgins, and their hearts were gone. .

But the strange thing is that they didn't have any scars on their bodies, even if they lost their hearts, they didn't return any traces on their chests, as if their hearts disappeared.

What is even more strange is that they can be found in these corpses. There is a strange fragrance on the corpses, which is not the original smell of these girls, it seems that someone deliberately made something.

This case suddenly became a headless case, and the yamen could not find any clues, but because of this matter, people in the capital left a lot of comments.

Then there was a phenomenon, that is, those unmarried girls, in order not to let the next one be hurt, they are themselves, and the family members are all arrogantly marrying the girls in their own family.

Suddenly, the number of married men and women in the capital suddenly increased, and matchmaking became a very popular profession. In the capital, all the families with poor eyes and low hands, looked down on the poor at home, and there was no family. All lower the standards, as long as the family is innocent.

Of course, this matter has also become everyone's after-dinner talk about it. The little second in this shop was just talking about this matter because of some boredom, and was heard by Lvfu.

Lu Fu didn't pay much attention to it at first, but felt that this yamen was too much. If they tried their best to search for it, maybe there would not be so many tragedies.

After Lu Fu scolded the people in the Yamen in his heart, he hurriedly left.

After returning home, seeing that Mu Fengzhao was a little bored, he said so.

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan listened carefully, and they couldn't think that things were far more complicated than they thought. Just putting some girls in the body is very strange and they don't have a heart. It makes people wonder that this is not easy.

"Do you think this matter has something to do with Zhang Moushi?" Mu Fengzhao asked Xiang Ye Yan. He was concerned about this matter at once, it must not be that simple.

Although the girl was lost for more than a week, they hadn't received any news. If it hadn't been for the green help to go out and buy her cakes, they probably didn't know about it.

Although all the people under Ye Yan are one-to-one, this matter is still a matter of Yamen after all, and the person under him didn't think about it, naturally he didn't know it.

Moreover, since Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao returned, they didn't go out much. Except for a trip to Langya Mountain, no one in the Great Prince's Mansion said that they naturally didn't know.

"Well, do you remember the sorcery practiced by Mu Qiangwei?" Ye Yan nodded, and didn't think about it. Now it's strange to think about Mu Qiangwei's sorcery.

"I know, what's wrong, is there any connection in this?" Mu Fengzhao thought for a while, as if suddenly thinking of something, looking at Ye Yan, his eyes widened.

"The witchcraft does not belong here!" Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao said in unison.

Yeah, how can they ignore this.

They just knew that Mu Qiangwei had practiced sorcery and had subdued Mu Qiangwei, so they didn't want to think about sorcery.

Such vicious use of people as puppets, the sorcery to control those puppets, such vicious sorcery is not available on the road, even in the gods, it is forbidden to use it.

But Mu Qiangwei is just a little talented on the road, even so, she can't practice that kind of sorcery.

Someone must have told Mu Qiangwei or someone taught him, otherwise it would be impossible for Mu Qiangwei to know sorcery.

A few days ago, because Mu Qiangwei and Zhang Moushi joined together, not only did Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan think of Zhang Moushi who seemed to be driven out of the God Realm more than 20 years ago.

So is it possible that the sorcery that Mu Qiangwei practiced came from Zhang Moushi, who had already used Mu Qiangwei and let Mu Qiangwei practice sorcery for him to use.

"What do you mean, the loss of these girls is also related to Zhang Moushi, and he has some vicious plans." Mu Fengzhao only thought of this possibility. After all, the time of these girls' disappearance is too coincidental and uncomfortable. Don't think too much.

"As for whether it has something to do with him, it still needs to be checked." Everything can't be concluded too early. It is better to check and see if there is any connection.

"Well, but before that, there are still some people who need you to deal with it yourself." Mu Fengzhao hated those yamen who took the royal salary every day but didn't work.

She and Lu Fu's point of view are the same. If those yamen were not perfunctory at the beginning, they would earnestly look for the missing girls, maybe the end would not be so miserable.

It will not let the criminals who rob those girls feel confident, and take those girls away again and again. They are so bold and cruel that they have spotted that the yamen will not manage this matter from the beginning. .

Ye Yan naturally knew what Mu Fengzhao meant, and that was exactly what he meant. It was time for the people in Yamen to change.

After that, Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao went to the study and issued an imperial decree to directly dismiss the officials in the Yamen of the capital.

After that, they went to the outskirts with Mu Fengzhao to check the residents of those who were lost.

On the second day, there was a sacred decree that came directly from the palace to the yamen of the capital, and the county government's grandfather who was directly deposed was extremely partisan.

The county government's grandfather did not expect that, well, suddenly became an unemployed person, not only regretted it.

Of course, these are only for later words. Here, Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao walked towards the outskirts.

The reason why the two people chose not to take a car, but to walk, was like wanting to get some information from the street every day during this period. Knowing more about it would also help them to check.

Because the looks of the two are among the best, in order to act low-key, the two deliberately changed their faces, changed a more ordinary face, and also changed their clothes.

Two people are like a couple, strolling on the street, collecting some information from where the people on the street are.

Since ancient times, whether it’s a teahouse, a restaurant, or a brothel, it’s the best place to collect news. The loss of a girl may have long involved every household. If you want to get more news from the street The collection is suitable.

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan wandered slowly on the lively streets, just like a couple patrolling, stop and go, and then stop at the stall that buys rouge gouache, and then stop at the jewelry shop and pretend to look at the jewelry. Stop in front of the food stall.

In short, it is different stalls, silently this, look at that, and listen to the content of the chat between the stalls and the stalls, let alone the content of the chat, let alone, Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan really heard a lot of news.

"Have you heard? The girl from Ermazi's family got married yesterday!" A short business man bought some gadgets, then Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan selected goods and talked to the tall, thin man who bought snacks next door.

"Really! That ugly girl still wants someone?" The tall and thin man was startled, and when there was no one in the shop, he was aroused by interest, and walked over to talk to the short man.

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