Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan deliberately slowed down the selection of gadgets, pricked their ears and listened.

"Oh, there's no way. It's not that Wang Er Mazi's requirements are too low, and he has been struggling to marry his daughter." The short man sighed, as if the person who broke his heart was like him.

"According to you, it is true. Now the unmarried people in this capital are really in danger. It is better to marry off by improvise than to disappear and die for no reason. Then you will lose money completely." The tall man seems to know. This is why Wang Ermazi urgently needs to marry his daughter. He has a sad expression on his face.

"That's not it. I heard that Li's daughter was gone last night, and now the whole family is looking for it!" The tall man seemed to say something obscure, he shrank his hand, looked around, and saw that no one was facing this way. Look, only when I say in a low voice, "I see, 80% of them are dead."

"Oh, pitiful, it's so good for Li's big head to be such a daughter! What a sin, **** it!" The short man has a sad expression on his face, and at the same time there is some rejoicing, fortunate that his daughter is already here. He had been married six months ago, otherwise the tragedy would have come to him.

"Who said no!" The tall man waved his hand, seeming to be afraid of something, and returned to his booth and began to solicit customers: "Come, walk around, take a look, it's all good things..."

After listening to the two people chatting, Mu Fengzhao left the mainland quietly. He often heard such chats, and the streets seemed to have fallen into this kind of panic.

"Maybe we don't need to go to those farmers' houses, just go to the river where the corpses were thrown." Mu Fengzhao was in a complicated mood, shaking the little gadget he just bought in one hand, and holding Ye Yan in the other.

According to what I just heard, the daughter of Li's family was lost. As a result, 80% of them were the same as those girls. I am afraid they have already encountered an accident. Maybe they can see what else they can see when they go to the river.

"Well, let's take a look." Ye Yan agrees with Mu Fengzhao's point of view. Generally, if the missing person has not been found for so long, it is estimated that there has been an accident.

The two were not delaying. After questioning a few people, they knew the way to the river where the body was thrown.

The two people went to the river non-stop again. The closer they were to the river, the more Mu Fengzhao discovered the weirdness here, and felt that the resentment here was too heavy.

The river where the corpse was thrown is the mother river of the capital, and it is also the moat. It can be said that it is the largest river within a hundred miles. The river flows many times, connecting the southeast and the northwest.

The place where the corpse was found was the main stream downstream of the river, and it could flow down from various tributaries, all the way down to the downstream places where people often fish.

The carcasses are deposited here. The types and numbers of fish here are very large. If no one finds them, the carcasses may become the rations of the fish.

But because of this, the farmer unexpectedly found the dead body during an unintentional fishing trip, and then let people know that the missing people can only be found here.

When Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan went all the way, they could see a lot of paper money or something burning. These people should be the ones who lost their daughters. They were not willing to come to pay homage.

There are no shortage of people like this along the way, and even the sorrow of crying along the way is just endless, so that Mu Fengzhao, who has always been optimistic, can perceive that this place is full of sadness and resentment.

That's right, it's resentment. The closer you get to the downstream, the stronger the resentment here. It is probably the unwillingness of the dead girls. Perhaps the living people are unwilling to explain the sudden misfortune of their families.

Regardless of the reason, the grievances here are very heavy, like a mass grave. Perhaps for those girls who died suddenly, their bodies were thrown here. This should be their mass grave. , This is where they stayed last, because the grievance here is so heavy.

"The grievance here is so heavy, I always have a bad premonition." Mu Fengzhao looked at the people who knelt on the ground and wept painfully while burning paper money in groups.

"Well, I'm afraid this matter really escaped from Moutor Zhang." Ye Yan nodded solemnly and walked to the river.

"What's wrong?" Mu Fengzhao didn't know, so, is there something in this water?

"There is something strange in this water." Ye Yan pointed to the waterway and said, picking up a stone and throwing it into the river, but there was no splash or sound.

Seeing this, Mu Fengzhao was shocked and threw a stone, but the result was the same as Ye Yan, without any reaction.

"How could this water be like this?" Mu Fengzhao thought he had seen a lot of strange things, but it was the first time that the river was so strange.

The river looked like it was bottomless, throwing a stone down, and there was no response, but what did those people salvage the corpse?

As far as Mu Fengzhao knew, the people who salvaged the corpses were not professional, but the family members who lost their daughters, and at best they were just people who saw fishing.

But because of this, it is strange. Since they are not professional, how did those who died salvage the bodies?

And it's not bad at all. Whoever lost a girl, two days later, when you come here, you will be able to find out.

If it is just to destroy the corpse, there can be many methods, this kind of corpse throwing here is really not the best way, it is difficult to guarantee that nothing will be discovered.

"The purpose of the person throwing the corpse may not be to destroy the corpse. It seems to be deliberately discovered." Ye Yan's eyes sank, as if thinking of something, his face was heavy.

"How to say?" Mu Fengzhao still had some confusion. He was taken aback when he heard Ye Yan's conclusion, with a look of doubt on his face.

"Think about it, if the intention is to destroy the corpse, you don't need to spend so much time and effort. Looking at it, the strong resentment all around seems to have some effect."

Ye Yan patrolled for a week, and the grievances were wanton, not only from the river, but also from the loss of family members, all gathering together, as if someone was deliberately collecting the grievances of these people.

Mu Fengzhao carefully thought about the connection, and seemed to have figured it out. His face was startled, and his expression was incredible: "You mean, someone deliberately found these corpses."

Yes, it seems that only this can explain all the weirdness.

The purpose of the people throwing the corpse is to let the discovery of the loss of their families, their daughters are gone, and the inaction of the government will naturally cause resentment.

And the girls who died were originally fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls who were still unmarried girls with a very good life. They may already have a beloved, waiting to be married and be women, but they didn’t expect. A misfortune, they died in a terrible way, as miserable as a good thing, and were thrown into the river of corpses, how could these dead people have no grievances.

The most important thing is that those people who haven't had an accident, because this incident is also frightening, the government's perfunctory, inaction, it is impossible for the people not to complain, it is impossible to not criticize the Chaotian government.

Anyone who can carry a boat can also overturn it. Over time, if the people in the capital have complained about the imperial court, then the people who don’t know the truth in other places can imagine and must be disappointed. This is very detrimental to a country. Operation.

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