Thinking a little bigger, this is someone who wants to subvert this country. One thing started with ordinary people disappearing. This is a good strategy.

After Mu Fengzhao figured this out, he immediately understood why Ye Yan said that this had nothing to do with Zhang Moushi.

Because so far, it seems that only one Zhang Moushi thought of sitting in that position and becoming the master of this country.

In addition, that person was originally a non-simple character, with strategy and strength, and came from the gods, but I know that this is not easy, and the complexity is not clear in a few words. .

Moreover, it is not difficult to guess that in the God Realm, the reason why the family members are expelled are people who have made major mistakes. In the God Realm, there is only one thing. If you make a mistake, you must be expelled from the God Realm.

That is the secret practice of forbidden arts, that is, sorcery. In the God Realm, all those who practice sorcery are expelled from the God Realm.

In this way, it is not difficult to imagine that this counselor is such a middle-aged person. He is capable, ambitious, and has a city government. It is not impossible to use the grievances of these people to do some unforgivable things.

Thinking about it this way, I'm afraid these grievances are not so simple.

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan are both sensitive and intelligent people. Thinking of this, they not only feel that something bad is about to happen.

Things have already happened, and the only thing that needs to be done now is to prevent the continuation of Zhang Moushi's plan, not to let the grievances continue to grow strong, and to find a way to prevent such embarrassing things from happening.

Of course, you still need to find Mr. Zhang as soon as possible, no matter what plan you have, you must stop it, otherwise the consequences may be too hard to imagine.

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan continued to walk downstream, and soon they arrived at the place where the corpse was salvaged. It seemed that a corpse had just been salvaged. Someone had already recognized it, and saw a couple lying on a corpse crying bitterly. .

When Mu Fengzhao saw that the husband-like person had a big head, the image of a big man, Mu Fengzhao suddenly thought of the girl who was lost last night that he heard the two people discussing on the street.

Mu Fengzhao guessed that this person might be the big head of Li, and that corpse should be the only daughter of the big head of Li's family.

This once again proved Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan's conjecture that someone was deliberately creating grievances, and someone deliberately ruined a family and a family.

Because, Mu Fengzhao discovered that these families who lost their population seemed to have either only one child or only one daughter. They were all very precious and loved ones at home.

In this way, it can be seen that the grievances of these living family members are multiplied. Only one daughter is naturally very precious.

Mu Fengzhao sighed and walked towards the couple. Hearing their painful groans, Mu Fengzhao didn't feel that there was something astringent in the corners of his eyes.

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan stood aside, looked at them for a while, but didn't say anything. At this time, the couple should be in agony.

"This girl's corpse needs to be examined again." Mu Fengzhao said, although she already knew that this girl probably had the same result as the other missing girls, there was still a little bit of luck.

"Well, I'll come." Ye Yan nodded, and began to use his divine power to test the corpse.

After a while, Ye Yan looked at Mu Fengzhao and nodded, meaning it was self-evident.

It seems that there is still no way to escape with Zhang Moushi.

"There is still some relationship between Guigui and the government. In order to appease these family members, let's pay a pension!" Now that the people are gone, everything is futile, but it can show that some are some.

"I will arrange." Ye Yan is not a hard-hearted person. This matter does have a slight relationship with the government. If it were not for their inaction, there might not have been so many tragedies.

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan walked around the river again, looked at the surroundings, and finally returned to the Great Prince's Mansion without finding anything suspicious.

After Ye Yan returned to the Great Prince's Mansion, he immediately sent people to investigate according to the moat, and immediately reported anything suspicious.

Since the first few cases of missing persons, there have been some guards at the place where the corpses were salvaged. Not only did they not find any one, but the number of corpses kept increasing.

It can be seen that nowhere is not the first place where the dead body was thrown. There should be another place.

Some time ago, a heavy rain caused the river to rise a lot. The river flowed down and all the tributaries merged into the main stream. Then the body may have flowed into the main stream from the tributary, and was finally found.

In this way, if you look up from the upper reaches, you will surely find some clues until you reach the tributaries.

Sure enough, after sending a few waves, half a day later, someone had already returned to report the investigation.

The results of the investigation made people feel chilling, because...

"What? Have you found several places where the corpse was thrown?" In the meeting hall, when Wang Luo heard the reports from his subordinates, he was not only shocked, but immediately stood up from his seat.

"Yes, many places where corpses were thrown were found in various places linking the south, east, and northwest, and..." The spy who spoke, thought of the results of the investigation, did not feel cold.

"And what, just say it, don't hesitate." Wang Luo was already ignoring the rest, seeing Ye Yan frown in dissatisfaction, he immediately urged.

"Furthermore, the imagination of the lost population was also found in other nearby towns, but there were not as many people around the capital, so it has not been passed to us." The informant said the results of all the investigations in one breath.

Who can imagine that they have found so many missing persons one after another near the capital, and now they have found places where bodies were thrown in different directions. It can be seen that there must be a lot of missing girls.

No matter who it is, he shouldn't be indifferent when he hears such news, and his heart will be chilled. After all, it is a series of lives!

Although the secret guards under Ye Yan's hands were some people who didn't blink, they killed some **** people. How innocent and how miserable these girls were.

"Let's keep a close watch on these places. Don't startle the snake." Ye Yan groaned for a while and ordered immediately.

"Yes!" Reported directly, arched his hands, and immediately withdrew.

"Master, what shall we do next?" Wang Luo and Xia Yang Xia Yu looked at each other and asked out loudly.

When Mu Fengzhao came back, he had already explained the powerful relationship. At this time, the most capable subordinate beside Ye Yan naturally didn't want to see the tragedy happen.

At this time, Wang Luo and others were very concerned about what they should do next, because they really didn't have a clue, so they naturally placed their master's heart and bones on their master Ye Yan.

"We will separate our heads and take a few people to see if there is any trace of that person. Once the situation arises, we will immediately fire a signal flare." The person in Ye Yan's mouth is naturally Moutor Zhang, and now Ye Yan already hates Mage Zhang No longer using Zhang Moushi, but directly using that person.

In the end, to investigate the whereabouts of Zhang Moushi still needs Ye Yan and others to be dispatched personally, because Zhang Moushi is really too cunning, and other people may not be his opponents.

"Yes!" Wang Luo and the others, without any delay, immediately handed over and left Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan, and walked out of the meeting hall to perform the task assigned by Ye Yan.

After that, Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan did not delay any longer, and quickly got up and walked out of the chamber.

The place where Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan went to throw the corpse was the place most likely to be where Mr. Zhang was going.

They urgently need to find the whereabouts of Zhang Moushi, originally because they were supervising Ye Su, they were not afraid that Zhang Moushi would not appear, but now, they can't wait anymore. Finding Moushi Zhang first is the best policy.

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