"Investigating ice cubes is difficult even if it is simple." Mu Fengzhao said as he looked at the disappearance of three people.

The simple thing is that those who can use ice are generally wealthy households in the capital. Only then can they have the financial resources to build an ice store. Without an ice store, ice can’t be preserved. Therefore, Wang Luo and others only need to investigate those wealthy households. can.

The difficulty is that this capital is so big that once a brick is down, ten people can be killed on the street, eight of whom are wealthy, so it is a very big project to investigate those wealthy and wealthy.

And I still don't meet those tricky people, if I meet those who don't cooperate, I am afraid it will only be more difficult.

Sure enough, as Mu Fengzhao had guessed, as soon as a few people left the house, the wealthy households they visited in the first quarter were very uncooperative.

In the end, there was no way. The few people only asked the regent to investigate the matter before the wealthy people had to cooperate.

Even so, their work efficiency is still very low, and nothing has been investigated.

There is no way, a few people have to use extraordinary means.

A few people came directly to a place in the capital, and they were considered to be well-known wealthy families. This time, the few people were not as polite and polite as the previous ones, but went directly over the wall.

"Don't move, or you will be at your own risk." Xia Yangqin lived in a magnificent yard just now, and looked like a housekeeper.

A few people have been here for a while, wanting to get more news, and the people of the wealthy families know where there is a housekeeper.

The three of them were already very strange seeing the housekeeper sneaking out of their master's yard. They intuitively told them that this person must have a problem.

The housekeeper, who was originally sneaky and kept looking around, shuddered because of Xia Yang's warning, and tremblingly did not dare to say a word.

Some of them were too conspicuous. The three directly took the butler to a rockery in the backyard and sealed his acupuncture points, not doing what they wanted.

Wang Luo and others are also people who often appear next to Ye Yan. They are easy to be recognized, and they are suspected to Ye Yan in the end.

In order not to leave words for their masters, and to do bad things better, the three of them changed their night clothes and covered their faces, so the butler did not recognize them.

"Okay, I won't move, heroes take my life." The butler was scared and pale, and he didn't know whether it was his guilty conscience because he was afraid of being discovered by others, or he was really afraid of the three masked people in front of him.

"It's better to be honest to me. If I find you are not honest, you go to the underworld to serve." Wang Luo deliberately hid his original voice, and deliberately warned the housekeeper with a vicious voice.

"Yes, yes, I must be honest." The housekeeper looked like a very timid person, probably a shot dead.

"I ask you, is there an ice store in your house?" In order not to be exposed, Wang Luo asked.

"Yes, we have a large ice storehouse in Li Mansion, which was specially built by the master a few years ago." The butler did not dare to hesitate at all, for fear that he could not save his life after he answered it.

Several people saw the butler's cooperation, and several people looked at each other and saw something in each other's eyes.

It seems that they finally caught a reliable one.

Wang Luo was also not polite, threatening the housekeeper with a knife in one hand, and the two brothers in the other hand held the housekeeper's shoulder in a good manner, and worked on the protruding stone.

The two brothers Xia Yang and Xia Yu looked at each other, and they all said something, and they came again.

Don't look at this Wang Luoshi is a very easy to get along with, but it is also a powerful character.

When meeting someone who is very cooperative, like the housekeeper in front of him, Wang Luo will treat him with the utmost kindness, and he has already said everything he wants to know without knowing it.

Naturally, Wang Luo was also ruthless. When he didn't cooperate, he had a hundred ways to make that person miserable. Even if life was worse than death, he had to know what he wanted to know from his mouth.

"Come and come, housekeeper, sit down, don’t be afraid, if you cooperate well, I won’t hurt you." Wang Luo sat down with the housekeeper in his arms, feeling that the housekeeper has been tight and deliberately made a coax Speaking of the child's big bad wolf tone.

Yes, I can't use them anymore.

Xia Yang Xia Yu gave a white glance at Wang Luo who was so shameless. The two of them were doing nothing, leaning on the rockery, looking very leisurely.

But it just seemed leisurely. The two of them were shaking their legs, as if they were watching a show, but in fact, their attention had been keeping the wind around them all the time.

Wang Luo's voice is still very healed, no, he was still trembling just now, and he has already recovered a lot by this time.

"Yes, yes, I will definitely cooperate." The butler was a little nervous and rubbed his trouser legs.

"Well, that's good, then the topic just continued, I ask you, how about the consumption of ice in your Li Mansion's ice store?"

When the housekeeper heard Wang Luo say this, his face was strange, and he felt a play when he saw Wang Luo.

"It's also strange to say that although our Li Mansion doesn't lack ice cubes, it is also a rare object. From January to October in previous years, the ice storage was closed and we don't need it anymore." The housekeeper looked strange. The expression became more intense, he licked some dry lips nervously, and continued: "But recently, I didn’t know what was going on. The master asked me to open the ice storage and shipped out a lot of ice cubes. Now the ice cubes The ice cubes in there are almost consumed."

"Then do you know where the ice cubes are going to?" Wang Luo was overjoyed, and as expected, let someone investigate something.

"Speaking of this matter, it is very strange. The master asked the people to transport the ice cubes out of the small road. After they got to the outskirts, they were left alone. He said that someone would take over. I don't know what the master meant. ."

Speaking of this, as a housekeeper, he is very strange that the master did this very strange.

But even if he finds it strange, he is only a subordinate after all. He has no right to ask, and he can only hold the question in his stomach.

"You didn't ask your master why?" It seems that those chills are indeed caused by these ice cubes, and further investigation is needed.

"Oh, uncle, I am just a servant, and I am not qualified to ask the master what it means. No, there is another truck of ice cubes shipped early this morning. I asked the master, and the master just warned me not to let me go too far. Nosy."

The housekeeper has been completely brainwashed by Wang Luo, and it is estimated that there is nowhere to be angered in his heart. This time he finally had a person to talk to, and he couldn't help but say it all at once.

After that, he still looked depressed.

"I'll ask you again, did your master say, when will you continue to transport ice cubes?" Wang Luo continued to ask without the depression of a housekeeper.

"The master just ordered, tomorrow morning or at the same time as today, continue to transport ice cubes to the suburbs." The butler continued to tell the truth.

"Yes, I see. Seeing you are so tired, you should rest early!" As soon as the voice fell, before the butler had any response, he stunned the butler directly with a palm.

"You are too violent, and at any rate be gentle." Xia Yang saw where the butler was lying softly and blamed Wang Luo with a pity on his face.

"That's right, it's because of the cooperation of others." Xia Yu also looked speechless, this behavior of losing people after using up, although it is already common, but still can't help but vomit.

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