Wang Luobai said Xia Yang and Xia Yu, the two cool talkers, mentioned the butler who had passed out, and gave two people a look: "Why don't you try it too?"

The two people who were blown by the cool night breeze with such a coolness, seeing this, felt inexplicably cold on their backs, and smiled flatteringly: "Haha, forget it, I still prefer to do things for my master, and I don't like sleeping. ."

Seeing that it was not easy for the two brothers to finally unify their caliber, Wang Luo ignored the two, snorted very proudly, and headed in one direction.

Xia Yu and Xia Yang glanced at each other, seeing helplessness in the other's eyes.

Hey, what can be done?

Who made Wang Luo their boss?

After that, the two of them didn't waste any more time, followed in Wang Luo's footsteps, and went behind the back door of Li Mansion. They only felt sorry for the housekeeper and were knocked out. The cold wind was so pitiful.

Because I have learned from the housekeeper that there will be a truck of ice cubes transported to Li Mansion in the early morning of the next day. In order to hear better news faster, the three directly guarded at the back door of Li Mansion and waited. When the ice truck comes out, they can also follow it in secret.

Seeing what the housekeeper meant, the Li Mansion’s lord should have deliberately concealed the matter of the ice cubes, and even a housekeeper with considerable authority here also hid it, so it can be seen that this ice transportation is naturally secretive, too. Naturally, he won't go through the door openly, and this small door has become the best source.

Originally, they thought that the investigation of ice cubes is also a very big project, but they didn’t expect to have such an unexpected gain. They no longer needed their family’s investigation, and they would follow the ice cube car to the outskirts. This one is tricky.

This immediately saved a lot of trouble, and the three of them were also stupid. Naturally, they had to take advantage of this time-consuming opportunity.

Several people were hiding in the dark one after another, and a few people were all in black, and they didn't make any sound. They were completely integrated with the night, and no one could find them.

For a few hours behind Li's mansion, it was quiet, and gradually in the early morning, there was movement slowly. Several people did not make any movements to prevent them from being discovered. They were still in the dark, waiting.

They had already sent messages to Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan, and believed that Ye Yan already had a back move. After the reminder not to startle the snake, the few people had already begun to care about it.

After a while rustled behind, a car slowly pushed out from behind, as the housekeeper said, a car of ice.

Several people glanced at each other silently, and slowly followed after the car was about to disappear.

I saw a lot of ice in this car, and according to the amount of this car on this day, then the cold in the abandoned house can be explained.

"Keep it down to me. If you startle others, wait to die!" A leader who seemed to be escorting the ice cubes of the car, saw the car swaying, and immediately said aloud.

"Yes, little ones, I see." One of the people pushing the car behind, seemed to have a better relationship with the leader, and responded with a hippy smile.

"Just know it, all be careful." Seeing that the relationship with him is fairly good, the servant responds, and reminds him without too much accusation.

Because of his favourable treatment of one another, the courage of the respondent became more courageous. Thinking of the doubts in his heart, he looked at his taciturn colleagues around and asked the doubts in his heart: "Leader, our mansion, What the **** do we have to carry such a cart of things like this for a while recently?"

He was really curious, how could they have no complaints when people get up and **** a car that freezes to death at this time of day when they sleep at their best.

Although the master paid them a lot of salary because of such an extra errand, he still couldn't bear to **** this thing every day in the cold weather.

Besides, recently, some inexplicable girls have always disappeared, and they are also afraid. Although it is a big man, it is like doing a bad thing, and they are also afraid of it.

What made him feel even more strange was that they didn't know what it was for, who it was for, and where to send it to such a car every day.

Every time, they were sent to the suburbs and left. When they were sent to the second car the next day, the things that were sent to the car the day before had disappeared, which really made them strange.

The person who was called today also had some grievances. Even so, he didn't dare to complain, but seeing the leader who didn't like to laugh, he seemed to be in a good mood, so he asked boldly.

Sure enough, the leader did not get angry as soon as he heard someone ask him twice this time. Although there was some dissatisfaction, he just frowned, as if to pass the time: "I don't know, just until the master tells you. At this time of the day, let us send a car this thing over. As for what we are going to do, I don’t know. The master has never said it or asked people.”

"So mysterious?" The man under the cart looked unbelievable. They didn't expect that their leader didn't even know anything. There was something really unbelievable.

"Well, I saw the butler's question today, but the master gave me a severe reprimand, so we still don't ask more, we just need to get the money to complete the task." This time, the leader's words contained a hint of warning.

"Yes, yes, we know."

Although a group of people didn’t figure out what was going on, they still didn’t know what was going on. After all, they had always been reprimanded for being high-ranking butlers. They were people with a more underground status and even more. I am not qualified to know.

After working here for so many years, I also know the way of survival in this capital. Don't ask more if you don't know, otherwise the more you know, the more miserable you will die.

Everyone thought of this, not knowing whether it was because of the cold weather or the cold ice in the car around them. Everyone couldn't help but chill.

"Well, do things well, the master will not treat everyone badly." When the leader thought of the things that came to **** this car today, the master could not help but feel unbearable for the last task on himself.

Even if the feelings for these people are not so deep, but these people are colleagues who have worked with him for a long time, and it is considered that they have feelings, and he can't bear to let him decide the killer at once.

He is not a cold-blooded killer, and these people have trusted him very much for a while. When they think, if they have always trusted him, if they know that they will die soon, he can't bear it.

The leader couldn't help feeling that this was a task that had always been very tormenting.

With this reminder but implied the meaning of the warning, although the doubts in everyone's hearts still did not disappear, but they did not dare to ask any more, they all banned the sound, and were busy escorting the things in the car in front of them.

Wang Luo and the others, who followed them, naturally listened to the conversations of a few people. They didn't hear any valuable news, so they thought about how to continue.

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