Listening to the meaning of these people, they never knew what they were doing in this behavior, and they were also curious. The only way at the moment was to continue to follow.

At the destination, continue to guard.

From Li Mansion to their destination in the suburbs, it was also a short distance. They bumped and bumped. After about an hour, everyone's speed slowly slowed down.

They have seen where the car that already has one is parked, dark, like a messenger of the night, looking very terrifying.

This is the case these days. They sneaked to this place. The car that escorted the ice cubes for a day would be waiting where it was empty. Where did they put the ice cubes of the new car they transported, and take the empty car back. It remained the same for two days.

But this time, what was different from the previous few times was that this time there was a person who couldn't see clearly was waiting there.

This discovery made everyone feel terrified, trembling, and very scared.

"The master said, you don't have to send it tomorrow from tomorrow. Tell your master that the wind has been tight these days, and your mouth should be stricter."

The person standing next to the empty car has a hoarse voice. I don’t know if it was intentional or it was the case. He bowed and looked like an old man, but from the hoarse voice, he didn’t look like an old man. , It was like a young man, and no one found anything.

"Yes! I must report it back to the master." The leader replied with a clasp in his hand.

"I think your master also explained how you did it. I shouldn't need to remind you again." The man in black in the dark seemed to remind the leader of something. The implicit meaning made the others tremble unbearably. At once, they felt that there seemed to be a knife on their heads.

The crowd didn't dare to show up, they had a hunch that next, they would not be greeted by what they liked or what they wanted.

"This is natural!" The leader glanced at the few people in front of him, his hands trembling a little.

"Well, clean in a hidden place." The man in black continued to remind.


Then, seeing that there was nothing to explain, the leader left with a few people. As for the result of welcoming them next, only they knew.

The three people hiding in the dark can clearly feel that the strength of the man in black who doesn’t know how to come out is not below them. In order to prevent getting too close, they dare not get too close, they are far away. Looked in the dark.

Wang Luo and the others did not hear the conversation between the leader and the man in black. Seeing that the leader took a few people away, they continued to wait in the dark, waiting for the man in black to move.

The man in black was really too cautious, probably after a cup of tea, and waited until the surroundings were calm again before he could move.

I saw him gently waved his hand, and suddenly four or five men in black dressed like him appeared from nowhere, pushing the ice cubes of that car away.

Wang Luo and others silently passed the news out again.

"Leave a person to answer, Xia Yang and I will follow to see if we can find their lair." Wang Luo watched the news pass, and the people in black who were pushing the car gradually disappeared, and said to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu did not refuse, and immediately nodded specifically: "Okay, I am here waiting to respond, but you have to be more careful."

Those people are not easy to deal with at first glance. The strength of the man in black just at the beginning is already equal to them. If they encounter the impulse, if they do it, they may not have the chance to win.

Coupled with those few people later, Wang Luo and Xia Yang would be in danger if they were not careful, but Xia Yu was too cautious.

What's more, they still don't know if there is more danger waiting for them if they find their lair, it can't be an exaggeration to be careful.

After all, it's the best policy not to fight the grass and startle snakes. If one or two people are discovered, let alone the safety of the two people, they are afraid that once they get the news, they will immediately move their positions. Then their series of actions will be in vain.

"Don't worry, we will be careful." Wang Luo patted Xia Yu's shoulder comfortingly. In order not to be discovered, the three of them used secret sounds to communicate.

Xia Yu nodded and watched Wang Luo and Xia Yang lightly nodding their footsteps. They had disappeared. He stayed there, waiting for the person to come, expecting that Wang Luo and Xia Yang would not be discovered.

Wang Luo and Xia Yang quickly caught up with that wave of people. Those people were very cautious, turning around and turning around several trails. Wang Luo felt that it was really not a way to go on like this. Not only did they easily leave people behind. , There is also a risk of being discovered.

On the way, they will leave a special mark after following those people for a while, in order to leave a clue to Xia Yu and others.

After Wang Luo and Xia Yang followed them two more trails, they felt that they couldn't continue like this. It was too unfamiliar to them, and they might reveal their whereabouts if they were not careful.

Moreover, the most important thing is that, judging from their years of experience following Ye Yan's side, watching them so cautiously, even if they find their lair, it might be difficult to get in, and they will usually be guarded.

If they want to go in unscathed and undetected, they need to pretend to be the people inside. On this road, they are all deserted mountains and there are no people at all, except for the few carts in front. The men in black did not see their companions at all.

So, this means that when they don’t accept these things or deliver the materials, there will be no people from them here. In this way, it is very difficult for people to come out there. .

Because, I only paid attention to the few players in front of me, hoping to find a place, put two people down, impersonate them, enter their team, and finally enter their nest safely.

Wang Luo and Xia Yang have already made a decision, but there has been no chance to do anything along the way. They have been walking all the time. They are all together, and there is no way to separate them. It is really very tricky.

After walking on the mountain road for a while, the car didn't walk very well, it was swaying, and it was difficult to push.

When passing by a large area of ​​bushes, the people in front suddenly stopped to move, Wang Luo and Xia Yang hid silently.

Did you find them?

Wang Luo couldn't help having some questions.

But they quickly dispelled their speculation, and saw that they seemed to be talking.

"You're with him!" Hearing that his subordinates were going to make it easier, the man in black clothes with his waist was somewhat dissatisfied, but there was no way, just in case, he still needed to find someone to accompany him.

"Yes!" The man in black who was named naturally did not dare to have any objections, and went to the bush with another person.

When Wang Luo and Xia Yang saw this, there was nothing else they didn't understand, and they were overjoyed. This was simply an opportunity God gave them.

Going alone, they are still worried that the two of them might be separated, and there is no way to better integrate into them. It happened that the person pointed to another one, and the heavens were helping them.

Two extremely happy people, quietly hidden into the bushes, and headed for a convenient place for the two men in black.

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