After a while, the two people who were convenient for going out came out and came to the car.

The rickety black-clothed man glanced at them, but found nothing, ordered "continue", and several people walked forward.

What they didn't know was that in the lush bushes, the two stripped people had already lost their breath.

Wang Luo and Xia Yang were mixed in, and they were relieved if they were not suspected. The two men in black were pushing the car in the posture of the two men who were learning to disguise.

Because they mixed in with them, the actions they took were also a lot more convenient, and there was no need to worry about being discovered or losing them. They quietly left marks along the way.

The lair of these people is really hidden. They have walked for nearly an hour, not knowing how many trails they have turned, Wang Luo and Xia Yang finally saw the presence of people.

In the wild mountain-like place ahead, it was at the foot of a mountain. Gradually, there were people. Everyone was dressed the same as their current clothes. From this point of view, they had reached their destination.

Sure enough, their camouflage method was very correct. If they wanted to go in, they had to search. There were two teams of weapons at the gate, standing there supporting the search.

They are here!

Wang Luo and Xia Yang looked at each other in a corner invisible to others.

"Great Guardian!" The two teams guarding the door saw them slowly approaching, bowed their hands at the rickety black man, and bowed a big salute.

It seems that the status of the rickety man in black here is still very high. A big guardian can make many people salute. Wang Luo and Xia Yang dare not imagine how many people there are, they are just a few. What strength.

"Yeah!" The rickety man in black gave a faint hum, which was considered a response.

"Dharma guardian, as usual, you still have to check your token." After all, they have a higher status than their status as little guards. Although they are just accusations, they still don't have much confidence.

The person who spoke should be the person in charge of the token who is in charge of checking the in and out of the person, and his tone is a little vacant.

"Yeah!" The rickety man in black didn't say anything, just handed the token in his arms to the person in charge.

The responsible hands turned out to the wooden token, looked roughly, and respectfully handed it to the rickety man in black, looking at the hurried appearance, it seemed that he was afraid of offending people.

Wang Luo, Xia Yang, and the other black-clothed men in the pushchair lowered their heads as if they were afraid of something.

Two people saw here quietly, what else they didn't know. It turned out that you need a token to enter here. I am afraid that everyone has their own token. Only in this way, may they be able to enter safely.

Wang Luo and Xia Yang had thoughts in their hearts, and each took a look at where they were in their arms.

When they took off the clothes of the two men in black, they had already taken out all the things on the two men. Just in case, where the man usually obstructed things, they also put them there. Unexpectedly, that small inconspicuous token in his arms could still have such a function.

After a brief negotiation, the person in charge of Ana waved his hand to let people open the door and let them in.

After they entered, they realized that they had only entered their outermost door, and their nest seemed to be in a cave.

A car is neither too much nor too few ice cubes. It really took a lot of work and investigation.

"Okay, when you get here, just go in by yourself! As always, don't watch too much if you shouldn't know." The rickety man in black who had been walking in front suddenly stopped and pulled to the front two. Said the man in black in the car.

Although Wang Luo and Xia Yang didn't know what they said they were like before, they still nodded as if they were attached to other people without a soul.

This time, without the rickety black man following them, the road behind them was a lot easier, and there was no need to worry about their little movements being discovered.

Following the rickety man in black waving their hands, they walked into the cave that seemed very long.

This cave seems to be a few years old. The surrounding stones have been smoothed out and look very smooth. In order not to make it look dark here, there are torches on the walls of the cave to illuminate the road.

There is no one guarding the cave. It should be those people who think that there will be no danger when they get here, so in addition to the sound of torches burning, it is the sound of them pushing the car and walking.

Hungry Wang Luo and Xia Yang walked at the end, no longer need to be so restrained. In order to get acquainted with the environment as soon as possible, they watched everywhere, and walked towards the cave with a few people.

Here Wang Luo and Ye Yan have completely penetrated into the enemy's interior, and Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan who were waiting at the Great Prince's Mansion have also received the news from them.

After Wang Luo and the others went out to investigate the ice cube, Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan had already asked people to stare at them. They had also been running around for a day, and there was a cry of fatigue. The two of them ate a bit of food to fill their stomachs, and went rest.

I said it was a rest, but how could I really have to rest after encountering such a thing? I can't just lie in bed and have a nap for a while.

After a while, Mu Fengzhao heard the green hand knocking on the door outside the door, glanced at Ye Yan, and wondered if there was news so soon.

Both of them lay there in their kimonos, and got up quickly. They reconciled. When the two came to the table, Lu Fu walked in.

"Master, there is already news." Lu Fu gave the news to Ye Yan, and Mu Fengzhao glanced at it. He didn't expect these people to have such a good way, and Ruzi could teach it.

"These people don't seem to be tuned, and they didn't expect to use extraordinary means at all to be soft in the extraordinary period." Mu Fengzhao poured a cup of tea for Ye Yan and watched the tea inside slowly spread out. Can't help but feel interesting.

They thought that this task is still somewhat difficult, at least it won't take a few hours before the news can be spread, and they didn't expect it to be so fast, and they used the method of hijacking.

However, there was still a result, and Li Mansion had colluded with Zhang Moushi.

"Look, in this case, there should be a lot of big capital households and even the ministers of the DPRK, but who still needs to be verified." Ye Yan read the news at a glance, and threw the note conveying the news. On the table, thoughts moved quickly.

This time, things seem simple, but in fact they are not simple. It is not the case of this capital, or the cases in several cities near the capital that have to make people feel suspicious.

No matter how few cases happened in those towns, it would be impossible for them to not be heard at all. People say it is precious, and if the girl of someone's family is lost, it will have to happen.

Fortunately, Ye Yan asked people to check it. It is estimated that there is still no news yet, so even so, people have to doubt what is wrong.

Ye Yan pondered it for a while, it was not like Mu Fengzhao had never been in contact with the government. He grew up in such an environment and would have his own set of perceptions.

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