It should have been someone in the court who deliberately covered up the news and prevented things from towns outside the capital from spreading here. In all likelihood, he was afraid that he would know.

When he thought of this, Ye Yan felt that the people in this dynasty needed to be cleaned up.

Originally, he thought that the affairs of North Korea had little to do with him. Once things were done here, he would retreat. In Canada, no one opposed or saw that those people had ambitions. Did not think much.

It now seems that things are far from as simple as he thought. Those people didn't resist and didn't have the opportunity to resist. Now that they have the opportunity, they will naturally seize it and deal with him with Zhang Moushi.

"What shall we do next?" Although Mu Fengzhao knows a little about the affairs of Chaozhong, he is not proficient, and he does not know what Ye Yan's plan will be next. Naturally, he has to ask. Prevent delays in his plan.

"Check, continue to check, let others continue to check according to the original plan, this time it will definitely be possible to eliminate those in the Qing dynasty who violated the yin and the yin."

A few cold rays flashed in Ye Yan's eyes, with an incredible firmness.

If you don't clean up this time, and when you discover the problem next time, I'm afraid it will be an irreversible opportunity. Even if he ignores the affairs of the government, it is the people who suffer.

Then, Ye Yan summoned the secret guards who were usually in the dark, which seemed to be no less than the secret guards of Wang Luo and others, and asked him to continue to investigate the tasks of Wang Luo and the Xia Yang brothers along the way.

After everything was arranged, more than an hour had passed, and at this time there were people in a hurry to guard.

"Lvfu go and have a look." Mu Fengzhao looked at the hurried man, and asked Lvfu to have a look.

The current Lvfu can be said to be Mu Fengzhao's personal maid, and the relationship between the two is quite good. Mu Fengzhao is still very good to the first maid around him.

"Yes!" Lu Fu went out, not knowing what he had said to the guard, but the guard seemed to hand something to Lu Fu, and after a salute, he walked out.

It is estimated that there was no order from Ye Yan, and the guard did not dare to come in without permission.

Since living in this Canxue Xiaozhu, Mu Fengzhao has also understood that people like this small courtyard are not allowed to enter here, even those very loyal guards.

Therefore, seeing that guard stopped outside, he called Lufu to meet him.

"Master, Master Wang Luo has sent a message back again." Lu Fu once again passed the message in his hand to Ye Yan.

Ye Yan unfolded and looked directly, this time his face was slightly better, and Mu Fengzhao looked at it, guessing, this time it is estimated that good news came back.

"Good news?" Mu Fengzhao asked with a smile.

"Well, take a look, it's good news." Ye Yan handed it to Mu Fengzhao. Mu Fengzhao looked at the few lines, still a little surprised.

I didn't expect that it was only an hour's time, and there had been such a big progress, which was indeed good news.

"It's really good news, I hope they can protect themselves." Wang Luo and Xia Yang are also considered to have gone deep into the tiger's den. Now they know nothing about going deep inside. Everything is an uncontrollable factor, and their safety is still very important. Worrying.

"Don't worry, they know the importance." Ye Yan frowned when he saw Mu Fengzhao, comforting.

"I hope so!" Now I can only hope that Wang Luo and Xia Yang will be safe and sound.

"At this time, they probably haven't made any progress in it. We still need to wait for a while. I will arrange a manpower to pick it up. You will take a break and let you know if you have any action."

Ye Yan looked at Mu Fengzhao because he hadn't made any progress, and didn't rest much all night. There was already a dark shadow right now, and he couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

"Well, well, it's arranged, let me know." Mu Fengzhao also feels really tired, and she can't help with arranging manpower. In order to recharge her energy, she can only take a good rest. Up.

It was just hard work for Ye Yan, Mu Fengzhao has not rested, so why not Ye Yan, and there are far more things Ye Yan needs to worry about than Mu Fengzhao's, which is naturally hard work.

Then, Ye Yan left Can Xue Xiaozhu to arrange his life, and Mu Fengzhao turned and went back to the bedroom to rest.

One night passed in their own different thoughts, the sky slowly turned white, and all Ye Yan's affairs had been arranged.

Mu Fengzhao also woke up, washed and rinsed, and after having breakfast with Ye Yan, he went to the suburbs.

Since the manpower has already been arranged, in order not to be too eye-catching during the day, those men have already stepped to the outskirts of the night and secretly hid them. Once Wang Luo and Xia Yang heard the news again, they could also quickly Action.

When Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan arrived in the suburbs, they had already met Xia Yu. They saw Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan appear together, with joy on their faces, and stepped forward and bowed: "Master!"

"What's the situation now?" Ye Yan asked. One night passed and no news came back. Even if he had confidence in Wang Luo and Xia Yang, he still had some worries.

"The two have entered the night, and there is no news yet, so there shouldn't be any problems." According to the nature of those two people, if they encounter any danger, they will fight for the last breath and try to pass it back. news.

Now there is no news at all, maybe it is the best news. Maybe the two have entered the enemy's interior, but there is nothing useful yet.

Xia Yu saw that Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan's face still seemed uneasy, his heart warmed, and he stepped forward and replied, "They said before they left, and they will leave marks along the way. Believe that we find them should It won't be difficult."

"I hope these two people are smart and don't get too aggressive for a little progress." Mu Fengzhao is still a little worried. After all, Wang Luo and Xia Yang are very important people to Ye Yan. They say they are subordinates, and they are more like relatives. general.

Ye Yan and Wang Luo all grew up together, and they all had their own miserable experiences. So after meeting Ye Yan, he was like the savior of the few of them. Redeeming them is the most important thing for each other. Relatives.

Therefore, for Ye Yan’s important people, Mu Fengzhao will automatically put those people in the scope of her protection, because she knows that as long as any one of them should have any accident, Ye Yan will not. If it's better, I will blame myself.

She didn't want to see Ye Yan in that way, so she hoped that Wang Luo and the others would be safe and sound forever and be Ye Yan's brothers or relatives.

"Okay, don't be too heartbroken, let's wait here again, and trust them." How could Ye Yan not know Mu Fengzhao's thoughts, although he was worried about Wang Luo and Xia Yang's faces, they didn't show it very much. .

Ye Yan is like everyone's backbone. If he can't stretch himself, how to stabilize everyone's heart, but the heart can only be in the heart.

Although it is in the suburbs, few people come here, but just in case, everyone did not stand there clearly, but they all found a relatively hidden place to hide, and waited for Wang Luo and Xia Yang to pass on again. News.

During the period, Xia Yu told him and Wang Luo Xiayang about the investigation of the ice cubes, especially the Li Mansion's affairs. I have seen Li Mansion transporting ice cubes and the rickety man in black.

Ye Yan fell into deep thought after listening.

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