A little bit of time passed, and it was about noon when everyone was waiting for the news that they were almost exhausted.

But it is not so satisfactory. Mu Fengzhao, Ye Yan and others can only know from the words that Wang Luo and Xia Yang are still safe at the moment, so they should not act rashly. Once they can act, they will send a message.

This time, even though Wang Luo and Xia Yang made clear what was going on, they knew they were still safe and there was nothing wrong, so everyone was relieved.

Because this result has no time limit, I don't know what to do. The people waiting outside worry that if so many of them have been outside, sooner or later they will be exposed, which will put Wang Luo and Xia Yang inside in danger of exposure.

In the end, Ye Yan decided to keep a few people on standby to prepare for emergencies. They first returned to the Great Prince's Mansion to deal with the affairs of the court.

Xia Yu left behind and continued to oversee those outside, Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan went back.

After returning, they had just stepped into the mansion of the Great Prince and they received the Li's house who was transporting ice cubes, and it seemed that something had happened.

Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao found out after inquiring carefully. They didn't know what was going on. At noon today, they suddenly found that several people in the Li Mansion had died suddenly. After verification, they seemed to have died of poisoning.

Because those who died were all subordinates of Li Mansion who had signed the contract of selling their lives, and it was also a matter in other people's mansion. Although it had been spread out of the mansion, it did not cause much sensation, and it was just a moment of leisure for others. Talking boringly.

When Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao left the Great Prince's Mansion for the outskirts, Ye Yan had arranged people to pay attention to Li's Mansion, so he discovered that Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao were one of the first people to know.

Listening to this, Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao, combined with the things Xia Yu said, probably guessed what happened to these people who died of poisoning suddenly.

It's nothing more than being murdered.

A few lives said that if they didn’t have them, they would be gone. Even if they were angry, they were helpless. After all, it was something in other people’s residences. In addition, they had already signed a contract to sell their lives. They were all members of Li's residence, Ye Yan and Mu Feng. I can't take care of the private affairs of other people's houses, and I can only leave it alone.

However, in Ye Yan's heart, it was confirmed once again that those ministers who violated the power of the imperial court must be eliminated. Then the current situation may be changed, so that it will not allow people to become powerful.

Ye Yan secretly sent seven or eight secret guards who were good at intelligence, so that they could find out in the shortest time which ministers in the DPRK could use them, those ministers could not use them, and those ministers who could be used as key training.

In the past few years, Ye Yan's own power in the dark has grown a lot. It is not difficult to find out these things, especially for the convenience of intelligence, which has always been a strong point.

Fortunately, Ye Yan had planned for the rainy day. As early as a few years ago, he arranged a lot of chess pieces in the court. Now it is time to activate them. They are all like bamboo shoots after the rain. They have emerged from the ministers’ houses and started to act. .

These people usually look very inconspicuous, maybe just a cook, or a small servant, the bigger one is a concubine in the house of a powerful official.

Usually they seem to live at the bottom of their lives, and any masters beat and scold them, but once the critical moment comes, they will be the most advantageous knife, killing people invisible and making people unknowingly, they are already Obtained the information they needed.

A few days later, Wang Luo and Xia Yang had no news. Zhang Moushi was more cautious and noticed that the situation is now more tense, and he did not let anyone transport ice, causing Ye Yan to want people to enter them. , There is no way, the only thing to do is to wait, waiting for Wang Luo and Xia Yang to send back news.

Although Wang Luo and Xia Yang had no news, a lot of news came from the hands of the chess pieces in the mansion of the ministers. Every day, like snowflakes, people flew into the study of the Great Prince's Mansion.

It is impossible for Ye Yan to go through all the complicated news. Naturally, someone from the intelligence team will pass on the useful information, and then someone will sort out what is useful to Ye Yan, and finally pass it to Ye Yan's hands.

What Ye Yan sees is usually directed at those ministers, but he directly exercises his own rights to deal with those ministers.

However, it is not the time yet. It still needs an opportunity, an excuse to punish the ministers, which can make them indisputable all of a sudden, make them speechless all of a sudden, only accept the punishment obediently.

Mu Fengzhao admired Ye Yan's arrangement of chess pieces, and almost every time he came back with a lot of information, he would give a good compliment, which can be said to satisfy Ye Yan's heart.

In the past few days, Mu Fengzhao has nothing to do. What he has done is to accompany Ye Yan to deal with political affairs or information. He also knows deeply that being a regent is not so easy, and he can’t help but vomit. Ask the ministers who desperately desire power to do all the evil.

In the past few days, Ye Yan has mastered a lot of information, good and bad, a lot, after sorting it out, it is nothing more than that, which minister has a fancy to which girl, and which concubine room is forced.

Perhaps it was that after a minister's son was doing all things evil, beating people to death, and destroying the whole family, there were also ministers who did those things when they took tens of thousands of dollars in their hands. Anyway, there are so many things like this. A table.

It's just that these elders have been honest recently, and the handling of things is so clean that they can't get their hands on them. Even if they want to punish them, they don't have a greasy head, but Mu Fengzhao is sad.

In the past few days, Mu Fengzhao learned from these news about the things that the ministers did. Looking at each one of them, they were about to become the tortoises who endured them.

"These people are really cunning. They deal with it so cleanly. Even if they want to start, they can't find a handle. Looking at it makes people angry." Mu Fengzhao threw the things in his hand and sat there angrily. It's vomiting to death.

Ye Yan looked funny at Mu Fengzhao's childish side, and couldn't help feeling cute, and didn't stop him with comfort. Such Mu Fengzhao is really rare. He still likes Mu Fengzhao like this very much. Like a child who has just been doing something good, he looks very cute and jealous.

"You're still smiling, you can quickly figure out a way to get those people to be punished as soon as possible." Mu Fengzhao naturally didn't know the evil taste in Ye Yan's heart. He just felt that when he saw Ye Yan's smile in this gap, it felt like It is really an eyesore.

This is his country, why is he not in a hurry? Really, the emperor is not in a hurry for eunuchs.

Ah yeah, she is not an eunuch.

"Okay, don't be angry, it's all my fault, don't worry, I have already figured out a way, you can wait to watch a good show." Ye Yan also knows that Mu Fengzhao is angry now, but Unpleasant.

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