"Do you still remember that the missing woman is no longer a virgin?" Ye Yan looked at Mu Fengzhao as if thinking about what he said, and asked again.

"Well, I remember, this is very strange. Those who are missing are some Yunying's unmarried girls. After finding their bodies, they are no longer complete. This is something that has always puzzled everyone."

Mu Fengzhao also saw the corpses that were salvaged. With her ability, she could tell what was different about those women with a single glance. Naturally, she also knew what these women had gone through. I am afraid they were caused by others. Violated.

"Well, this is the most suspicious place. I investigated. These women are not randomly selected. Although their looks are not as good as the women of the big families in Beijing, they are also Xiaojiabiyu. They all have a face that makes the family quite proud, and They are all women who either have a marriage contract but have not married or already have someone in love."

Ye Yan continued, seeming to think of something, his face sank, and he paused and continued: "The most important thing is that after these women are ashamed, the dandies in the ministerial houses in the capital seem to be miraculously not robbing them. People's girls, it's as if they are all at once in good spirits, but with their innocent temperament, it is impossible to take good care of them."

Ye Yan watched Mu Fengzhao come to this conclusion. Seeing Mu Fengzhao frowning and thinking, he couldn't help reaching out to smooth the frown.

Mu Fengzhao was originally a very smart person. Upon hearing what Ye Yan said, a guess formed in his heart and became clearer and clearer. Finally, he said: "You mean, those women actually disappeared when they first disappeared. Has been ruined by others?"

Although Mu Fengzhao was questioning, he used a positive tone, and it seemed that only such a guess could explain it.

Almost all of those women were found two days after their disappearance, and they were no longer complete, which made people feel strange.

What makes people feel even more strange is that those dudes who do no evil in the capital, who often relied on their own family to behave in order to rob civilian girls, suddenly quieted down. This is really weird. .

Then there is only one possibility that can make sense, that is, the missing women were thrown to the dudes to have fun, and then they stopped.

And just like Ye Yan said, even those women are Xiaojiabiyu, and they all have a good face, even if they are more beautiful than the ladies in the big capitals.

In this way, since there are already good-looking women who are still virgins, those dudes naturally don't have to go to the street to rob the women of the country and make trouble.

Although I still explain why the different women don't have a heart, but this is no longer a perfect body, it still makes sense, I didn't expect it to be so.

"They are all beasts!" As soon as Mu Fengzhao thought of those innocent elder daughters who had her own beloved, she was looking forward to marrying the one she loved, but because of a long-planned misfortune, she couldn't help losing her good. The marriage, that is, the living life is also ruined, and I feel that there is nowhere to vent an anger in my heart.

No wonder, the grievances are so heavy. In this age of feudal thinking where marrying is the only way out, a woman does not want to have a happy family of her own when she grows up, but the world is unfair, and they have not had time to enjoy their own happiness. Life is such an ending, which makes them feel free from grievances.

Mu Fengzhao seemed to be able to imagine that Yunying was unmarried. At first, they looked forward to the fear of being kidnapped, and finally the despair of being violated. This series of changes is probably because they have a little bit of grievance. The process of generating.

Sure enough, some animals were inferior, and it was too light to destroy a family with five horses.

"Although these are just conjectures that are linked together, it is true in all likelihood, so if this is done, it will be ruthless, so that they will never stand up."

Even Ye Yan, who has always been relatively deserted, was very angry about this, let alone Mu Fengzhao. In order to prevent Mu Fengzhao from continuing to be immersed in these tragedies, Ye Yan turned the topic back to Shang Shu again. Adult body.

"When will the plan start? I can't wait to see it now. I really look forward to what it will look like when their eyes are filled with despair." Mu Fengzhao's anger disappeared when he thought of the scene.

Maybe only those people get the punishment that they deserve, the grievances of those women will dissipate!

"Starting from tomorrow, I have already arranged it. It happens that the son of Shangshu is going out tomorrow, which is a great opportunity." The dude who had been quiet for a long time was kept at home for a period of time. When he went out, he would naturally go out and fight the dog. Happily, and this is exactly the best time for them to do it.

"After being quiet for a while, I suddenly saw the sun, and I was not so excited to die one by one. If I was not careful, things would easily happen." Mu Fengzhao was a little bit looking forward to tomorrow's good show.

"Well, that's the reason I'm talking about, so I have been asking our people to talk about the many temptations outside in front of Young Master Shang for these two days. Since they know how to eat, drink and have fun, I am not afraid that he will not be fooled."

The arranged chess pieces were naturally pushed up at a critical moment. This time the young master of the Shangshu family probably couldn't escape.

Mu Fengzhao knew Ye Yan's plan for the next day, and thought that the prey had already been taken, the grievance in his heart dissipated a little.

After that, Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan sorted out the information in the study, and when they saw the information, they gave Ye Yan an idea to make Ye Yan's plan more perfect.

Ye Yan felt that Mu Fengzhao's proposal was good, so he asked the chess pieces arranged in other houses to speak freely in front of the big dudes, and strive to leave the house tomorrow, so that things would be more lively even if they came out.

Soon, those dudes knew that the son of the Shang Shu family was about to leave the house, thinking that he had been bored at home for a while, they all carried their family on their backs, preparing to go out to play secretly the next day.

I don’t know if God knows that Shang Shu has done so many evil things. Shang Shufu also has many concubine rooms. But this one son was born, and he was the only one. Naturally, the whole family loved and protected him. Eyeballs are average.

Even because of this, the Shangshu family has formed a dull temperament, burns, kills, loots and does all things, but there is a capable old man who wipes his buttocks in the back, and has been stable for so many years.

But in the end it was because of eating, drinking, playing and playing. He was originally a relatively weak person. He couldn't help but not raise it properly. He also played with women everywhere. Naturally, it was worse than one, and the ear roots were even more of a temptation. of.

So the chess piece of Shang Shufu just said a few words, and the young man of Shang Shujia couldn't hold on, and sneaked out of Shang Shufu.

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