Wu Renyao, the son of Master Shangshu, said that when he came to a dignified book, he naturally attached great importance to naming his son. It was nothing but Guangzong Yaozu or something.

However, he chose Wu Renyao's name, which made people laugh at it for a while.

As a result, Wu Renyao was often teased by his playmates, which made his temperament less and less extreme, and became a hegemon of the dude in the capital.

Because Master Shang Shu made the five orders and the third trial a few days ago, it was stated that Wu Renyao should not go out casually, so Wu Renyao took the small servant around him and went out secretly through the back door.

Wu Renyao, dressed in a gorgeous dress like a dog, shook a white fan with the words "The First Handsome in Beijing" in his hand, and went to a restaurant that he often visited as usual.

Almost all the people in this restaurant already know Wu Renyao, as long as Wu Renyao leaves the house, this is the first one to come to our place.

Therefore, whether it is a buddy or a shopkeeper, the restaurant treats Wu Renyao as an ancestor. This is not the case when Wu Renyao leads his little servant, who thinks he is very romantic and suave, shaking his fan and appearing in the wind At the entrance of the restaurant, he immediately bowed his waist, nodded, and greeted him.

"Ah Yo, Young Master Wu, I haven't been to the helpless restaurant for a long time. Today is finally a good show." The shopkeeper's smiley dog-legged look generally welcomes Wu Renyao in, generally flattering.

"Huh, there are so many things with this son! How could it be possible to come to your restaurant every day." Wu Renyao looked arrogant, but there was something funny on the face that could clearly show a lot of playing with women.

"Yes, yes, what Young Master Wu said is that the villain is superficial." The shopkeeper knew that this one in front of him was not easy to serve, and touched the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead.

"Are the other princes here?" Wu Renyao was very satisfied with the shopkeeper's compliments. At last there was a smile on his face, as if thinking of something, he turned his head slightly and asked the shopkeeper.

"It's here. The other young men have just arrived. They are all waiting for Mr. Wu in the private room!" As soon as the shopkeeper said this, the action of wiping sweat increased, and the forehead that was not sweaty was also a little wet. meaning.

Alas, they are all bullies in the capital, and they are not easy to serve. What is the difference between them and their ancestors.

"That's good, knowing that I'm out of the house, how do they say they have to try to come out?" Wu Renyao looked proud, obviously enjoying the feeling of being held in the middle.

"That's natural. That time it was not that Mr. Wu was the most proud. Those young men heard that Mr. Wu was going to go out to play, so naturally they wanted to follow." The shopkeeper picked up some words that Wu Renyao loved and said, fighting for some reward .

No, the effect came immediately. A simple compliment immediately made Wu Renyao swell up. The smile on his face couldn't be concealed, and he glanced at the only young man who was following him.

The young man has been with Wu Renyao for some years. He naturally understands Wu Renyao's habits and style very well. He puts on a face like a **** and took out a silver ingot and threw it to the shopkeeper.

It's just that the two seem to make eye contact in places where others can't see. They glanced at each other and nodded towards each other.

Wu Renyao is a trash person who only knows about eating, drinking, and having fun. Naturally, he didn't notice the communication between the two people.

Wu Renyao's attention was quickly attracted by the few sons who suddenly appeared on the second floor.

"Hey, Ren Yao, when we heard that you were out of the house, we didn't care about our old man's forbidden feet and came here sneakily. How come we are late when we get to you?" One of them was wearing a green shirt. The greasy man in the robe, also holding a fan, was in the winter, and shook it gently, thinking he was very romantic.

At the same time, I saw Wu Renyao who had just arrived downstairs, holding on to the railing, and joking at Wu Renyao.

"That's right, Ren Yao, this is your fault. Today, you have to punish yourself for three cups anyway." Another man dressed like a carrot also joked.

"Brother Zhou's proposal is good. Today, I must punish myself for three cups." Although the one who spoke this time was not as exaggerated as the one just dressed, it also looked very gaudy.

Three very gorgeous colors were worn together on his body. How could one look like one came out of the brothel without any clothes, as if the girls were wearing the wrong clothes.

Needless to say, these three people are the other three dudes in the capital who often fool around with Wu Renyao.

From this point of view, the dressing of these people seems to be normal only for a person like Wu Renyao, and it will not give people a very offensive feeling.

"Okay! I'm happy today, Xiaoye, so I will rely on you. After we have enough food and drink, we will go to Wanhualou and have a fun." Wu Renyao has been up to it in three steps and two steps in the middle of a few people joking. On the second floor, came to a few people.

"The feelings are good. I heard that a stunning beauty came to Wanhualou two days ago. The singing voice and the enchanting dance were the most stunning of all the brothels in the capital overnight."

At the beginning of speaking, the young man Lin, who wore an evergreen tree-like greasy noodles, said.

"Hey, it seems that you came here prepared, and you have investigated so clearly that you don't know which girl is there in the capital."

Carrot's man, who was called Zhou's son, had an unkind look on his face, and he obviously knew the stunning beauty in the mouth of Lin's son.

"Cut, today isn't it because that beautiful person came so together, let me say, this beautiful person will definitely be in our Ren Yao's pocket." The gaudy man took a fan and slapped Wu Renyao on the shoulder and saw Wu Renyao was exaggerated by himself and fluttered, and there was a glimmer of gloat in his eyes that was so inconsistent with his expression at this time.

It's just that a few people are thinking about the so-called stunning beauty, and they didn't even notice the unusualness of the gaudy man.

"That's not it, just our Ren Yaochao station, it's not eager to come up." The Evergreen man put one arm on the shoulder of the vulgar man, and looked at Wu Renyao's still pretty face.

Speaking of which, it’s not Wu Renyao who looks the best among these people, but the gaudy man, but he can’t stand Wu Renyao’s powerful and powerful Laozi. Even if these people know that fact, it’s not what they should do as usual. Compliments, compliments, what to do.

Whoever asked them to go out to eat, drink, and have fun, usually Wu Renyao, who was wealthy and wealthy, came to pay for it. Their Laozi was not as good as Wu Renyao, and naturally there was not as much money in his pocket as Wu Renyao.

What's more, they all know that Wu Renyao is a single biography of this Shangshu family, and all the last things are not his. Naturally, they all flatter Wu Renyao.

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