"The one who just walked in the front is our prime minister!" said a scholar who bought calligraphy and painting, pointing at the person who had disappeared in front of Wanhualou.

"The prime minister?" Several people around were all startled, looking at the scholar in disbelief.

"Yes, it's the prime minister, I was the prime minister who invigilated the scientific examination last year!" The scholar looked confident, he was right, he was the prime minister.

"Even if it's our prime minister, what do you take so many people to Wanhualou this early morning?" the person who spoke at the beginning asked suspiciously.

"Yes, I heard that our prime minister is a very clean and self-contained official, and he never goes to places that are not inconsistent." It was the aunt who joined the fun at the beginning. In her opinion, it looked like a brothel. This kind of special place to seduce the husband of other people is a place where there are many inconsistencies.

"Of course, our prime minister is a good official, and he will never go to the brothel. There must be something important to do today. I just don't know what it is, it is so expensive." Even a loyal fan of the prime minister can't do anything about his admiration for the prime minister.

"Hey, I began to hear yesterday that the prime minister's favorite daughter was kidnapped when he went to the suburbs to offer incense." A gossip-loving person joined the chat and shared what he knew.

"What! What's the matter? I heard that Miss Allure from the Prime Minister's Mansion is the prime minister's apex and his favorite daughter."

"That's not it, can a famous talented girl in Beijing not love it?"

"You are, how could the young lady in the Prime Minister's Mansion be taken away?" Suddenly one of the surrounding people raised the question in everyone's mind.

"I heard that the young lady in the Prime Minister's Mansion is as the name suggests, she is a beauty who is all over the country. The threshold of the Prime Minister's Mansion has been crossed, and none of them are attracted to her." One seemed to be dressed like a matchmaker. The woman also entered the small chat.

"That's the case. It's no wonder that a beautiful lady who is in the outskirts of the country is not dangerous? Don't forget, this time we have lost our daughter in Beijing."

Another aunt said, and immediately silenced the crowd around them, all with a look of fear.

Yes, how could they forget that recently, there have been unmarried girls disappearing for no reason.

"But isn't this girl who disappeared is generally a commoner? Why did she get to the prime minister's house now." The scholar couldn't believe it, obviously he didn't want to see the daughter of the person he admired suffer unexpectedly.

"Hey, Xiao Wang, come here!" a lady called out a man in his twenties who was about to walk down the street.

The man walked over without hesitation.

"Is there anything wrong with my lady?" Xiao Wang was puzzled, and the other people around were also puzzled. They didn't know how the words were so good that they called up what the others were doing.

The aunt naturally knew the doubts of the people, and took Xiao Wang to introduce them: "This is Xiao Wang, but as a errand in the Prime Minister's Mansion, I must know something we don't know, right, Xiao Wang."

When everyone heard it, they understood. It turns out that this is a person who knows the inside story. That's great, and it just happens to be able to solve their doubts.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Xiao Wang with expectant eyes. Xiao Wang was a little embarrassed to be watched by so many people at once, touched the back of his head, there was some shyness on his face, and he nodded slightly.

"Yeah, I'm working in the prime minister's mansion. No, if something happened in the prime minister's mansion, let us go home and rest!" Xiao Wang compared his clothes to everyone. Everyone took a closer look, isn't it? , It is indeed the clothes of the servants of the prime minister's house.

"Then tell us how this young lady from the Prime Minister's Mansion was suddenly taken away, and what the **** is going on." The aunt asked Xiao Wang's clothes.

"Actually, I don't know too well. I always know something from the housekeeper." Xiao Wang touched his head modestly.

"It's okay, I know how much to say." Everyone knows that the gossip heart is a little anxious, and eagerly urges.

"I heard the butler say..."

After that, Xiao Wang said all the things he had heard from the housekeeper, and everyone looked in the direction of Wanhualou, so that everyone couldn't believe it and didn't dare to say a word.

It turned out to be like this. Gu Qingcheng, the daughter of the Prime Minister's Mansion, is a talented woman who no one knows, but she is also an ordinary beauty who is all over the country.

But because Tian is jealous of the beauty, such a person who is not only talented but also looks first-class, has been in poor health since he was a child.

Although there are many young ladies in the prime minister's mansion, only such a deep capital knows that she is also the most favorite daughter of the prime minister.

It is because of a poor health since childhood, Gu Qingcheng would go to live in temples in the suburbs for a few days every month, and it has never changed in more than ten years.

Even recently, there are always unmarried daughters missing and they have not changed. Yesterday was the day when he went to the temple every month. The prime minister arranged a lot of guards for his daughter’s safety to protect him, but things went contrary to what he wanted. There was an attack on the way back. Everyone was overwhelmed and protected. Gu Qingcheng just disappeared.

The guards were not stupid either. They told the prime minister the news in the first time. The prime minister was anxious and sent a lot of manpower to look for it.

Finally, in the early hours of this morning, I found some clues.

The prime minister carefully searched the place where Gu Qingcheng disappeared yesterday, and found a trace of Gu Qingcheng.

Because Gu Qingcheng had a bad status since he was a child, he always wore a sachet when he was young, and that sachet could save Gu Qingcheng's life at a critical moment.

The pollen that they had leaked from the sachet they found at the crime scene, the Prime Minister who was carrying on his daughter’s body, knew best about the pollen, so they searched for the pollen that was left behind.

Because of the recent missing girls, all the people in the prime minister's mansion naturally thought it was the same thing with those girls missing.

After a large number of manpower searching overnight, the Prime Minister finally received news from his subordinates early this morning that it is said that the pollen had disappeared in the back of Wanhua Building.

After telling the prime minister the first time, the prime minister naturally thought that this matter had nothing to do with Wanhualou. He was about to have an operation on that Wanhualou, but once again received news from his hand that it had nothing to do with Wanhualou. , It is inextricably related to the guests inside.

The Prime Minister couldn't judge for a while, and he brought so many people to Wanhualou without knowing it, so he had to figure it out.

This is also the reason why everyone who chats does not dare to gossip here. Everyone knows that there are people behind this Wanhualou. Now that the Miss Prime Minister’s Mansion has disappeared, they can’t be caused by them. In order not to cause trouble to themselves, Naturally, they all shut up.

After all, a good daughter, Jiao Didi, found traces in a brothel early in the morning of the next day. No matter how bad things look like, something bad happened. These civilians are most afraid of misfortunes coming out of their mouths. Naturally, they can If you don't sin, you don't sin.

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