Prime Minister Gu hurriedly led the guards into the lobby of Wanhua Building. At this time, it seemed that someone had already notified, and Hua Niang was waiting for it with a tired look.

When they were supposed to rest, they had a busy night last night. Before they could sleep with a stick of incense, they were woken up.

But there is no way to do this, after all, it is a passing phase, so you have to give some face to you, this is not because she simply cleans up and comes to greet.

"Oh, the presence of the Prime Minister really makes our Wanhua Tower flourish!" When Hua Niang saw Prime Minister Gu walked in angrily, she immediately greeted her with a pleased smile.

"Are you the person in charge of this Wanhualou?" Prime Minister Gu looked impatient, and after a round of inspections, he didn't see any suspicious places.

But the news from his subordinates, his daughter Qingcheng is here.

He also knows that there are people behind this Wanhua Building, adhering to the principle that more is not as good as less. If you cooperate, he is naturally unwilling to engage in evil, after all, it will not be good for anyone.

"Yes, I am the boss here, I don't know if the Prime Minister is here..." Hua Niang asked politely.

"My daughter has disappeared. There is news that the last thing is to appear in your Wanhualou, so I specially came to see it." Prime Minister Gu didn't have the mind to go around with the Huaniang, directly expressing his intentions and getting straight to the point.

"What, there is such a thing, the prime minister has nothing to do with us! What we are doing is serious business!" Hua Niang looked shocked, she did not expect a daughter of the prime minister's house to be lost. He even came to their Wanhualou to find someone. Isn't this discrediting their Wanhualou?

If people know that the miss of the Prime Minister's Mansion is related to their Wanhua Tower, then they will not be able to do business in the future, Hua Niang will already be anxious when she thinks of this.

"Is it something to do with you? I naturally find someone to check and find out. Then I will naturally return you innocence." Prime Minister Gu can't wait for some time. Naturally, he won't have a good tone and be impatient. Look like.

"Then how to check?" Hua Niang asked.

"Check it out one by one, check it carefully in the front yard and backyard, and I will tell you the result if I find it." There is no other way now, so I can check in each room in this Wanhua Building, maybe There will be results.

"But..." Hua Niang was about to explain a few words, suddenly thinking of Mu Fengzhao's reminder yesterday.

Yesterday Mu Fengzhao told Hua Niang that no matter what happened today, don't stop it, and must cooperate well.

Hua Niang couldn't help but have a hint of speculation. Could it be that yesterday's reminder was for today, for her to cooperate well.

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan didn't tell the others about their plans after they pitted Wu Renyao, so Hua Niang didn't know that there was a back-office move after Wu Renyao was rectified yesterday. That was why she was overwhelmed by this sudden Prime Minister Gu.

Hua Niang thought, she probably knew that the master already knew that there would be such a wave today, so she reminded her that she would naturally cooperate well in this way.

"Why? You don't agree?" Prime Minister Gu glanced at Hua Niang, and asked with a displeased face.

"Haha, no, no, it's just that at this time, the girls and guests in our building are still resting. It doesn't seem good to break in like this!" Hua Niang smiled, waved her hand, immediately declined, and looked for it casually. A very persuasive excuse.

"It doesn't bother you to bother, as long as you cooperate well!" Prime Minister Gu ignored Hua Niang and waved at the dozens of guards behind him, asking them to search one by one.

Fortunately, he brought a lot of people today, I believe there will be results soon.

After that, the people brought by Prime Minister Gu were inspected one by one as ordered by the Prime Minister's Mansion.

It was time for the girls and the guests in the brothel to rest. It was naturally not peaceful for someone to break in and check, causing a period of screaming and cursing.

The people who went to search didn't care, showed their identity, and began to search every room, and they didn't want to let go of any corner.

Prime Minister Gu listened to those swearing sounds, and glanced at Hua Niang. Hua Niang smiled helplessly: "There is no way, I have been busy all night, and it is normal and normal to be resting."

Prime Minister Gu ignored him, flipped his sleeves, snorted coldly, and found a clean place to do it, and his confidant immediately offered tea.

Regarding the unappreciative Prime Minister Gu, Hua Niang had no choice but to touch her nose helplessly, waiting for those people to finish investigating.

But after a while, a very big movement suddenly appeared from the third floor, and Prime Minister Gu immediately put down his teacup and stood up.

After a while, a guard ran down in a hurry, with an anxious and heavy expression on his face, Gu Cheng met and realized that the result was probably not what he wanted to see.

"What!" Prime Minister Gu said in shock, his expression unimaginable.

"Indeed!" The guard seemed to be afraid of the prestige of the Prime Minister Gu's mansion, and nodded tremblingly.

Who would have thought that something like this would have happened. Their eldest lady died in the brothel and was still defiled by others. The defiled person was still someone their little guards could not afford to provoke, and it turned out to be a capital city. The son of Wu Shangshu, Wu Renyao.

Once Prime Minister Gu was affirmed by the guards, his face was furious, and he didn't care about the others, and asked the guards to lead the way towards the room where Gu Qingcheng was involved.

When Hua Niang saw this, she immediately realized that something was wrong, her face was pale, and she was about to follow up, and she was held back by someone like her.

"Hua Niang!" Sombra pulled Hua Niang and shouted.

"Shadow!" Hua Niang looked incredulous. Didn't the black shadow go back with the two dudes yesterday? Why are they still here and dressed like this.

"Yes, the master has ordered!" Sombra directly expressed his intention.

As soon as Hua Niang heard the master's orders, she immediately settled down, as if she had found the backbone of the master.

"Quickly, I'm anxious now, what's the matter!" When she thought of the expression on Prime Minister Gu's face just now, she knew something must have happened. Can she not be anxious in her heart?

Since this Wanhualou was handed over to her, she has the responsibility to take care of it, and now I am afraid something has happened, Hua Niang is naturally anxious.

"The master confessed that everything is in the plan. You just have to deal with it, deny it to the end, and push it to Wu Renyao." Black Shadow's eyes were cold, as if Hua Niang was anxious, she slowly told her.

Hua Niang was startled, looking at the black shadow, with a dazed face, and asked uncertainly: "You mean, this matter was deliberately arranged by the master?"

Hua Niang wasn't a stupid, but she was very smart, and when he heard Sombra say this, she already smelled a different taste.

"Well, so, I remind you, don't break the master's affairs."

"I know, I know, I'll definitely cooperate." Since Hua Niang knew that this was intentional by the master, she didn't worry so much. Her face gradually calmed down. Rory, who was impatient with the dark shadow, wowed. Look like.

"That's very good." Seeing that his task had been completed, Soi Ying didn't need to stay anymore, glanced at Hua Niang, and walked out of Wanhualou without looking back.

"Huh, freak!" Hua Niang broke her mouth and went to the third floor with her skirt.

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