After a while, Hua Niang cleaned up Gu Qingcheng as ordered by Prime Minister Gu. Except for the scars on her face, Gu Qingcheng's face was hideous, as if she was asleep. This way, it was a lot more pleasing to the eye than at first.

When Gu Cheng saw this, his eyes sank, and a touch of sadness was hidden under his eyes.

"Gu Cheng, prepare to lift the sedan chair!" Naturally, Prime Minister Gu would not let others touch his daughters. They were all men, even if his daughter had already lost his breath.

He picked up Qingcheng and ordered his confidant.

"Yes! Master!" Gu Cheng gave his hand and went down to give orders.

"You come into the palace with me!" Prime Minister Gu said to Huaniang and Chu Chu when he walked out of the room.

The two nodded and followed Prime Minister Gu.

Then there was Wu Renyao. At this time, he seemed to have realized that it was no longer time for him to do whatever he wanted. Maybe it was because the guards subdued him, so it was still quiet, and was dragged and kicked away by several guards.

The crowd who watched the excitement outside saw that they hadn't seen the excitement, they all dispersed. After all, it was the palace, but they were not allowed to enter and leave at will.

Naturally, the people who had dispersed were not idle. After leaving Wanhua Tower, they began to advertise what they knew in Wanhua Tower. For a while, almost everyone knew that the King of Beijing was going to be unlucky.

"Master!" After Prime Minister Gu put Gu Qingcheng into the sedan chair, he also went to the carriage in front of him and headed towards the palace together.

And Hua Niang and Chu Chu, who followed them, also got into a carriage of their Wanhualou's own. As soon as Hua Niang entered the carriage, seeing no one was running around, she saluted "Chu Chu".

"Well, get up, I didn't expect you to recognize me!" "Chu Chu", who was called by Hua Niang as the master, slowly raised his hand to take the veil on his face, a face more beautiful than Chu Chu's. A bit of a face appeared, isn't it Mu Fengzhao?

Mu Fengzhao looked funny, stretched his limbs and felt tired all over his body.

It is really not easy to pretend to be a lady, you need to hold it everywhere, and imitate the words and deeds of the real Chu Chu. Mu Fengzhao, a person who has never been a lady, is tired, very tired.

"When the master was wearing the veil, there was already suspicion, and it was confirmed after touching the master's hand later."

Huaniang had doubts when Mu Fengzhao wore the veil. Although Mu Fengzhao wanted to imitate Chu Chu, she still knew Chu Chu best and spent the longest time with Chu Chu, so she immediately found something wrong. .

In order to confirm her guess, Hua Niang deliberately touched Mu Fengzhao's hand before finally affirmed her own thoughts.

Chu Chu always has piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, but he has some cocoons on his hands, but he is still different from Mu Fengzhao. Mu Fengzhao is a martial artist who has been practicing martial arts all year round. The very familiar Hua Niang can't just guess it with a simple touch.

"That's the case, but don't worry, Chu Chu has been brought into the palace by the dark shadow. When she needs her, she will naturally appear. I have been acting as her until then." Mu Fengzhao heard this and felt that she really wanted to. It's not easy to play a person, and I admire the dark shadow even more, but it didn't arouse Wu Renyao's suspicion at all.

"Yes, Hua Niang saved it." Thinking of Yi Chuchu's temperament, Hua Niang probably guessed Mu Fengzhao's purpose for doing this.

In addition to being obsessed with avenging his family, Chu Chu is still very soft. He is also a very eloquent person, and it is easy to get caught up with questions from Prime Minister Gu or other people.

Therefore, the reason why Mu Fengzhao did this was to completely prevent Wu Renyao from turning over. With Mu Fengzhao's eloquence and his own advantages, this time, Wu Renyao's murder and insult to Gu Qingcheng is a certainty and cannot escape. Up.

Originally, he didn't intend to do this. When Mu Fengzhao saw such a gentle Chu Chu this morning, he had such an idea temporarily, and after discussing it with Chu Chu, Mu Fengzhao became Chu Chu.

At the beginning Hua Niang knocked on the door and Chu Chu showed her true face, just to let everyone see her face clearly and prevent anyone from suspicion.

Later, after Chu Chu entered, he was replaced by Mu Fengzhao with a veil to deal with Prime Minister Gu and everyone, and the real Chu Chu was taken by the dark shadow to the palace.

As for Gu Qingcheng's matter, I have to talk about it, which is very interesting.

At first, Ye Yan didn't tell her that before selling Guanzi, she thought it was Gu Qingcheng, but after some inquiries, she figured out the ins and outs.

The person who died was not Gu Qingcheng himself, but a female prisoner from death row.

Ye Yan's news network is also very powerful, and even knows whose daughter secretly likes that scholar, so they just use it.

It turns out that the real Gu Qingcheng is, as rumored, a beauty who is allure, and even a very talented woman, but her body has been poor since she was a child, and she has been kept in her boudoir.

After all, I was still a daughter's home, so I naturally felt curious about the outside world, and I was very longing for the love in the painting book, and then I had everything that came after.

A year ago, when Gu Qingcheng went to live in a temple in the suburbs as usual, on the way back, he was playful and the servant girl who followed her was lost and was in danger.

At the moment of danger, a quack dressed as a scholar rescued her. The classic hero saved the beauty. Gu Qingcheng fell in love with the quack at first sight, and the quack was also convinced by Gu Qingcheng’s talent. The two quickly Fall in love.

However, because of Gu Qingcheng's identity, the two people are destined not to be together. The two people often keep their identities away from each other, and only Gu Qingcheng can tell each other when he goes out of the house every month to temples in the suburbs.

The two of them had been sneaking together for a year. Seeing that Gu Qingcheng’s age had arrived, and every household said they were close to each other. Even after the bully Wu Renyao met Gu Qingcheng at the banquet again, he was also obsessed with it. Go for a kiss.

Although Wu Renyao was rejected like the other princes in the prefectures, he still didn't give up in the end.

In order to prevent Wu Renyao from harassing his daughter, Prime Minister Gu quickly looked for a character, talent, and promising son in the capital to see Gu Qingcheng.

Although Gu Qingcheng was unwilling, he was also afraid that her father would know that she had promised her life with everyone in the rivers and lakes, and deliberately dealt with it.

But this is not the answer, the two can no longer stand such a separation, so the two plan to elope this time with the shame of the girl.

Originally, the two of them had arranged very well, and they were waiting for Gu Qingcheng to leave the mansion to entice the servant girl and the guard, when Ye Yan's person appeared.

Ye Yan knew about it when they were planning to elope, and it happened that they also used Gu Qingcheng's place to have that plan later.

Since Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan need to fully provoke Shangshufu, they need to have a greasy head, but Master Shangshu is really too cautious. Even if they do heinous things, they handle it well. In the end, they are all scapegoats. There is no way to take him.

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