Since they have no chance, they need to create opportunities for themselves. Knowing that Wu Renyao loves to play, they feel that they have come to take Wu Renyao, anyway, he has done the heinous things he usually does.

It happened that Gu Qingcheng and the people in the rivers and lakes needed to elope to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and they needed a first-grade member to provoke this war, and the powerful monk book mansion could contend, and the people on both sides together would have the present scene.

The two sides reached an agreement. Ye Yan's people helped Gu Qingcheng and her lover escape, and they followed Gu Qingcheng's reputation against Shangshu Mansion, and promised that Gu Qingcheng would never harm the people in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

In order to be realistic, let Prime Minister Gu believe that his daughter really suffered an accident, and then there was the subsequent fight. Gu Qingcheng took advantage of the chaos and fled with his lover at that time, and they used a female death row inmate to become Gu. The appearance of Qingcheng, playing Gu Qingcheng.

In order to lure Prime Minister Gu into the deceive, they personally caught Wu Renyao, they deliberately arranged those traces that guided Prime Minister Gu, so that Prime Minister Gu's people found Wanhua Tower step by step according to the clues, and finally saw Wu Renyao acting badly against Gu Qingcheng. Things.

Of course, they arranged for Wu Renyao to go to the wrong room. Yesterday Hua Niang pointed out that the oiran Chu Chu was waiting for Wu Renyao in the room.

Hua Niang deliberately gave an ambiguous answer, just to let Wu Renyao enter the pit they had dug.

The rooms of the previous oiran and the new oiran are the same, and the layout of the third floor is also about the same. Wu Renyao has been in the excitement of getting the oiran, so naturally he will not think more. In addition, the Wanhua Building at night is to create a kind of ambiguity. The atmosphere is very dim, so for various reasons, Wu Renyao naturally went to the wrong room.

Because Wu Renyao met Gu Qingcheng, in order to prevent him from recognizing it, and to make Wu Renyao speechless the next day, but to excuse him, and put the blame on Wanhualou, they deliberately did not light up that room. .

It can cover up Gu Qingcheng's appearance, and Wu Renyao can't explain it. He thought he was playing with him deliberately.

As you can imagine later, Wu Renyao got the oiran he bought for a lot of money, so he would not be polite.

However, even though the female prison uniform was willing to be a puppet for her family, she fell to the ground as a woman. Faced with the person who suddenly violated her, she naturally had to resist.

And how could Wu Renyao allow that female prisoner to succeed? With his temperament, spending so much money, and not having a lot of fun yet, he naturally has to be anxious, and it's very easy for him to be anxious.

No, the female prisoner has become what everyone sees today, and the tragic death that angered Prime Minister Gu's anger even more, and would not let Wu Renyao easily let go anyway.

As a result, the two families that had a little bit of suspicion immediately became bigger. Both were first-ranking ministers, so naturally they were reluctant to bow their heads to the other person. This war was not about to start.

What's more, Prime Minister Gu has always wanted to get out of Wu Shangshu's handle. A small matter can make him conspiracy and crush Wu Shangshu to death, let alone let him know, it looks like a cool breeze with two sleeves. Wu Shangshu's son turned out to be for a brothel girl overnight, billions of gold overnight, and he was even more able to grasp this handle.

Once this matter got to the court, Ye Yan, as the regent, would be able to thoroughly investigate Wu Shangshu, so that others could not say a word.

According to the information that Ye Yan had, as long as he checked it, he would surely be able to confess all the heinous things Wu Shangshu had done, and hit him by surprise.

And they also have a finale, that is Chu Chu.

No one thought that Chu Chu was the daughter of a wealthy businessman in Lin'an near the capital. A year ago, because of Wu Shangshu’s compulsory land acquisition, Chu Chu’s father was unwilling to offend Wu Shangshu, so he was accused of many crimes. Beaten to death.

A family of dozens of people died in a fire by Wu Shangshu. Only Chu Chu escaped by his father even though he was hiding in the secret tunnel. He was discovered by Hua Niang and entered Wanhualou some time ago. , Has always wanted to find almost revenge.

With the evidence of Chu Chu and her corrections for her family, the massacre of a wealthy merchant in Lin'an a year ago can be exposed by the hand of a gangster who killed the door. Then Wu Shangshu, the mastermind of the incident, will be inevitable. Responsible.

In this way, one after another, one after another, many things can be found out with this as an excuse. The various things that Wu Shangshu has done can be republished. That is why Wu Shangshu has great talents. I can't escape either.

The most important thing is that because Wu Shangshu and Zhang Moushi colluded, the kidnapping of several young girls can be taken as an opportunity and brought out, so you can find out Zhang Moushi a little bit, and you can also go deep into the enemy. Internally, they are not so passive.

Once the investigation is carried out, the implications must be very wide. It can not only wipe out the conspiracy of Zhang Moushi and Wu Shangshu, etc., but also clean up the government and leave officials who can be appointed.

In this way, even if Ye Yan removed the position of regent and Mu Fengzhao lived in seclusion, there would not be no one in the court to assist him, and the little emperor could continue to handle the court affairs with the help of auxiliary ministers.

This series of things have been carefully considered by them for a long time. As long as Wu Shangshu and others are eliminated, the government can be changed and the people can be returned to a clean country.

Of course, Mu Fengzhao didn't talk to Hua Niang about all this. After all, it would be better for one less person to know about such a confidential matter. He just explained the fake Gu Qingcheng matter.

After listening to this, Hua Niang looked at Mu Fengzhao with admiration, and said that the master she was following was not a casual killer of innocent people, who did not achieve her own goals.

Now that I know the inside story, I am still deeply impressed by the wit and strategy of her master. She feels that this opportunity to follow the master in her entire life is really a blessing for her to cultivate for several lifetimes.

"I also only know Chu Chu's miserable life experience. These days, I have deliberately or unconsciously looked for various opportunities to make her sturdy to some ministers, but the results always have little effect." Hua Niang thought of how she looked when she saw Chu Chu, not only because of that. The thin and weak woman felt distressed, frowned, and continued: "In this way, with the master's plan, it can be done once and for all."

In her heart, Chu Chu had always been a poor woman, but she was just an adult, waiting for her good years, but she wanted to cause such a big change, and her family was wiped out overnight.

With a bit of pity for her, she took more care of Chu Chu. They had only met Chu Chu for less than two months, and she had already treated Chu Chu as her daughter.

Now Hua Niang knew that Chu Chu's great vengeance was about to be repaid, Chu Chu didn't have to feel so bitter in her heart, but she felt happy for Chu Chu from the heart.

"Yeah, after today, after Chu Chu's revenge for annihilating the door is avenged, she doesn't need to be so depressed." Mu Fengzhao could not have imagined that such a gentle and virtuous woman would have experienced such a change. She felt like this. A woman with a non-ordinary character must be rare.

At least so far, Chu Chu is still the first, the first woman to make her look different.

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