"What's going on?" Chen Bolton panicked and tried to press * again, but his fingers still didn't respond, as if they didn't belong to him.


Suddenly, the familiar sound of the tsunami reappeared in Chen Bo's ears. This time, it was very close to him, as if it came from his body.

"What East..." before Chen Bo finished speaking, the whole arm began to vibrate regularly.

One, two, three... As the sound of the tsunami gradually strengthened, Chen Bo's arm trembled faster and faster.


When the speed reached its peak, Chen Bo's arm suddenly burst. Hold * thumb reflexively twitch twice, but completely lost contact with the body, unable to fall on the edge of the palm.

"My heart! I remember, it's the intention Chen Bo suddenly cried in horror. At last he remembered the origin of the strange sound.

At this time, Wang Yong's fingertip just moved away from Chen Bo's arm, with a chill, said: "yes, it's the intention. But you've missed two words. It's the intention of the king of war! "

"King of war? How could it be When he heard the five words of the king's mind, Chen Bo's eyes suddenly reached the top.

Xinyiba is a special skill used by the Chinese military to train the top special combat team members. This skill is fast, powerful, but extremely violent. The physical injury to the practitioners is very great, and most of them who have practiced the mind will not live to 40 years old.

The king of war's xinyiba is an upgraded version of xinyiba. On the basis of the intention, it greatly improves its lethality, and the damage to the body is naturally multiplied. If you can't live to be 40 years old by practicing your mind, you can't even live to be 30 years old by practicing your mind.

Even if there is such a big malpractice, not everyone can practice it. To practice the king of war's mind, the violent power he needs to bear at that time is almost beyond the limit of human beings.

Since this skill came out, there are only seven people in the Chinese military who can practice it. Everyone is a master at the level of king of war. Among the seven, it is said that only one can practice the third level.

A man who invented this skill, a man who exists as a God in the hearts of all special combat team members.

So Chen Bocai would not believe that he did not believe that a pig feeding woodlouse would have the intention of the soldier.

However, feeling the tyrannical power from the body, that kind of terror can not be disguised by other skills. Obviously, Wang Yong didn't lie.

Wang Yong, is he really a king of war level master?

Jealousy, fear, despair, several emotions rise from the bottom of Chen Bo's heart at the same time, which makes him laugh madly.

"Ha ha, I can't think of it. A logistics soldier is the king of soldiers! Nature is really a fool! Pig breeder, hehe, what a pig breeder

After laughing, Chen Bo stares at Wang Yong and asks in a trembling voice: "so, your logistics class is legendary..."

Wang Yong nodded calmly, then quietly tore open a corner of his coat.

There is a magnificent dragon carved on the shoulder blade. The difference is that the dragon's spine has no body, only a section of ferocious and jagged joints.

"Dragon Ridge! Sure enough... "Chen Bo took a long breath, closed his eyes, and was no longer unwilling.

Dragon Ridge, only exists in the legendary secret service organization. Many people have heard the name of Longji, but have never seen members of Longji. Unexpectedly, tangtanglongji was hidden in a logistics class.

Chen Bo at this time inexplicably emerged Cao Cao cooking wine on the hero said a paragraph.

"The change of the dragon can be big or small, can be promoted or hidden. The big one is swallowing clouds, the small one is hidden mustard; Hidden in the waves, rising in the universe

This is the best description of Dragon Ridge. If you lose in the hands of such people, you're dead, right?

"Do it." Chen Baoang began to talk to Wang Yong.

Wang Yong took a deep look at Chen Bo. Without warning or consolation, he just said, "I'm sorry, you've tarnished the word loyalty."

The palm knife like the wind blows through Chen Bo's throat. With the sound of a broken Adam's apple, Chen Bo fell back heavily and made a loud noise.

Leaning over Chen Bo's body and taking off the military emblem, Wang Yong turns and walks to Ziyu Fengqing.

This sudden scene, let Ziyu Fengqing several people almost dull.

Although I don't quite understand the dialogue between Wang Yong and Chen Bo, one thing is for sure that Wang Yong is definitely not the "loser" in the materials, but a hidden dragon hidden in the city!

Ziyu Fengqing looked at Wang Yong's eyes and was full of curiosity for a moment.

A enigmatic man always maximizes his attraction to women. No matter what position or status this woman is, as long as she is still a woman.

"Don't be in a daze, just run away according to the previous plan. I'll cover you Wang Yong said hastily.

"Are you in danger?" The son jade breeze fine tiny ponders for a while, the way“ Their target is me. If I can, I think it's better to let me cover you. Because they may not kill me. "

Indeed, the fallen angel wants to capture Ziyu Fengqing alive. It is an effective way to block the sniper's sight with Ziyu Fengqing.

But without thinking about it, Wang Yong simply refused: "sorry, I don't have the habit of hiding behind women. Get up! I'll count 123 and you'll run out! "

Ziyu Fengqing wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Wang Yong's second reading voice.



“3! Run

At the same time, Wang Yong's body rushed out in the opposite direction, blocking in front of the crowd, exposing himself to the sniper's sight.

"My Lord, that boy is showing up!" At this time, the sniper on the other side of the roof instantly found Wang Yong.

"I see!" Diffuse holding the observation mirror, pale. He saw a series of situations in the restaurant clearly.

He how also didn't expect, oneself painstakingly arrange of a dark son unexpectedly so be pulled out by Wang Yong. It's so easy to pull it out.

At the thought of the price Chen Bo has to pay in order to deal with Chen Bo's internal affairs, I can't help but feel a surge of anger in my heart.

This guy has to die!

Looking at Wang Yong's provocative running, he showed a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth: "he wants to cover other people to leave. In that case, just as he wishes! "

"He's running irregularly. He's too fast to target. What shall we do? " Then the sniper asked.

Diffuse did not answer, just quietly looking at the observation mirror, a moment later said: "do you know what long-range shooting needs to consider? Temperature, humidity, height, wind direction, dust. It takes 10 to 16 seconds for a bullet to fly to the target. The shooter must estimate the advance. Even the Coriolis effect and the earth rotation will take effect. If you do all this well, you can control the situation. So, don't worry, wait patiently for the prey to hit the muzzle of the gun. "

The sniper knows that diffuse adult is going to shoot himself, and his sniping skill is trained by diffuse. The most important point of sniping is not who fired, but who calculated the data.

At the moment, he is calculating all the relevant data, a data that can let Wang Yong run into a bullet himself.

Half a minute later, when Ziyu Fengqing, Wei Ran and Xu Zian all disappeared at the door, Wang Yong was the only one left.

"2100 yards, half speed wind, corrected 10 mils, fire!"

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