10 mils?

The sniper frowned and questioned the data. This deviation is enough to make the bullet deflect greatly and lose its accuracy. Why should we set such a large deviation?

However, because of the diffuse habitual obedience, the sniper did not question. The idea just flashed through my mind, and my finger pulled the trigger.


A long sniper shot came out of the chamber, with a huge roar, cutting through the sunset on the top of the mountain, hiding in the sea of clouds and shooting at the restaurant.

And the moment the bullet was fired, the sniper couldn't help shivering in his heart.

Based on years of sniping experience, he easily judged that the bullet had lost its accuracy and would miss the target.

At this time, Wang Yong saw that Ziyu Fengqing and the three of them all escaped smoothly. He was so relieved that he took a look out of the window and was ready to escape.

It was with this eye that Wang Yong heard the sound of sniper bullets breaking through the air.

The familiar whistling sound made him feel the illusion of returning to the battlefield, and then he drove the illusion away from his heart. Wang Yong changed direction several times in succession, and his body method was strange.

This kind of step to avoid sniper bullets is learned from the edge of death time after time. So far, no sniper has been able to hit him.

Any level of sniper.

In a short moment, Wang Yong's figure has changed several positions continuously.

It's only one step away from the door. You just need to take a step to escape.

"He's running away!" The sniper on the rooftop couldn't help exclaiming. I can't help but feel more puzzled about the pervading error.

"Don't worry." I just opened my mouth gently, as if I had the chance to win.

The sniper wanted to say something, but he didn't say it after all. He had to bear it.

And the next second, the picture that came into his eyes almost made him jump from the ground.

When the deviated sniper bullet passed through the French window of the dining room, it suddenly jumped, just like the * with automatic tracking set, and hit Wang Yong on the back of his head.

"How can it be!" Looking at this amazing scene, the sniper was shocked for a long time speechless.

"Nothing is impossible. The air pressure inside and outside the sniper on the top of the mountain changes greatly. When a bullet passes through the room, because of the change of air pressure, the trajectory will jump naturally. It's a very simple elementary knowledge of physics. He can't run away. " Diffuse gently smile, smile is a touch of confidence and disdain.

Yes, he admitted that Wang Yong's pace was strange enough to deceive most snipers. But who is he? He is known as the king of sniper! A reaper of death who never lives under the gun!

No matter who the opponent is, ACE agent or super soldier. Today all will die under his hunting! This is the promise he said before!

The smile in his eyes became brighter and brighter because he saw that the bullet had reached the back of Wang Yong's head less than one meter away. This distance has already declared Wang Yong's death.

As if seeing the picture of Wang Yong's skull blooming into the flower of death, he narrowed his eyes full of enjoyment.

At the moment, Wang Yong is still trying to run, want to take the last step.

Suddenly, I don't know why Wang Yong's whole body sweat suddenly burst up, a layer of goose bumps instantly covered the skin. A mysterious and mysterious feeling attacked Wang Yong's body and made him have a great fear.

"No!" Voice export, Wang Yong didn't think about it, instantly gave up the last step, the whole person heavily rushed to the ground.



Two voices sounded at the same time, one was the sound of Wang Yong falling down, the other was the sound of bullets entering the meat.

Ziyu Fengqing and others, who are waiting for Wang Yong to escape, are all silly when they see this scene.

It took quite a long time to react. He yelled "Wang Yong" and rushed into the restaurant.

They saw the sniper bullet hit Wang Yong with their own eyes and heard the sound of the bullet hit.

Wang Yong, he won't die, will he?

"Wang Yong, wake up! Wake up Ziyu Fengqing shakes Wang Yong hard, trying to wake up the motionless Wang Yong.

But after more than ten seconds, Wang Yong didn't respond. Ziyu Fengqing and Wei Ran looked at each other, and there was despair and sadness on her face.

Without Wang Yong's protection, can they still escape down the mountain?

Through the sniper mirror to see this scene of sniper, is also proud of the smile, can not help but feel more respect for adults.

Master is master! Kill with one blow, there is no life in the place where death passes!

He also grinned. Why not be happy with such a great achievement?

"Chinese ace? Oh, that's all He said faintly“ Capture the target and you're done! Do it

Finish saying, prepare to put down the observation mirror in the hand, pack up the thing.

But when he was about to take off the observation glass, suddenly he caught a blurred figure in the corner of his eye.

The figure looked so familiar that he doubted whether he had a delusion.

And when he saw it carefully, the expression on his face suddenly became wonderful, and he cried out in an incredible voice, "Oh, shit! It's impossible

That person, not others, is Wang Yong!

Wang Yong's quilt was shaken by Yu Fengqing, but he finally woke up.

"Miss, slow down! It hurts! " Wang Yong complained. He reached out to touch his back neck, but a cool air gushed from the bottom of his heart.

Because there was a bullet scratch on the back of his neck, which almost removed his whole skin and flesh. It was only half a finger short of breaking his neck.

Had it not been for Wang Yongfu's sudden attack, I'm afraid Wang Yong would have become a headless corpse.

"What a powerful sniper technique!" Wang Yong Yilin did not dare to delay any longer. He got up and went down the mountain.

"Come on! You have to get out of here quickly! "

Wang Yong urges Ziyu Fengqing to turn back and make a provocative action in the direction of diffuse.

Cut your throat!

Palm knife gently across the neck, the strong sense of provocation, instantly let diffuse into rage.

The king of sniping will miss! The record of 100% sniping has been broken!

And what caused all this was just an unheard of Chinese soldier!

The more I thought about it, the more angry I was. My face was so gloomy that I could almost drip water. My eyes were burning with anger.

He still can't figure out how Wang Yong could escape from that shot.


The observation mirror was smashed to the ground and the glass residue splashed.

The sniper watched all this silently. He had never seen such a big fire.

All the time, adults are full of wisdom. No matter what kind of plans are arranged by him perfectly, what kind of changes can't escape his calculation.

But I didn't expect that it would be miscalculated today, planted in the hands of a person whose name they still don't know.

"My Lord, do you want to continue the pursuit?" Asked the sniper.

Take a deep breath, force yourself to calm down, shake your head and say, "no, we've missed the best time. The guard of Ziyu family will arrive soon. That guy's provocation is to make me angry, continue to chase him and fall into the encirclement. How can I be fooled! Don't worry, the goal of the task can't run away. It's just a matter of one day earlier and one day later. But that guy... "

The voice was filled with anger: "absolutely can't let it go! Check it out now! Find out the name of the man, where he lives and who else is in the family! I'll make him pay the most

The sniper knows that the diffuse adult is really angry. He has never seen the diffuse adult arrange his personal feud before his work. This is the first time.

It seems that the boy brought not only frustration, but also humiliation.

Must use blood to wash clean humiliation.

"Yes! I'll check it right away The sniper agreed.

The setting sun falls in the distance, and the afterglow turns the golden hair into flames.

Just like his mood at the moment.

Anger will explode.

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