In a flash, a night passed and a new day came.

In the cool morning breeze, Tiantai, the ancient city, is like a waking giant. It opens its eyes again and looks at everyone who passes in a hurry.

After thousands of years of existence, it will not understand why these people are in a hurry.

Last night's fight was like a fight clip in a movie theater. It just flashed by. No one knows, no one knows.

Once in a while, the passers-by who passed by the general road just scolded in a low voice: "who has no conscience, throw chicken blood on the road!"

The only suspect is the general temple, which collapsed half of its wall. The aunt of the neighborhood committee looked around and shook her head and left. Anyway, it's going to be demolished. If it falls down, it will fall down.

The temple has been in disrepair for a long time, so it can't get down the maintenance funds for several times. Now it's a relief.

"What? Twenty people didn't kill him? We have more than half off? " Li Deli looks at Suri with wide eyes. He can't believe his ears.

Suri's face was full of fear. He sat down on the sofa with a little bit of horror in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that boy to be so cruel! He had been blocked, but he was almost done. I didn't expect that he didn't know where to get a big gun. Damn, twenty people were stabbed by him. I can't think of a second person in Tiantai city who has such ability except my master. Damn it, there's something wrong with it Su Rui slowed down, and then said angrily.

Li Deli, on the other hand, looked worried and kept pacing the room: "it's not a good thing to do. If we don't do it well, we'll have to finish it. This kind of cruel stubble will never give up. We have to kill him. "

"Brother Li, don't worry. I'll find my brother on the road to get some dogs and block him again! I don't believe it. No matter how powerful his kung fu is, he can avoid modern weapons! " Suri patted her on the chest.

Dogs are slang, but they are guns. Bullets are called dog food.

Suri's right. If the twenty men last night didn't have axes, they had pistols. Wang Yong has been dead 800 times.

However, the gun also has its shortcomings. Once the gun is fired, it is easy to expose things, and the public security organs will increase the intensity of investigation.

Those who have fired can be called big cases.

After thinking for a long time, Li Deli suddenly vetoed: "no, we've already scared the snake. I don't think we'll have such an opportunity next time. Besides, it's better not to stick to guns. It's too easy for the police to find clues. It's not like an axe. You can buy it in the hardware stores in the main street and small harbor. "

"So that's it? What if that kid comes to me? We're not just waiting to die. "

"Suri, you are still too young. Sometimes we don't have to kill ourselves. We can borrow a knife. " Li deli's eyes twinkled with cunning light, he said.

"Borrow a knife? Who can I borrow it from? " Suri doesn't understand.

Li Deli glares at Su Rui, then says something in her ear.

After that, Su Rui first gave Li Deli a thumbs up. Then he asked, "what if those people don't want to do?"

"No? That's not up to them. If you are honest and obedient, you can get more than 100000 yuan as compensation. If you are not obedient, you can't even get money. People still have to go in! " Li Deli said fiercely.

Su Rui's eyes jump, and then he realizes that boss Li, who seems harmless to human beings and animals, is actually the real ruthless role. People who eat people and don't vomit bones are people like him.

"Well, do it. Do it quickly. " Lidley patted Suri on the shoulder and said.

Suri nodded and went out.

Unlike Li Deli, Xu zi'an has no extra emotion at the moment except to be furious.

Pop! Pop! Click!

All the glass products Xu Zian could touch were all thrown to the ground angrily by him.

A middle-aged man bowed his head and said nothing.

"Waste! It's all rubbish! This will make him run away. What are you doing! Let you find the killer. What are you looking for? Now it's completely out of touch! Was Wang Yong killed or did he run away with a deposit? " Xu Zian growled.

The middle-aged man hesitated slightly and then replied, "I'm sorry, I really don't know."

"Ha ha, I don't know when I ask. Xu Lin, do you think I have a good temper when I come in? "

The middle-aged man called Xu Lin shook his head quickly: "No. I'm the one who can't do things right. I hope you'll be punished. "

"Punishment? Is it useful to punish you? Can you make Wang Yong disappear from the world? " Xu Zian turned to look at Xu Lin and asked coldly.

"..." Xu Lin did not dare to answer, nor could he answer.

Although his surname is Xu, he is not a member of the Xu family. Just as Zhu is not necessarily a descendant of the royal family of the Ming Dynasty, Kong is also a descendant of Confucius.

He's just a dog with a bone. When Xu Zian gave him a bone, he bit for Xu Zian.

It's just that it didn't bite this time. The plan that was supposed to be 100% successful failed for no reason.

The killer who spent a lot of money on it disappeared. He has investigated that the car that the killer took was indeed driven away by Wang Yong, and this morning it was sold to an automobile repair factory that collected black cars at a low price.

Now, if you think about it, most of the killers are also in trouble.


Seeing that Xu Lin didn't answer, Xu Zian snorted heavily.

A moment later, he suddenly thought of something and said, "by the way, has Bai Jing heard from that little bitch?"

Xu Lin looks bitter and really wants to answer "no". But on second thought, today it seems that Xu Zian has not been given a good news.

So he thought carefully for a moment and used a vague word.


Soon, that is not yet. As for the difference, that's what Xu linzui did. Ten percent is fast, and 90 percent is also fast.

A trace of impatience flashed across Xu Zian's face, but he didn't lose his temper: "then hurry up! This smelly girl is as hateful as Wang Yong. She even joined hands with Wang Yong to betray me! It's hard for me not to scratch her skin and cramp! Remember, don't rush to do it after you catch her, bring it back to me! "

Xu Lin was relieved and nodded: "yes!"

"Well, it's all right. In another week, it's time for my foot ban. These clowns will let them jump around first. When Ben goes out less, none of them will be let go! "

Xu Zian is surprisingly confident in his ability.

Listen to Xu Zian say so, Xu Linru meets amnesty. With a few more words, I quit.

The general said.

Originally even the assistant police would not patronize the trail, suddenly came a few regular police.

Several policemen kept on investigating the scene and set up a cordon to protect all the places with blood stains.

Even the collapsed temple wall became the focus of their research, and several people gathered together to discuss it.

"The wall looks very strong. It doesn't look like it's in disrepair."

"It's certainly not a natural collapse. Look at this stone. It's radial. What does that mean? It shows that the wall was knocked down maliciously! But this radiation center is so small that it doesn't look like a heavy object. Strange. "

"Look at that statue! There is rust on the finger of the statue and obvious friction marks. It seems that this is the iron gun that the aunt of the neighborhood committee said was lost. It was pulled out with brute force. Are you... "

Several policemen gathered together and thought of a possibility.

The next second a few people face big change, the face is all shocked.

"No way? Hit the temple wall with a gun? How hard that's going to take. He left the main gate behind, why did he go to the wall? "

"The front door must have been blocked. The bloodstains extracted at the scene did not come from the same person. Preliminary analysis showed that at least seven or eight people were present. Connecting with the collapse of the temple wall, we can infer that the culprit was blocked in the temple, and then had to crash into the wall, and then killed him. "

"That's consistent with the anonymous phone call. But there was a homicide on the phone and many people died. Why didn't you see a body? "

One by one questions were written down by the police, ready to take this as the detection point, follow this clue to investigate.

They just received the report. As soon as they heard that the informant had said the murder, they rushed over.

Huaxia demands that homicide cases be solved without limitation of prosecution. Even after 15 or 20 years, human life cases will not end.

How can they not pay attention to such a big case in the jurisdiction?

"Xiao Chen, what's the situation?" At this time, a middle-aged police officer with a cold face came in a hurry and asked.

"Report team, we are investigating. It should be a major homicide. " The policeman who made the record handed it to the middle-aged officer.

The middle-aged police officer twisted his brows and looked serious. Before he finished reading it, he looked gloomy and could dive into the water.

"It's a big case. We can't tolerate it! You two stay at the scene and continue to look for clues. Xiao Chen, follow me to the neighborhood. " Talk to the police.


After that, officer Yan took Xiao Chen to the other end of general road.

The goal, it's clear, is the West Holland bar.

Nine out of ten people involved in such violent cases come from bars. It can't even be ruled out that it's because of contradictions in the bar and deliberate revenge.

Entering Xihe bar, officer Yan explains his intention.

The bar was cooperative, allowing the police to watch and monitor.

It's just the scene that happened in the bar last night, but it was erased.

Officer Yan's eyes were gloomy. He glanced at the manager intentionally or unintentionally and gave a cold hum.

There is no reason for him, just because he is the uncle who spoke less last night.

Talk about the holy sea.

Last night, he learned that his nephew had been punished. He had not had time to ask about the details. I didn't expect that a case happened here today. It seems that everything is God's will.

Frame by frame, the color of Yan Sheng's sea is more and more ugly. Because the surveillance showed that everything was normal, not even one of them went to the general road.

It's right to think about it. Who can come to Xihe bar for consumption is not driving? Who's going to drive on general road?

Some fidgety touch hair, speech holy sea ready to go out to breathe.

Just about to leave, he caught a glimpse of a figure in the corner of his eye.

People in the surveillance. It's going to the general road.

"Stop! This man, zoom in! "

Yan Shenghai can't wait to say.

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