When Wang Yong woke up, it was more than eight o'clock in the morning. So he slept in Ziyu Fengqing's medical room all night.

When Wang Yong woke up, the blue eyed foreign doctor just nodded at him and said nothing more.

"Where is Ziyu?" Wang Yong asked him.

The doctor shrugged and said in unsmooth Chinese, "let's go."

Wang Yong shook his head in chagrin. I was so tired last night that I fell asleep and forgot to ask Ziyu the most important thing about Fengqing.

I don't know if there's any news about the matter entrusted to her. After such a long time, it's just like Shi chendahai, which makes Wang Yong feel a little less confident.

But now it's better to put out the fire that burns to the eyebrows.

"Did she leave any words or notes?" Wang Yong asked again.

The doctor still shrugged, saying no.

"What a big heart! His fiance is about to be played to death, and he doesn't even care. " Wang Yong said indignantly.

The identity of fiance can be used one day less than one day. Of course, Wang Yong has to mention it several times.

But in Ziyu Fengqing's eyes, I'm afraid that Wang Yong's identity never existed.

After saying goodbye to the doctor, Wang Yong pushes the door to leave Qilu group. When he goes out, Wang Yong asks the front desk, but Ziyu Fengqing hasn't come to work yet.

It's not convenient for Wang Yong to stay here all the time. Besides, he has classes in the afternoon, so he must prepare for them quickly.

There are only three classes a week. If you waste another class, Wang Yong will never win Zheng Jing.

"Well, it looks like she's taken care of the car. I have to take the bus again. " Wang Yong sighed.

It's hard to get a car. I didn't expect to drive it once. It's gone.

It's probably because of Yu Fengqing, so that the police won't find anything.

Taking out a dollar, Wang Yong went to the bus stop.

In the West Holland bar.

Yan Shenghai looks at the enlarged image of Wang Yong and looks grim.

"Do you know this man?" Yan Shenghai asked the bar manager.

The bar manager hesitated and said nothing.

"This man is involved in a major homicide. Don't tell me you want to cover him up. Your barman is tough backstage and is not afraid of an accident. But it doesn't mean you're hard backstage. " Yan Shenghai looked at the bar manager and said.

After a struggle, the bar manager was honest.

"It seems that his name is Wang Yong. He did drink here last night. He also... Had some conflicts with Yan Shao."

"Well?" Hearing this, Yan Shenghai's eyes suddenly become sharp.

I didn't expect that there was no place for me to find my shoes. It didn't cost me any effort! Before he was ready to vent his anger on his nephew, Wang Yong bumped into the door by himself!

That's good. It's a combination of several crimes. It's impossible for him not to peel!

"Xiao Chen, report immediately. He said that he had caught the suspect in the extraordinarily serious homicide case and asked the Bureau for support! In addition, this man is extremely dangerous Yan Shenghai pondered slightly and said to the policeman beside him.

The policeman immediately called for help.

More than ten minutes later, Yan Shenghai appeared in a command car.

Behind him is an armed police car carrying a small team of special police.

For a person who committed a serious homicide, it is not too careful. What's more, according to the intranet information, Wang Yong still has military service experience, and his danger level is even higher.

The harsh sound of the police siren resounded through the sky. When we were about to enter the residential area of Wang Yong, the sound of the police siren suddenly disappeared, leaving only the swirling red and blue light to dazzle people's eyes.

"Dong Dong", just entered the door of Wang Yong is still washing his face, outside suddenly came a knock.

"Express." There was a strange voice outside the door.

Wang Yong frowned and his eyes shone with suspicion.

He hasn't bought anything. There can't be express delivery at all. And the voice of the speaker is too rigorous, it doesn't look like the relaxed and natural attitude of the courier.

"Are you coming? How fast! It's just that this excuse has been used by labor and capital! " Wang Yong said in his heart.

Walking slowly, Wang Yong opened the door.

Sure enough, the first thing that came into view was a black muzzle. When the door opened a gap, there was a great force hitting it. I want to knock the door open.

This is because he is afraid that Wang Yong will find something wrong.

However, the door collision device driven by two people only enlarged the gap of the door by less than 5cm!

"What's the situation?" The two special police officers in charge of the door collision looked at each other.

And then they start the device and hit it. This is the latest hydraulic door knocker. The power generated in an instant can't be stopped by human power.

Even the whole door will be knocked down.

But here, they all failed.

The impact of this time is not as good as last time, only expanded less than two centimeters!

"Hell The captors outside were stunned.

"No, he must have blocked the door and wanted to run! Contact the people downstairs and get ready to catch them! " Yan Sheng Haidao, the leader of the team.

He heard a chuckle coming from the door.

Then the door opened with a squeak, revealing a face of mockery.

"Who do you say is going to run? Who are you going to arrest again? Ah, you're not delivering express. I want to call the police! " Wang Yong boasted.

"..." the Swat was speechless.

Look at the boy's face, he knows the truth clearly, but he pretends to be in the dark. It's disgusting.

What a shame!

Thinking of this, the nearest special police officer flew out and stomped on Wang Yong's leg.

This is a common way to arrest suspects. Kick, press, cover and take away.

The whole process won't take more than ten seconds. The suspect doesn't even have a chance to hum.

But this move failed again in Wang Yong.

Wang Yong seems to have taken a step inadvertently and let the special police kick his feet out.

The special police lost their balance, and they all fell towards Wang Yong.

"Oh, what do you want to do? Touch China! This is touch China! The people's police don't take such things! " Wang Yong raised his hands to show his innocence.

Outside the door, the special police were all so angry that their noses were almost crooked. They met a green skin and hob meat. Look at him. I'm afraid it's hard to solve the case.

"Wang Yong! You are suspected of a murder. Please come with us Yan Shenghai's eyes were cold and he said sternly.

He's been in the police for many years. What kind of hob meat has he never seen? Which one is not being treated in front of him? Be arrogant. I will be arrogant for a while. I'll turn you into braised meat later!

"Oh, what about the evidence? If there is no evidence, it can only be regarded as a routine summons. I will report you for such a big battle. " Finally, Wang Yong stopped smiling and asked.

Rao Shiyan was deeply in Shenghai City, and he was also infuriated by Wang Yong. He took a deep breath and said slowly, "whatever you want to take it as, whether it's arrest or summons, you can't run today! Take it away

The special police officer stood up awkwardly and took out a black mask to Wang Yong.

This is the regulation process of arrest. Putting a headgear on a suspect can ensure the secrecy of the case and the secrecy of the investigation. It is a kind of protection to the suspect's privacy. Can also play a role in stabilizing the suspect's mood, when the person's head is covered after the mood will be easier to settle down.

But Wang Yong raised his hand to block the headgear.

"This is not necessary for summons. Please abide by the law. Thank you

This almost made a group of policemen laugh. After a long time, he became a law-abiding man.

Seeing Wang Yong's cooperation, Yan Shenghai waved his hand to take Wang Yong away.

Anyway, back in the Bureau, there's plenty of time to deal with him.

The sound of rustling continued to ring in the corridor. It was the special police and Wang Yong who came downstairs.

Two special police officers holding hydraulic door bumpers stayed at the back. They went in and looked, but they couldn't figure out what the door was blocked by Wang Yong. They couldn't even open the door knocker.

If they knew that Wang Yong was using his hands, they would be surprised.

The lights flashed and the cars roared. Wang Yong was escorted into the car and drove to the General Administration of Tiantai city.

General cases can be handled by the following criminal investigation detachment, but this is a fatal case, so Yan Shenghai, as the leader of the Criminal Investigation Corps, personally took over the case.

Soon, the police car arrived at the headquarters.

Wang Yong was pushed out of the car by two policemen and brought into the interrogation room.

Wang Yong can be regarded as n entering the palace now. He went to the interrogation room of guangyuhuangding District twice. But it's the first time the General Administration's interrogation room has been here.

A policeman wanted to handcuff Wang Yong, but Yan Shenghai waved to stop him.

This is the general administration. He doesn't believe Wang Yong can make any trouble. What's more, Wang Yong is right. At present, the evidence is not sufficient. The conditions for arrest are actually a bit reluctant. Strictly speaking, it can only be regarded as summons.

"Before the interrogation, I have to make it clear to you. Since we dare to arrest you, we must have the evidence of your killing! Don't try to deny it. See that sentence on the wall? Be lenient to those who confess and strict to those who resist. There is a big difference between active confession and passive confession in sentencing. " Yan Shenghai said with a cold face.

Wang Yong glanced at the eight characters on the wall and said, "you can't even fool a child. Who doesn't know to be lenient if you confess, and to be in prison if you don't. Resist strictly and go home for the new year. Besides, I didn't commit a crime. Why should I tell you? "

"You... Don't cry until you see the coffin! If you want proof, I'll give it to you! " Yan Shenghai patted the table and said.

"Where were you between nine and twelve last night?"

Wang Yong raised his head and thought about it, then said: "in Xihe bar, friends treat, can I not go?"

"Friends? What friend? "

"Xu Zitai, the second son of the Xu family. Would you like me to call and have him testify for me? " Wang Yong looked at Yan Shenghai and said.

A touch of anger flashed in Yan Shenghai's eyes. Wang Yong is obviously using Xu Zitai to suppress him.

"Do you think you can get away with the law if you know some rich young masters? How naive! No one can shield you from such things as homicide! "

"Murder? Hehe, I'm really curious. You said I killed people from the beginning. Who did I kill? If there's evidence, go straight to the evidence. If not, I'm sorry, I have class this afternoon. I don't have time to play guessing games with you. "


Yan Shenghai slaps the table hard and stands up.

"Wang Yong! What's your attitude! attend class;class begins? I'm not afraid to tell you that if you don't explain the case clearly, don't say that you can't attend the class in the afternoon, and you won't want to attend the class in your life! "

Wang Yong's eyes narrowed slowly, then opened and said coldly, "it seems that you are going to detain a people's teacher illegally?"

Yan Shenghai's eyes flashed with gloomy eyes, and he looked at Wang Yong with unyielding eyes.

"So what?"

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