Creaking, a speeding RV stops at the gate of Yuhuang branch.

The door opened and a cold looking woman came out of the car.

It's Ziyu.

As we approached the police station, a police officer had already met us.

The police officer obviously knew Ziyu Fengqing well. He first said hello and then said, "the suspect has been brought into the No. 3 interrogation room by deputy team Zhao. It seems that deputy team Zhao is interrogating him."

"Deputy Zhao?" Ziyu Fengqing frowned when she heard the name.

Before Zhao vice team with Xu Zian whisper lens, she can see clearly, Xu Zian what idea, Ziyu Fengqing is very clear.

With a cry of "no good", Ziyu Fengqing quickly went to No. 3 interrogation room.

Wei Ran took out the phone and quickly dialed the director of the Yuhuang branch and handed it to Ziyu Fengqing.

"Hello, is that director Zhang? I'm Ziyu Fengqing. There is something I may trouble you. Is it convenient for you now? Yes, I'm in your bureau. OK, I'll wait for you. "

Hang up the phone, Ziyu Fengqing looked at the police officer: "please tell Deputy Zhao that the case he is in charge of has been taken over by your director in person. Let him stop the trial immediately. "

The police officer knew the energy of Ziyu Fengqing, and would not doubt that it was fake. He nodded and rushed to the No. 3 interrogation room.

Ziyu Fengqing also followed.

Several people came to the door of No. 3 interrogation room. Surprisingly, there was no sound of interrogation.

The glass in the interrogation room is coated SLR glass, which can only be seen from the inside to the outside, but not from the outside. This makes people more confused about what happened inside.

Have you

The son jade breeze is fine, the eyebrow flashed an anxious look, some impatient way: "can open the door?"

The officer hesitated for a moment and shook his head: "I don't have the key to the interrogation. I'll get someone to open the door as soon as possible. "

With that, the officer is leaving.

"No, I've got the key." At this time, a voice came and a middle-aged man in his forties came.

The man was wearing a police uniform with a silver olive branch on his epaulet surrounding a star.

But it's the rank of a third-class superintendent.

For example, the directors of such sub bureaux are generally first-class supervisors. Obviously, this man is either highly competent or highly valued if he can hold the rank of supervisor.

"Zhang Ju, it's less than half a year since we last met. You've been promoted to another level. Congratulations." Son jade breeze fine swept one eye man police rank, light way.

"That's thanks to miss Ziyu's promotion. If you hadn't recommended me to Uncle Ling, I wouldn't have been appreciated and promoted so fast." Zhang Bureau said with some compliments.

"I always do things fairly. I recommend Zhang bureau because I think you are a good policeman and a good leader. My uncle is more selfless, absolutely not because I recommend, then cronyism. If he doesn't pay attention to your ability, you will never be promoted, or even the opposite will happen. Zhang would like to thank himself more. " Ziyu's calm way.

But this word export, but let Zhang bureau a cold sweat in an instant.

I can't help scolding myself for saying something wrong. Ziyu Fengqing's uncle is a member of the provincial department. He is careful in his words and deeds. How can he say such words and imply that he was promoted by her uncle?

"I'm the one who's talking." Zhang said with a smile.

Then he took a hard look at the police officer next to him and motioned him to take care of his mouth and not to spread today's words.

"Let's talk about it later. Let's see what's going on inside first."

"OK, I'll open the door."

Zhang Ju stepped forward, turned the key and opened the door of the interrogation room.

As soon as the door opened, they heard a stench coming from inside.

The pungent smell made several people step back, and Zhang Ju almost vomited out.

Ziyu Fengqing's eyes flickered with doubts.

How could that be? Isn't Wang Yong very good at playing? How can I be scared of incontinence in this trial?

Looking into the interrogation room with slight disappointment.

I saw the dim light, a silhouette sitting in a chair, motionless. The other man was lying on the ground, and the stench came from that man.

"Zhang Ju! I didn't expect that your bureau would torture the suspect before confirming the identity of the suspect! I'm disappointed

See this scene, the son jade breeze fine canthus can't restrain of jump. I don't know why, a surge of anger in her heart, let her want to call uncle immediately, withdraw the director.

It's just that reason told her not to.

Zhang Bureau saw the picture in the interrogation room, and his soul was flying out of the sky. Originally, the following sub Bureau was a little out of line, and it was normal. But the bad thing is just to be seen, or to be seen by a noble man.

In my heart, I scolded the eight generations of ancestors of deputy Zhao, but Zhang Bureau didn't care about the bad smell, so he ran into the interrogation room in a hurry to pull up the suspect who was already unconscious on the ground.

While pulling, Zhang scolded vice team Zhao who was sitting on the chair.

"Zhao Yongsheng! How can you do such a thing as a policeman! I tell you, you've got a big event! Later, the Bureau will hold a meeting to discuss your problems. You can get ready to go home! It's OK that the suspect has nothing to do. If there's something wrong, you have to go to jail! "

This words, half is really want to scold, the other half is deliberately said to Ziyu Fengqing listen.

But Ziyu's face was cold, but she was not moved at all.

This also can not help but let Zhang Bureau secretly complain.

"Secretary... What did I do wrong?"

At this time, but listen to Zhang bureau to help people speak. Voice, impressively is Zhao vice team.

"Zhao Yongsheng?" Zhang Ju Leng Leng, quickly pull the hands of the people to the light to see, silly.

I can only see myself holding it. Where is the suspect. Zhao Yongsheng is the Deputy criminal investigation team of the Bureau!

What's the situation?

Not only Zhang can't figure it out, but also Ziyu Fengqing and Wei Ran look at each other and feel dizzy.

"Well, it's coming fast."

At this point, I listened to the man sitting on the chair. At the same time, he talked with his legs up, which seemed very comfortable.

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