"Wang Yong!"

Ziyu Fengqing and Wei Ran screamed at the same time.

This sound in addition to surprise, more is a surprise.

"It's me. I thought you two would have to wait a little longer to save me." Wang Yong whistled, stood up and went out.

"Who... Has come to save you!" Ziyu Fengqing suddenly finds that her current mood is not right.

I'm going to see Wang Yong in trouble. How can I be surprised?

According to the plan, Wang Yong should be in trouble at home and abroad now, and he will soon be in prison. It's not right now.

If Wang Yong is rescued directly, the plan of withdrawing marriage will be out of the question.

After thinking about it, Ziyu Fengqing suddenly converged all her emotions, and her face changed back to a cold look.

"Zhang Bureau, the security measures of your Branch Bureau are not so good. So indulge the suspect to leave freely? "

Hearing Ziyu Fengqing's words, Zhang Bureau was completely confused.

We have to save people and arrest people. What are you going to do?

"Miss Ziyu, I don't quite understand... How to deal with it?" Zhang Ju asked in a slightly embarrassed voice.

"You are the director, you still need to ask me? To borrow my uncle's common saying, some things should be dealt with seriously and fairly from within! " Ziyu Fengqing stares at Zhang Ju and turns away.

The smell of vice team Zhao is not good. Ziyu Fengqing doesn't want to stay here for even one more minute.

"Serious internal treatment?" Hearing this word, Zhang Ju knew how to do it.

Internal, that is, don't make it public. It can be seen that Miss Ziyu knows this man. Serious and fair treatment means a lot. We should neither bend the law for personal gain nor deal with suspects by extraordinary means.

This is a problem! Zhang Bureau sighed, waved to a few police, let them will Zhao vice team carried away.

Then he nodded to Wang Yong: "Mr. Wang, you are a suspect now. I'm afraid we can't leave the police station yet. We need your cooperation in order to find out the truth. "

"Ha ha, isn't it? Well, I'll stay with you to investigate. " Wang Yong smiles.

Ziyu Fengqing's mind is already clear to him. But Ziyu Fengqing wants to use him. He also means to use Ziyu Fengqing.

It depends on who makes the play more realistic.

Re open an interrogation room, Zhang bureau made a please gesture, motioned Wang Yong to enter.

Zhang Ju's attitude towards Wang Yong is more polite, although it depends on Ziyu's face.

Wang Yong walked in without saying a word.

"Under special circumstances, I won't handcuff you. Let's ask and answer quickly. I hope you can cooperate. " Zhang Bureau closed the door of the interrogation room and opened the door to the mountain road.

"Whatever. You saw it anyway. Your handcuffs won't hold me. " Wang Yong shrugged and said.

This made Zhang Bureau's heart jump suddenly. He remembered that he had just seen a pair of rotten handcuffs on the table of No. 3 interrogation room. Love is broken by this man!

Zhang bureau can't help regretting that he was too impulsive. Why did he come in alone.

When Zhang Bureau opened the suspect information about Wang Yong, his heart beat even more.

Because it clearly says that Wang Yong is suspected of killing seven unidentified foreigners!

Unidentified, overseas person. What these two words stand for is naturally clear to Zhang Ju, an old public security officer. And the more clear this is, the more terrible Wang Yong is.

Even that kind of people were killed seven times by him. Isn't he a sheep into a tiger's mouth?

Looking at the camera somewhere in the corner, Zhang Bureau rolled his throat, but he gritted his teeth and gave up.

He knew that Ziyu Fengqing did not leave, but was sitting in the office watching the trial. I've lost a lot of impression points in front of her before. If I lose more points now, I'm afraid my future can only stop here.

"Name!" Under the stable mood, Zhang Bureau board rises the face, interrogates.

"Wang Yong."




"I've just come back from the army, and I'll soon be a glorious tutor."

"..." Zhang Ju felt that his head was bigger.

This even involves the army! Chaos, chaos! No matter what aspect, as long as a little careless handling will trigger a chain reaction.

Now I just hope that the former comrades of this guy are all hanging wires and have no prominent positions.

"According to the information we have, it seems that seven foreigners died in your hands. What's the matter? Let's talk about it." Zhang Ju took a deep breath and said.

In fact, the truth of the matter, he has already mastered the 89 inseparable ten, is nothing more than Ziyu Fengqing was assassinated.

However, according to the Convention, Wang Yong has to explain himself, and if there is no human protection, the seven lives will eventually fall on Wang Yong.

This is not a small charge. Although there are objective factors of self-defense, it's enough for Wang Yong to go in for several years.

"It's nothing. It's nothing but helping. It's my duty as a soldier, and it's my duty as a man. " Wang Yong replied solemnly.

"Just? You are really... "Zhang Ju was almost amused by Wang Yong.

This guy doesn't look silly. Why is he still funny at this moment? Don't you know you're going to be in danger of going to jail?

Outside the interrogation room.

Ziyu Fengqing stares at the monitor and hears the conversation inside. It's also funny and angry.

Does he think he is a hero of Liangshan?

No matter what today, he must suffer. How can you be willing to ask for help at the cost of giving up your engagement if you don't face despair?

Ziyu Fengqing's mind is as hard as iron and can't be changed.

"Smiley face! You'd better be honest! Say, what's going on! " Seeing that Wang Yong refused to tell the truth, Zhang Ju couldn't help but feel angry and raised his voice.

"Don't you just want me to admit killing people? Simple! Yes, I admit that I killed people, and seven more. " Wang Yong leered at Zhang Ju and said slowly.

"You... Don't slander! We won't make a confession! " Zhang Ju took a picture of the table and said with righteous words.

The heart is not from a joy.

Now I can tell Ziyu Fengqing. At the moment, this guy admitted that he had killed people, and also recorded the sound. It's hard evidence. He can't retract his confession If he wants to.

"Good. Now that you have admitted your crime, let's talk about the detailed process." Zhang Bureau opened the record and said.

Who knows, Wang Yong did not answer, but a face seriously staring at Zhang Bureau, as if Zhang Bureau face flowers.

"What are you looking at?" Zhang Ju felt his cheek inexplicably. There's nothing dirty on my face.

"There are calluses in the second part of your index finger, and there are slight residues in the palm and the mouth of the tiger. It's from years of gun use. Police officers at the grass-roots level don't use guns so frequently. They even have to report to the police when they shoot. So it's not because you're a policeman, it's because... You've been a soldier! " Wang Yong said suddenly.

Zhang Ju was surprised and looked at his right hand.

Wang Yong is right. There are several calluses on his hand. Zhang Ju didn't pay attention before.

But the causes of those calluses, as Wang Yong said, were left by soldiers touching guns. He did serve as a soldier for seven or eight years, and then transferred to a local area.

"What do you mean?" I don't know why, Zhang Bureau became a little nervous and said.

"It's not interesting. Now that you've been a soldier, it's easy. It's just that some people may be disappointed. " Wang Yong said with a smile, and glanced up at the camera in the corner.

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