Wang Yong said this to Ziyu Fengqing.

Looking at the monitoring Ziyu Fengqing and hearing Wang Yong's words, he was shocked.

"He seems to be talking about us, miss." Wei Ran stood aside and said.

Ziyu Fengqing waved her hand. Although she had an ominous premonition in her heart, she still said, "it's OK. This is not an army. He can't do anything. Zhang bureau is not a soldier, and there is no need to care about friendship. "

"Yes, miss." After listening, Wei Ran nodded with approval.

Indeed, the local government and the army are totally different concepts. No matter how powerful the people in the army are, they will not be able to move in any place.

Wang Yong's delusion of using his friendship to influence Zhang's situation is ridiculous.

But Wang Yong in the interrogation room didn't feel funny at all. He looked at Zhang Ju and continued: "you not only have calluses on your hands, but also your shoulder socket, I guess. Because you often subconsciously relax the right shoulder, obviously there is a hidden disease. You don't want to keep your shoulders taut, causing pain. And can leave the latent disease, can only be the gun recoil. Combined with the position of your right arm, the small arm is stiff and the big arm is relaxed. This is the gun holding position of *. So I guess you're a scout, using 05 *

Shock, incredible shock.

Zhang Ju was completely shocked by Wang Yong's analysis. He never thought that someone could make a big difference in his opponent's career speculation in a single meeting.

Yes, he was a scout in the army! It's the 05 style!

Monster, this guy is a monster!

Zhang Bureau instantly thought of the old company commander's name for this kind of person.

At the same time, Zhang Bureau's whole body was taut and made a ready posture.

Because the old company commander also said that once such people flee to the society, it is a disaster for the whole society!

No one can subdue them, but they can easily erase the lives of countless people.

no Never allow this kind of thing to happen in your own jurisdiction!

Not only because I am the person in charge of the jurisdiction, but also because I used to be a soldier!

For a long time, Zhang Bureau thought that his military nature had been consumed by the power of smoking and drinking. Not until now did he realize that there was no!

He is also a soldier who dares to sacrifice himself at a critical moment!

Watching Wang Yong warily, Zhang Ju has made a decision. Even death can't get this guy out of the station.

Aware of Zhang's strange situation, Wang Yong is slightly stunned, but he understands it in an instant.

The director really regards himself as a lawbreaker. However, his attitude of looking at death as if he could return home was beyond Wang Yong's expectation.

It seems that China has not lost its moral belief, as the news media said. In the face of right and wrong, there will always be people who stand up and stand up the backbone of China.

Just like the tattoo on the dragon's back, the dragon's soaring to the sky depends on the strength of its body!

"Don't think about it. I'm not a bad person." Wang Yong comforted Zhang Ju.

This did not let Zhang Bureau relax his vigilance, on the contrary, he became more nervous.

Shaking his head, Wang Yong took another look at the camera in the corner and said, "director Zhang, dare you ask how many regulations do you remember

Zhang Ju frowned and looked at Wang Yong: "why do you ask this?"

"Just answer, it will work."

"Don't say, don't ask, don't take, don't see, don't pass, don't remember, don't save, don't expand." As a veteran, Zhang Bureau remembers the secret law clearly.

"Good. Then my next conversation asks you not to remember, not to save, not to expand. Can you do that? " Wang Yong is serious.

"Yes." As soon as the words came out, Zhang Ju shook his head immediately“ What can you do? What do you think a criminal suspect asked me for? "

"Why? Hehe, with this? " Wang Yong said, and suddenly quietly spread out his hand and presented a thing to Zhang Ju.

This angle just avoids the camera.

When Zhang Ju saw what Wang Yong was holding, his eyes were wide open, and the whole person was stunned.

A moment later, he repeated in an almost pious tone, "I can!"

With that, he got up and turned off the camera.

Ziyu Fengqing, who is sitting in the office watching, suddenly turns black in front of her eyes, and the monitor doesn't send back a picture.

"What's the matter? Is the monitoring broken? I'll get someone to fix it right away, miss Wei randao.

Ziyu Fengqing gently shook her head and said, "no need. Someone turned off the surveillance. It seems that we are going to lose this game

Ziyu Fengqing's mood sounds a little low, which is rarely seen in Ziyu Fengqing.

However, Wei Ran can also understand that today she has encountered many things, and her plans for Wang Yong have all gone bankrupt. It's strange that she can get better.

"I really wonder what kind of person he is now. Can have this kind of energy to let Zhang Bureau willingly turn off the monitoring. It seems that we have to use the family power to investigate him. "

Ziyu Fengqing said to herself.

Then he got up and turned to leave.

The chess game is broken, but it's useless to stay here. It can only increase humiliation.

With Ziyu Fengqing's shallow understanding of Wang Yong, that guy will surely ridicule himself.

Ziyu Fengqing doesn't want to lose face. She can only leave before Wang Yong comes out.

It's just that she's so depressed, because it's equivalent to giving in to Wang Yong once again.

And since she was sensible, she has not eaten as much as she does today.

"This man!" Until I get on the bus, Ziyu Fengqing's eyes are still looking at the direction of the police station, and these four words reverberate in her heart.

In the interrogation room, only Zhang Bureau was left.

He was as dull as a cucumber, sitting in a chair in silence. There are only a few words in my mouth.

"The spark medal, actually has the spark medal..."

If Ziyu Fengqing is still here, he will be shocked by these words.

This is because it is a medal that has never been awarded in peacetime. It is only awarded to those who have really made great contributions to the country. When those people are awarded medals, they will also be awarded a heavy title.

Guard of the Republic.

Zhang Bureau never thought that he could see a spark medal in this era.

The medals in this era will only represent more heavy contributions and sacrifices.

How can a person who is willing to make such a sacrifice be a bad person?

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