Wang Yong walked out of the interrogation room with a relaxed face.

"Those old guys up there would be mad if they knew I was cheating with the spark medal, wouldn't they?" Wang Yongdao.

Wang Yong was amused to think of the scene when he took out the spark medal and said that he was carrying out a top secret military mission.

Zhang Ju was completely cheated by his acting skills. He didn't even have any doubt, so he let Wang Yong out.

But Wang Yong still respects Zhang Ju and his flash.

"Well? Is that guy alive so soon? " Suddenly, Wang Yong caught a glimpse of a figure in the corner of his eye.

It's no one else. It's Zhao Yongsheng, vice team of Zhao, who was made a fool of by Wang Yong.

At the moment, Zhao Yongsheng has put on his clean clothes and is standing in the corridor with his hands behind his back, talking to a young woman.

And the profile of the young woman, Wang Yong vaguely feel a little familiar.

Approaching a distance, Wang Yong was stunned.

It's Enron!

"Deputy Zhao, is that suspect OK just now?" Enron with a small face, some nervous asked Zhao Yongsheng.

Zhao Yongsheng pretended to ask: "why do you ask this? Do you have anything to do with this big case? "

"Oh, No." Enron hastily denied.

"If not, don't ask more! This is discipline. As a policeman, don't you understand it? " Zhao Yongsheng yelled at Enron.

The next moment, but put on a pair of thief Xi Xi's face: "or another day I give you a separate guidance discipline?"

"No, no..." Enron shook his head.

Take two steps back and want to go. But don't know why and don't go, bite lip to see Zhao vice team one eye, after a while finally open a way.

"Deputy Zhao, can you do me a favor? Give the suspect some activity and don't let him go to jail, OK

"Well?" Zhao Yongsheng's eyes brightened, as if he had guessed something.

And this speculation also made him feel hot, and a plan was formed in his heart.

Although he was reprimanded by the director and lost face in front of the public, it would be good if he could make up for it.

Thinking, Zhao Yongsheng can't help but squint at Enron's attractive body and quietly swallow his saliva.

"Enron, I don't mean you. You are also a policeman. How can you break the law? The suspect is a criminal suspect. Is he putting it away? Can we fix the crime? That's the law! It's very sad that you are so conscious! " Zhao Yongsheng pretended to be distressed and said.

Enron can't help but face a white, some fear of retreat step, way: "Zhao vice team lesson is, I shouldn't be like this."

With that, Enron will return to the office.

"Slow down." Who knows, Zhao Yongsheng stopped Enron.

"Do you know that man?"

Enron nodded.

"It's your boyfriend?"

Enron's ears were red, but he shook his head and denied.

"Since it's not your boyfriend, why do you care so much?"

Enron just wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Zhao Yongsheng: "OK, you don't have to explain more. I know it in my heart. To tell you the truth, this case has been taken over by Zhang Ju. The case committed by that guy is so big that it is impossible for others to carry out activities. But fortunately you met me... "

Speaking of this, Zhao Yongsheng had a meal, and then took a bad look at Enron's crisp breast.

"You know, there's a price to pay for the activity."

"Never mind, deputy Zhao. How much does it cost, you say. I'll find a way to borrow it. " Enron said quickly.

"Borrow? How much can you borrow for a little girl? an utterly inadequate measure! I have a way to save your friend without spending money

"What can I do?"

"The way is very simple." Zhao Yongsheng greedily glanced at Enron, and then said slowly“ You stay with me for a month and I'll do whatever I ask you to. How about I promise to get your friend out of here after one month

"You..." Enron was stunned.

She never thought that Zhao Yongsheng had such an idea.

"No way!" Enron angrily refused.

"No? It doesn't matter. Let your friend put on the bottom of the cell. I'll take care of him and let the prisoners welcome him. " Zhao Yongsheng's proud way.

"Mean!" Enron was furious.

"Yes, I am. If I don't get you to bed today, I won't be Zhao! " Zhao Yongsheng said fiercely.

And Enron was whirled in his eyes by the tears of Qi. After a moment of hesitation, he suddenly took out his mobile phone and quickly pressed a series of numbers on it.

Look at her look, it seems that she made a lot of determination by pressing this number.

"No, it's Zhao. What about my last name?"

At this time, a voice rang out behind Zhao Yongsheng.

In the same position, the same voice, Zhao Yongsheng made a reaction almost in an instant.


Because he recognized that the voice came from the demon named Wang Yong.

But before he started, the whole person suddenly hung in the air. Two feet in vain swing, but can not move forward.

"Let me go! You let me go! You are attacking the police Zhao Yongsheng cried out in panic.

But Wang Yong did not seem to hear the general, with a smile: "you are with my family name, I teach their children also calculate assault police?"

"You..." Zhao Yongsheng couldn't help but stagnate.

"Brother Wang! How did you get out? " Enron looked at Wang Yong who suddenly appeared in front of him and exclaimed in surprise.

"Why don't you want me out? Do I really expect a girl from you to help me? Fool, don't do such unreliable things in the future. Do you think he will really save me after he deceives you into going to bed? If he doesn't, you'll be surprised for the rest of your life! " Wang Yong rubbed Enron's head and reproached him.

"Brother Wang, I didn't..." Enron lowered his head, some wronged said, and the tears that had been swirling in his eyes suddenly burst into his eyes.

Seeing Enron's wronged appearance, Wang Yong could not help but feel angry.

Looking at Zhao Yongsheng in his hand, Wang Yong's voice became extremely cold: "you like to bully girls, don't you? Then I'll let you bully enough! "

With a slap, Zhao Yongsheng is thrown to the ground by Wang Yong.

It didn't hurt, but Zhao Yongsheng let out a scream.

Because he noticed that there was a dark force invading his body. The position was not elsewhere, but his own.

All along, Zhao Yongsheng only heard about egg pain, but he didn't know what kind of pain it was.

Now, he realized it.

It's really painful. It's so painful that I can't help it.

Two eyes a turn, Zhao Yongsheng is actually fainted in the past.

"Brother Wang, is he OK?" Enron looks at Zhao Yongsheng with some worry, for fear that Wang Yong will cause trouble again.

"No, I don't like women any more. Let's go out and talk Wang Yong said casually, pulling Enron to the door.

On the way, Wang Yong lied that he was just a witness to the murder and entered the police station to take notes. Zhang Ju released himself after he asked the truth.

This can not help but let Enron a sigh of relief, quietly hung up the phone has been dialed.

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