At this time, big cat and other talents found that there was more than one sniper hidden, but two snipers!

One after the other, they almost took big cat and others as living targets.

The sound of gunfire, the sound of wailing also sounded.

Those who are slow, almost all died under the sniper's muzzle, and the sniper on the left is like a trump card in the army, each bullet is bound to take a life. I don't know how much more efficient it is than the one on the right.

The cat felt cold in his heart. He shrank in the hollow and did not dare to move.

But at this time, all of a sudden, only a dark and cold voice sounded, like the babble of the devil under the ground, which made people shudder from their bones.

"Hululi, sigang Lisheng. At first, ADA was the root... "

But ye Mumu is looking up at the sky, reciting a spell of unknown significance.

She looked solemn, as if she was praying to God. With chanting, ye Nan gradually stood up from the ground, her hair scattered into a ball, her bare upper body was not covered, and she called and jumped up.

This scene looks really weird, just like a witch jumping into a God.

After hearing Ye Nan's recitation, the wa women who were holding each other in their arms were all quiet.

One face at the same time revealed the meaning of holiness, eyes looking at the sky, hands together, kneeling on the ground.

Their lips hummed, and they chanted in a low voice with Ye Nan. The low voice is like a group of winged bees, buzzing and buzzing, which makes the audience panic unconsciously.

This sound seems to have a kind of magic, gathered into a force, stirred the air engine of heaven and earth.

Originally, it was still a moonlit sky. In an instant, dark clouds shrouded it, and it became more and more dark. In the thick clouds, strange sounds came from time to time, as if something was hidden inside.

And ye Nan and other people's recitation voice is faster and faster, the expression on the face is more and more holy, at the same time, the eyes with a trace of perseverance.

"Are they... Sacrificing?" Wang Yong looked at Ye Nan people's strange behavior in amazement and guessed.

There is not much about Wang Yong of the Wa nationality. He only knows that there are not many written records of this nationality, and many things are passed on by word of mouth.

For example, the priesthood has no books. All passed on to the next generation by the old priests of the previous generation.

The Wa people have a saying: "in the past, there were no written words in the Wa people, but we can all remember the way of our ancestors; In the past, there were no books in awa, but we can all tell the truth of our ancestors. The road of awa and the reason of awa are all in Sigangli

Sigangli is not only a cave, but also a wa epic. It records all the creation legends and national events of the Wa people, as well as a large number of obscure incantations.

At the moment, it seems that what ye Nan recites is exactly this.

After a while, the whole sky in the stockade has been completely covered by dark clouds. The dark clouds are very low, which gives people the illusion of being able to reach.

Gusts of the wind also blowing from the col, issued a general sound of crying and howling.

It was the temperature in summer, but now everyone felt chilly, as if it was four or nine days, cold to the bone.

Because of the sudden disappearance of the moonlight, Wang Yong's vision was greatly affected. So Wang Yong had to stop shooting, only rely on the sniper mirror to identify the opposite situation.

"What's that?" Wang Yong looks at Ye Nan through the sniper mirror and suddenly raises a question.

I saw that ye Nan in the sniper mirror kept sending out thick blood gas, which gathered into a stream and meandered into the air. Other wa women also have a touch of blood, although not as strong as ye Nan, can add up to not inferior too much.

Two streams of blood and gas meet at the center of the stockade and suddenly shoot into the dark clouds.

The dark clouds were dyed with blood in an instant and began to surge madly. The clouds are surging and surging, even a little bit to the ground.

The rolling dark cloud is like a long horned devil stretching out its tentacle. Choose people from the ground.

"Is this... An illusion?" Wang Yong said suspiciously.

He's just been injected with drugs, and it's no surprise that he has this hallucination. But why does Wang Yong think this situation is especially true?

He even has a premonition that if ye Nan is not stopped, all the people in the whole stockade will be swallowed up and become the blood gas for the dark clouds.

"Hell Wang Yong was a bit irritable.

He suspected that he had fallen into the double confusion of reality and illusion, a typical drug addiction sequela. I can't tell whether I am in reality or delusion.

"Calm down! Calm down Wang Yong tried to calm himself down.

But it's totally useless. Ye Nan's chanting voice is just like a magic spell, which urges Wang Yong to be manic.

A stream of resentment in the heart, let Wang Yong want to jump out to kill.

He was inexplicably angry, angry at these people's evil, angry at these people's contempt for justice. It's like a challenge to your dignity.

Unconsciously, Wang Yong pulled his finger on the trigger.

He didn't even look at the sniper mirror. He just fired with the impression.

When the bullet was fired, Wang Yongcai was horrified. You know, at the moment, the wa women are tied up with big cat's men. They will hurt the wa women by mistake!

But the next scene surprised Wang Yong.

The bullet actually accurately evaded the wa woman and hit a bandit!

The bandit fell to the ground with a tilt.

And in Wang Yong's illusion, when the man fell down, his blood was instantly sucked away by the dark clouds, and he died.

After killing people, Wang Yong's anger eased slightly. At the same time, there is also a stronger desire to kill.

Still not looking, Wang Yong pulled the trigger again.

The bullet roared out in the dark and exploded at the other end the next second.

A skull burst in the air. The man was hiding behind a wa woman. Just now, it was just a glance, but Wang Yong was keen to seize the opportunity and shot to death.

Even killing two people, Wang Yong is more and more interested. The bullets were fired continuously, and the strange thing is that no matter how the bandits hide, as long as they are exposed within the range of *, Wang Yong can hit them accurately.

It's just like shooting bullets, but one by one with automatic cruise.

In an instant, blood was everywhere. There are many cracks and splashes on the ground, and many more splashes on the wa women.

But those women not only did not have a trace of fear, but the expression of more sacred, eyes with joy. It seems that muyiji is happy to hear their prayers.

Soon, all the bandits died in Wang Yong's hands, leaving big cat alone.

It's really good for big cat to hide. Wang Yong can't hit him from this angle. Unless the bullet can turn or use *, it can break through the boulder.

Seeing that he couldn't kill the cat for the time being, Wang Yong felt anxious, as if the task had not been completed.

Brush, Wang Yong does not consciously get up, want to change the direction of shooting.

But at this time, I saw the big cat hiding in the hollow with a flash of vision, and seemed to guess something. He jumped out abruptly and pinched Ye Nan's neck.

"Damn, I don't know what evil means you used, but I can see clearly. As long as I kill you, the evil situation will disappear! You die for me Big cat said in a vicious voice.

Holding Ye Nan's hand more and more hard, ye Nan's chanting voice is gradually invisible.

But ye Nan still hummed her lips, trying to pronounce the syllables.

When Wang Yong saw this scene, his anxiety suddenly reached the top, just like his things were about to be damaged.

He stood up with blood in his eyes, staring at the cat.

At this time, big cat also found Wang Yong, who took the initiative to expose his whereabouts. He said in a sudden and resentful way: "who do I think it is? It's you! It seems to be a mistake that I didn't do it directly. "

Wang Yong didn't speak, but aimed his gun at the cat.

The cat grinned grimly and said, "shoot, if you have the ability, shoot! If I die, she won't live! "

Big cat hides his body completely behind Ye Nan. If Wang Yong shoots rashly, he will definitely hit Ye Nan.

At this time, ye Nan was pinched by the cat's neck. She was pale and gradually withered. From time to time out of the mouth of a syllable, but it is weak.

Don't know why, Wang Yong becomes anxious. It seems that the mantra Ye Nan recites has something to do with him. He can only survive in Ye Nan's mantra.

Seeing that Wang Yong didn't dare to shoot, big cat began to laugh and scolded: "aren't you very powerful just now? Why not now? You think I don't understand, Ye is the key! Without her, there would be no extraordinary performance from you! As long as I kill Ye Nan, everything will return to its original state! "

Say, big cat hand force, want to crush Ye Nan's Adam's apple.

At this time, I suddenly heard a shrill cry behind the cat, but Yi she suddenly jumped up and jumped on the cat.

She bit the cat's back neck with her teeth, and her bound hands moved forward difficultly to grasp the cat's corner.

Fall hard to the side.

Caught off guard, big cat was immediately brought to the ground by the Iraqi society and exposed to Wang Yong's sniper range.

Without hesitation, Wang Yong pulled the trigger and shot a bullet.

Big cat's eyes showed a look of panic. He struggled violently to avoid the bullet.

But the Yi society behind him, just as he expected the cat would struggle, bit the cat's teeth on the back of the neck and held the cat's head in place.

"No... no!" The cat let out a cry of despair.

The next second, the bullet went into his eyes and exploded, half of his back skull.

The cat twitched a few times, her expression stopped, and there was no sound.

Yi she, who had been biting the cat's back neck, had a little smile on her lips, as if she had got what she wanted. He closed his eyes slowly.

After the explosion, however, the bullet had no loss of kinetic energy and rolled into the skull of the Iraqi society.

Two lives with one shot.

The Iraqi society exchanged its own life for revenge for its people.

Ye Nan fell to the ground, and it took a long time for her to relax. She saw the scene in front of her, without sadness or joy, with a touch of indifference on her face.

Touch the ghost head big knife on the ground, ye Nan's eyes don't blink for a moment, hand up knife fall, see big cat whole head was cut off.

With the tip of the knife to pick the cat's head, ye Nan put the bloody head under the dark cloud.

Then there's a buzz in my mouth, I don't know what I'm reciting.

The next second saw a thick blood gas rush into the dark clouds.

At this time, Wang Yong was standing in the same place, his eyes changed, sometimes confused, sometimes angry, sometimes happy, and sometimes greedy.

It's like being possessed by something.

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