Ye Nan looks at Wang Yong and seems to have expected this scene for a long time.

She recited a mantra and said respectfully to Wang Yong: "Mr. muyiji, thank you for your revenge for our people. I'll send you back now. "

With that, the blade in his hand poked hard at the ground. With the sound of the bell, the ground gave out the sound of gold and iron, which should have been in the soft soil, revealing a green slate.

Ye Nan carefully removed the floating soil around the bluestone slab, and the bluestone slab showed the whole picture.

It's an altar with weird images.

From a distance, the image looks like a squatting villain with a row of short wings behind it, similar to the six winged angel in the West. It's just that the wings are much shorter and much harder. Like a sword, like a sword, pierce the sky.

The villain squatted on a pillar, on which was carved an animal like a cow and a tiger.

Hulu, niuhu and Mugu are the four totems of Wa nationality. In addition to the wooden drum, the other three elements of this strange altar are all together.


At this time, I suddenly heard a dull drum sound, like a dull thunder in the bottom of my heart.

Looking at Ye Nan, I don't know where to get a huge wooden drum. It's two meters long. It's like a log just cut down.

The Wa people believe that wooden drums can communicate with gods and have souls, so they have to offer sacrifices and build houses for them. Wooden drum is a kind of artifact. In the past, in addition to drumming and gathering people in major religious activities and military operations, it was seldom knocked at ordinary times, and it was also forbidden to enter the drum room and knock wooden drum indiscriminately.

Ye Nan at the moment suddenly sounded the drum, obviously not for fun, not to celebrate the success of revenge.

Her eyes were fixed on Wang Yong, as if she aimed at Wang Yong.

Dong! Dong Dong! Dong Dong!

The drumming goes on one by one, two by one, and three by two. It's like a thunder sensation in the sky. It booms and spreads until it's next to people's ears. It's deafening.

The wooden drum that ye Nan knocked is made of horse Eagle tree, which has a history of more than 200 years.

Even if the interval is so long, a hammer down, still drum loud, can spread for several miles.

In this drum sound, Wang Yong's eyes gradually become clear, and the strange emotion is disappearing. It's like waking up from a big dream and waking up.

Ye Nan saw this, the drum can't help beating more loud, also don't know where she a weak woman from such a great strength, unexpectedly can knock out such a big drum sound.

For a time, the whole world is only heavy drums, beating in people's heart, making people's heart beat faster unconsciously with the drums.

Suddenly, Wang Yong, who was about to see clearly, suddenly shuddered, but his eyes turned into the chaos before. All kinds of emotions appear alternately, like a lantern in the eye.

"No! Muyiji won't go! " Ye Nan was surprised. The drums became more intensive, like rain falling on the ground and crackling.

The dark cloud in mid air also whistled, and the pressure became lower and lower. The chilly air in the dark cloud made everyone can't help fighting a cold war.

PATA, Wang Yong dropped the gun in his hand and unconsciously walked towards Ye Nan.

He had a strange step. He turned his feet and almost fell to the ground. At first glance, it didn't look like a person, on the contrary, it was some kind of animal walking upright.

Ye Nan sees this scene, the anxious color in the eye becomes more and more thick.

She gritted her teeth, touched the ghost knife on the ground and scratched it on her white arm.

Gurgling blood suddenly drops on the drum, ye Nan ignores to stop bleeding, takes the drumstick to strike fiercely.

A sound like thunder, toward the direction of Wang Yong spread away.

But Wang Yong's figure was only affected a little. After a little pause, he immediately moved towards Ye Nan.

Eyes also become extremely fierce, see ye Nan and others is like looking at a delicious food.

"Muyiji is going to take us! Muyiji is going to take us! " At this time, a wa woman knelt on the ground in fear and cried out.

When she called, the others fell on their knees and kowtowed to Wang Yong.

Ye Nan falls to the ground dejectedly, looking at Wang Yong who is gradually coming, showing a touch of apology in his eyes.

"Sorry, I hurt you! Our great muyiji, why did you become like this? That's not your body Ye Murong, said Wang Yong.

At this time, Wang Yong has come to the front of Ye Nan. He greedily examines Ye Nan's bare upper body and looks back and forth in Ye Nan's chest.

Suddenly a deep roar came out of his throat, and his hands were about to grasp Ye Nan.

Ye Nan, on the other hand, seems to have accepted his fate. His eyes are closed and he doesn't dodge.

See Wang Yong will seize Ye Nan, see his fierce eyes, obviously want to put Ye nan to death.

"The little monster dares to learn from others. Do you want to die?" At this time, a cold female voice suddenly rang out in the void.

If Wang Yong is conscious, he will definitely shout. Because he had heard the sound in his dream, and he seemed to have known each other before.

The girl's voice vibrates in the air, and the seven skilful pendant hanging around Wang Yong's neck suddenly emits bursts of red light, like a flashing signal light.

The red light slowly penetrated into Wang Yong's face and eyes. Every time the red light flickered, the ferocity in Wang Yong's eyes disappeared.

When the red light flashed for more than ten years, Wang Yong's eyes were clear, and there was no strange emotion.

Then Wang Yong shivered and woke up.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he was stunned.

How did he run to Ye Nan's body? There are so many corpses on the ground, all of them died of head blow. The cat's corpse was in a different place. It was obvious that there was a certain period of time when we looked at the stiffness of the corpse. Who killed them?

What's the matter with all this?

Wang Yong only felt his head was in a mess, and he couldn't remember anything.

"Damn it, drug addiction is really harmful!" Wang Yong naturally attributed the headache to drug addiction.

But I didn't notice that there was a faint red light in the seven tips.

And ye Nan was staring at Wang Yong, as if he were looking at an alien.

After a long time, she suddenly said, "what's that on you?"

"What?" Wang Yong's father-in-law, who was asked, was confused.

"That one." Ye Nan pointed to Wang Yong's chest.

"Well, jade pendant. Because the shape is like seven tips and exquisite heart, so it is called seven tips and exquisite. What's the matter? "

Ye Nan doesn't answer, but stares at the seven tricks in Wang Yong's hand. After a while, he suddenly shakes his head.

I don't know what she's thinking.

"Inexplicable..." Wang Yong murmured and then asked“ You killed all these people? "

If you say something, you know it's wrong. These people are obviously shot to death, ye Nan can't use a gun, how can she kill them?

Is it the other sniper?

Wang Yong clearly remembered that there was a sniper hidden in his 12 o'clock direction.

"When is that friend going to hide? Not yet? " Wang Yong raised his voice and called to the grass at 12 o'clock.

As soon as the words fell, I heard the sound of the rope in the grass, and then a man came out.

The man was still holding a gun, and the muzzle of the gun was still facing Wang Yong.

"Triangle eye? How could it be you When Wang Yong saw the man's face, he was surprised.

That sniper is triangle eye! Big cat's confidant!

How can triangle eye betray big cat and shoot his former brother?

Which play is on?

Ye Nan, however, just like he didn't see the triangle eye, still stares at the seven tricks in Wang Yong's hand indifferently, as if there is infinite magic in that knuckle sized thing.

Wang Yong was a little embarrassed by Ye Nan.

If it is normal, ye Nan is naked now, and the two white jade peaks are exposed in front of Wang Yong's eyes, but they are naturally shrunk by the cold wind and stand upright. Let Wang Yong heart has an impulse, can't help but want to reach out to Yingying a grip, touch that feel.

"Cough!" Wang Yong embarrassed light cough two, want to remind Ye Nan.

But ye Nan seemed unheard of, still motionless.

Finally, Wang Yong couldn't stand it. He stretched out his hand, with a slight tremor, pulled the lapels of Ye Nan's two sides to the middle, and then tied the button gently.

Just in the process of fastening the button, Wang Yong's fingers accidentally touched the tiny bud, which made Wang Yong feel like a wave in his heart, almost unable to hold it.

Ye Nan didn't respond during the whole process. Her eyes fell back to Wang Yong's chest along with Qiqiao Linglong, and she also looked at Wang Yong's chest.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yong was a little angry: "is this woman too mean? When someone looks at your chest, do you have to look back? "

Thinking, Wang Yong abruptly covers his chest with both hands and refuses Ye Nan's retaliation of tooth for tooth and eye for eye.


The vision is blocked, at this time the leaf mumbles to just wake up.

She took a look at Wang Yong, and then at her buttoned skirt. She was as smart as she knew immediately what had happened. Her face turned red and she turned away.

"Wang Yong, I didn't expect you to shoot so well. It seems that the old cat was not wronged this time. He met a real master Triangle eye slowly came forward, muzzle is always facing Wang Yong, said.

It can be seen that he is very afraid of Wang Yong. I'm not willing to relax my vigilance until now.

On the contrary, Wang Yong didn't care at all. Wang Yong looked at it with great interest and asked, "I guess you got the old cat idea from the beginning? But it's your skill not to be noticed by the old cat for such a long time. "

"Well, so what? So what if it's not? It's none of your business. I didn't kill them to save you, much less to save these wa women. I don't care about your life or death at all. What I care about is the things that the old cat snatched. " Triangle eye cold channel.

His purpose is for those Jadeites worth more than 200 million.

Money and silk move people's hearts, and triangle eye seems to betray people just because of this.

With a smile, Wang Yong shook his finger and said, "I'm sorry, no one can move those things. I told the police to give it back. "

"You want to die?" The triangle eye mouth corner trembles, on the face comes out a wipe of anger.

"It's up to us who's going to die. I bet you can't hit me with one shot. Do you dare to play? " Wang Yong looked at the triangle eye with a smile and said suddenly.

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