It can be said that it was the arrival of Wang Yong who provided the two bodyguards with an excellent opportunity.

But Wu Deng didn't understand why they were in such a hurry. Although the opportunity this time is good, some people carry the pot for them. But after Wu Deng was killed, they may not be able to escape.

Two uzzies * firepower is enough. It's OK to kill dozens of people. But the security guards of Wudeng Casino are not targets of human flesh. They will not be allowed to kill.

Once the war starts, it's hard to tell the truth.

No matter how they look at it, the timing of the two men's attack seems to be a little anxious, as if they can't wait.

On one side, Gregory, who was hit by Lin Qianyan, struggled to get up. He is still a little dizzy. He was hit by Lin Qianyan just now, just like he was hit by a car.

He couldn't figure out how much power a little girl would have.

And the sudden turn, also let Gregory a little confused. These two bodyguards have been following the boss for two years. How did they become traitors? Assassinate the boss? Can they do this kind of thing?

Who doesn't know Wu Teng's ruthlessness in Yangon? If the assassination is not successful, the punishment waiting for them will be more unbearable than death. They must understand this, but they still did it without hesitation.

There are only two possibilities. One is that the person behind it promises enough benefits. On the other hand, the power of the leader was greater than that of Wu Deng.

Thinking of the last possibility, Gregory couldn't help fighting a cold war.

Having stayed in Myanmar for such a long time, he is familiar with the situation in Myanmar. If this is the case, then he will no doubt be in a turbulent vortex. If Wu Deng falls, he will be cleaned up. To put it bluntly, this is the struggle between the two forces.

The gods fight, the kids suffer. Gregory is the kid who's going to suffer.

With a click, Wang Yong stepped forward and kicked out the * on the other bodyguard.

Although both bodyguards were shot, they were not hurt to death. They were still breathing.

Wu Deng looked at them with a cold face, his eyelids beating.

He was really scared just now. First, he was scared by Wang Yong, thinking that Wang Yong really shot at him. And the possibility of hiding in his state is almost zero. But then he woke up to find that Wang Yong's goal was not him.

But the surprise didn't last for half a second, and he realized the danger of the two bodyguards.

It can be said that there are ups and downs. Until now, the heart is still beating.

There may be some people who say that "Mount Tai has collapsed and never changed his face", but how many people can really do it? Even after so much gunfire, Wu Deng's heart was still palpitating in the face of death.

He squatted down and patted a bodyguard's face with his hand. He was disappointed and said, "I didn't expect that you two would betray me. You two have been with me for two years, haven't you

The bodyguard spat out a mouthful of blood foam and said: "two years and three months."

"Two years and three months, have I ever treated you badly in such a long time?"

"No... No. The boss treated us like a mountain of kindness and never owed us anything. " The bodyguard answered intermittently.

"Then why are you doing this?" Wu Deng's eyes showed deep regret and sadness.

No matter who is betrayed by the people around you, it will be sad.

"It's not that we're going to do it... It's that we're forced to do it."

Wu Deng smelled the speech, and a trace of murderous spirit flashed across his face. He said in a cold voice, "who? Meet this kind of thing you can tell me, I give you think of a way! You don't have to go this way! "

"Old... Boss, you are not his opponent... Hurry up... Leave Rangoon..."

When the bodyguard finished this sentence, he immediately began to gasp, like a dying fish, beating his tail, but he could not resist the passing of life.

Soon, the pupils gradually expand and the eyes lose their vitality.

He died.

Another bodyguard never spoke. His injury was lighter. Wang Yong controlled it well and didn't hit his vital part.

He took a look at Wu Deng and murmured, "I'm sorry, boss." suddenly he jumped up and rushed to Wu Deng.

Seeing this, the security guard behind him shot in a hurry, only to hear the sound of gunfire. The bodyguard was killed in an instant, and a large amount of blood flowed from his body.

He wanted to die on purpose.

After his death, there was always a smile on his face. It seems gratifying to be in this situation.

Although the task failed, they didn't do anything to upset their conscience.

Wu Deng stood up, his face stained with a drop of blood, he did not care.

He looked at the distance, eyes surging out of bursts of crazy look, mouth slowly spit out two words: "Kunde!"

Hearing the name, Wang Yong and Lin Qian's eyes were shocked and looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, Kunde was behind this incident!

In this way, the whole thing is just like the will of heaven, mysteriously gathered together.

"Rangoon opened a new casino last month. Someone once said they wanted to cooperate with me, but I refused. At that time, they would send out cruel words to let me not regret. I didn't care. After all, I've been in Yangon for such a long time, and I haven't been afraid of anyone. Later, I found out that Kunde was probably the boss behind the new casino. Kunde had just arrived in Yangon and wanted to develop his own industry. It happened that my backers in the government didn't agree with him, so he came up with the idea of a big casino in Rangoon. "

Wu Deng went to the table, wiped the blood on his face and said slowly.

"I have been naive to think that even if Kunde is the boss behind the scenes, Kunde may not dare to tear his face in public. But I didn't expect that he was so reckless and so anxious. Now he can't wait to attack me. "

Wang Yong said with a smile, "maybe I know the reason why Kunde is worried."

Wu Dengyi was stunned. Then I thought that Kunde was at war with Peng Jiasheng. What's wrong with the front line? Kunde had to find a financial source to increase military expenditure?

However, according to Wu Deng's information, Peng Jiasheng's allies are not only inferior to Kunde's in number, but also inferior in equipment. No matter how poor Kunde is, he can't even win the allies, can he?

Seeing Wang Yong's eyes, Wu Deng nodded and said to Gregory, "Gregory, you go out first. Although these two men betrayed me, they have done things under my hands, so they should not do too much. Let's bury it. "

This is the most benevolent, can give these two bodyguards a funeral is good. Other people would have hung up for a long time.

When all the people in the room were clean, Wu dengchong and Wang Yong bowed their hands and said, "please sit down. I haven't asked your name yet."

"Wang Yong."

"Lin Qianyan."

After reporting his name, Wang Yong and Lin Qianyan sat down.

"Just now Mr. Wang said that he knew the reason why Kunde jumped off the wall in a hurry. What is the reason?" Wu asked.

"You've made it very clear that the dog is jumping over the wall. Who else can push Kunde's dog out of the wall except commander Peng? " Wang Yong deliberately gave a half true and half false answer.

"Oh? Now he's grown to this point? " Wu Deng was obviously surprised.

Wang Yong looked around, made a mysterious appearance, suddenly lowered his voice and said: "to tell you the truth, commander Peng has been supported by a certain party. In the exchange of fire a few days ago, Kunde was almost beheaded by commander Peng's special forces. Not surprisingly, commander Peng is 70% or 80% sure of winning the battle. You say Kunde can't be upset? Can't you jump over the wall in a hurry? If he is defeated, he will be finished. Not to mention the position of the government, it is difficult to protect oneself. Can a tiger without teeth and claws be called a tiger? It's just a bigger cat at most! "

Wu Deng's eyes flickered.

He has heard the news Wang Yong said, but it is not detailed. After all, he had nothing to do with the front-line fighting, and he could not learn more. But yesterday Kunde suddenly returned to Rangoon. I heard that he was still in a state of rage. This is thought-provoking.

If what Wang Yong said is true, Kunde's attitude will be explained.

The front line was tight, forcing Kunde to come back and move the rescue troops. But war demands money. Kunde has long been eyeing the Rangoon casino. This time, he just wants to get rid of Wu Deng and take it to the casino for military expenses.

It's a pity that the scheme didn't succeed.

Kunde never expected that Wang Yong would appear in the Yangon casino and save Wu Dengyi's life.

"What's the purpose of Peng Sheng's sending two of you?" Wu Deng asked immediately.

"Well..." Wang Yong pondered for a while, then raised his hand to cut his throat on his neck.

Wu Deng was shocked by this action, but then he shot a decisive look in his eyes.

With a bang, Wu Deng slapped the table: "OK, I'll help you with that! Even if there is no hatred with Kunde, I have no reason not to help Peng Sheng when he wrote to me. Besides, now all the old and new hatred have come together. Kunde is also my enemy

It was beyond Wang Yong's expectation to make a decision so soon. Wang Yong thought Wu Deng had to think about it for a long time.

It's not necessary to say the benefits of success. In case of failure, it's over. Wu Teng's foundation in Rangoon will be handed over to others and become a poor man.

As if seeing Wang Yong's doubts, Wu dengshuanglang said with a smile, "it's nothing to be afraid of when people die and birds face the sky! I'll go to Guobang and fight guerrillas with Peng Sheng! "

Wang Yong exclaimed: "boss Wu is so bold. But I'm afraid you can't wait for commander Peng to fight guerrillas. Now the allies have changed their guns. Even if you let them fight guerrillas, they may not want to. "

Listening to Wang Yong's words, Wu Deng immediately added some confidence to his heart. Of course, he will not believe Wang Yong's words, he has his own channel to verify.

Whether it is true or not, I believe we will get the answer soon, which will also determine the strength of his help to Wang Yong and Wang Yong.

"Boss Wu, it's not too late. We're going to start tomorrow night. We don't need any other help. We just need to get some guns for us and help us retreat. In addition, if you have a map of Kunde's residence, you'd better get one. " Wang Yongdao.

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